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Line Maintenance Not Enthusiastic!

. . . like a spineless alias using poster such as yourself. 😉

I know we've touched on this before, but could you remind me again why only some posters warrant the "you're lower than a scab because you post under an alias" label and why others get a free pass?

There's AMFA Dave, for instance, who's posted under numerous usernames. For a while it was a new one every few months. Never a peep from you about how spineless he is for doing so. Same for dozens of other regular posters here. Never see you call out NH/BBs, for instance. Or Princess the anime fan. Or hopeful. Or AMFAMAN. The list goes on. But someone disagrees with you and predictably - you mention how spineless they are for not posting under their real name.

What I find odd is that you're a very principled man in most respects - I've been to the Balboa Park aerospace museum and respect your efforts to honor aircraft mechanics. But seems like you only apply the "must post under your real name or else you're a spineless coward" principle to some of the people here.

You're a broken record on the subject; truth be told, there's only two of you who are regular posters here who don't post under an alias - you and Mr Owens. Maybe FA Mikey and jimntx escape the label given that their alias contains their first names. Maybe there's a few others like that as well. IMO, every poster here save for you two (and maybe the two FAs) are spineless cowards.
Ken, Chuck, and Bob,

I really enjoyed reading the article in the Tulsa World on Saturday. You guys seem to be the voice that the company does not want to admit exists.
I have explained many, many, times to people here at Tulsa that the line guys in expensive cost of living areas are really getting clobbered much more than the rest of us here in Tulsa the exception being the A&P mechanics that were bumped to OSM and also lost their license pay on top of their 17% paycuts for a total paycut of around 40%-I honestly don't know what keeps these skilled individuals around. A 40% paycut for a licensed mechanic is unacceptable.
Some people are sympathetic and some care more about themselves.
The company needs to wake up to the fact that they have serious morale problems rather than ignoring the problems and treating them as something that doesn't exist. I was not surprised by reports that during the CNBC base tour the people they interviewed were hand picked 'yes' men. The company can continue to push for more and more if they want but IMHO cause and effect actions will occur.
Ken, I'm proud of your efforts in informing the general public about our profession,our chosen craft, its history and Mr. Taylor's contributions. What we do is more than just a job. Keep up the good work Ken! I noticed fund raising for the Charlie Taylor busts these days seems to take hours rather than weeks now.
The company can try to make assembly line workers out of all of us if they wish-it should be very entertaining for everyone involved.
Have any of you guys seen the posters going around Tulsa where Mr.Romano is Dr. Evil and Burchette is Minnie Me. The're a riot!
I know we've touched on this before, but could you remind me again why only some posters warrant the "you're lower than a scab because you post under an alias" label and why others get a free pass?

There's AMFA Dave, for instance, who's posted under numerous usernames. For a while it was a new one every few months. Never a peep from you about how spineless he is for doing so. Same for dozens of other regular posters here. Never see you call out NH/BBs, for instance. Or Princess the anime fan. Or hopeful. Or AMFAMAN. The list goes on. But someone disagrees with you and predictably - you mention how spineless they are for not posting under their real name.

What I find odd is that you're a very principled man in most respects - I've been to the Balboa Park aerospace museum and respect your efforts to honor aircraft mechanics. But seems like you only apply the "must post under your real name or else you're a spineless coward" principle to some of the people here.

You're a broken record on the subject; truth be told, there's only two of you who are regular posters here who don't post under an alias - you and Mr Owens. Maybe FA Mikey and jimntx escape the label given that their alias contains their first names. Maybe there's a few others like that as well. IMO, every poster here save for you two (and maybe the two FAs) are spineless cowards.

fwaa, in a nut shell: My point about using an alias is one of credibility in knowing whom is speaking to whom. Using an alias does NOT make one a "spineless coward".

What makes soemone a "spineless coward" is when that individual belittles another persons efforts to better promote/protect our proud craft & profession.

You mention AMFA Dave and others that I do not call out for using an alias. That is because these posters are answering the lies and slanderous efforts of the true cowards on these BBs. You must admit, everytime a person makes a post mentioning the twu's shortcomings or management's attempts to BS the work force it is met with a person, more than likely a twu stooge afraid of losing his no work, do nothing union position or a company tool trying to deflect the truth with twisted half truths, and attack the original poster.

If I sound like a broken record then have pto, fm, hss identify themselves, not when they post but when they ATTACK the truth with their fantasy world images. Honestly, most alias' are rather original and humorous. As for an alias the twu has referedto me as "The Poison Pen". I kinda like that one but prefer my real name when posting.

