Don't you get tired of "the tango"? Any member in good standing can file charges on any officer, either national or local and provided that the charges meet the constitutional requirements, the TWU has no choice, there will be a trial. You of all people should know this because after all, weren't you removed?
We are all aware that there has been a division between the lines and bases and it's not a perceived one and it hasn't been propagated by one more than the other. Both are equally guilty. The fact is that if we don't fix it, we'll all pay in the end. It's in the best interest of everyone involved if we address the issues germane, in a joint venture rather than continue to pursue them as two separate groups. We all know that the bases have the voting power and that's why the bases should champion the causes that affect our line brothers and vise versa.
As far as the base leadership supporting things that hurt the lines, not to defend the actions of any but that has happened with leadership on each side. It's guys like Dave, Bob, Ken and others that spur this kind of hate and discontent. You can tell by your posts that if things aren't as you guys perceive, than you consider others as idiots. Frankly that’s a typical sign of hypocrisy, truthlessness and the acts of egomaniacs who desire to be something that they are not.