Thanks for respecting my efforts in having the SAN museum's bust of Charlie on display as well as my efforts in promoting our proud craft. It is a shame that pto, fm and hss do not realize the importance of educating the public about Mr. Taylor and today's AMTs.
I know we've touched on this before, but could you remind me again why only some posters warrant the "you're lower than a scab because you post under an alias" label and why others get a free pass?

There's AMFA Dave, for instance, who's posted under numerous usernames. For a while it was a new one every few months. Never a peep from you about how spineless he is for doing so. Same for dozens of other regular posters here. Never see you call out NH/BBs, for instance. Or Princess the anime fan. Or hopeful. Or AMFAMAN. The list goes on. But someone disagrees with you and predictably - you mention how spineless they are for not posting under their real name.

What I find odd is that you're a very principled man in most respects - I've been to the Balboa Park aerospace museum and respect your efforts to honor aircraft mechanics. But seems like you only apply the "must post under your real name or else you're a spineless coward" principle to some of the people here.

You're a broken record on the subject; truth be told, there's only two of you who are regular posters here who don't post under an alias - you and Mr Owens. Maybe FA Mikey and jimntx escape the label given that their alias contains their first names. Maybe there's a few others like that as well. IMO, every poster here save for you two (and maybe the two FAs) are spineless cowards.

Why not just post your name. What are you afraid of. Afraid you might get singled out because of what you say.
Or maybe you come to this board to stir the pot. 😉
It is a shame that pto, fm and hss do not realize the importance of educating the public about Mr. Taylor and today's AMTs.

Really? I've already said that what you've done with regard to AMTA is worthy of note, and despite all the crap you and your Hateorade drinking friends have heaped towards me over the past six years, I actually supported the idea of getting rid of the TWU for a more democratic CBU. Had one of the more idiotic AMFA supporters I've ever come across not tried to get me fired a few years back, perhaps I'd be a bit more sympathetic to AMFA's plight.

You can, however, go screw yourself with a bottle jack for trying to compare me to HSS and pto.

Then again, I've come to expect this type of reaction from you and others. As soon as you run out of arguments, you go after people personally.

Sad. That's probably why people stopped taking the AMFA supporters seriously.
No, outing is when someone tries to hide it and squeals to the moderator about it. I've never hid who I am, and those who are long time participants know this.

Ditto Ken,

But you have to admit, no matter what union you support AA has laid of less maintenance personal than UAL, DA, CA, NWA, Alaska, ECT.

I don't cut down AA or AA maintenace, you and management need to continue to work together to see that Tulsa, Alliance, MCI, and others prevail. You will ALL prove to upper managemant EVERYWHERE that AA as a whole survived post 9/11 intact more than any other airline in the world.

But I am sure that P.K. with his intimate wisdom knows more about the aviation industry than any one in the world to. Keep that pecker hard P.K. you deserve it :up:
"Sad. That's probably why people stopped taking the AMFA supporters seriously."

What people might you be talking about? The SCAB the twu hired to heckle from across the street from the Brady Theatre? Maybe the people you talk about are the one's who aren't even in my craft & class and tend to stand around rented coffins? Or perhaps you speak about the self appointed "Team Bubba" mouth piece kirk "bad check" wells? (By the way, where is the "To the doors and stop!" chanting self proclaimed, non license providing, A&P hiding these days?) Pray tell, you aren't speaking about all the dead people or other airline employees included in the representational election? Of course, you must be speaking about hss, pto & bill!

By the way Eric, what crap have I heaped upon you? If you are speaking about my stating fact in response to your posts I appologize for the added weight of facts that you must carry after reading my posts on this BB. B)
Really? I've already said that what you've done with regard to AMTA is worthy of note, and despite all the crap you and your Hateorade drinking friends have heaped towards me over the past six years, I actually supported the idea of getting rid of the TWU for a more democratic CBU. Had one of the more idiotic AMFA supporters I've ever come across not tried to get me fired a few years back, perhaps I'd be a bit more sympathetic to AMFA's plight.

You can, however, go screw yourself with a bottle jack for trying to compare me to HSS and pto.

Then again, I've come to expect this type of reaction from you and others. As soon as you run out of arguments, you go after people personally.

Sad. That's probably why people stopped taking the AMFA supporters seriously.

Maybe the "fans" you have FM are because of your rogue manAAgement and scab lovin' stanted bias??? The more management lies and dirty tricks the better right FM? Your statements in no way shape or form indicates any support for any union worker. No matter what you state, you have shown your true colors here and on the other BB where you lived. If you supported the changing of unions, that's only because you got tired of hearing the battle rage here and on Holly's BB.

How did an AMFA supporter try to get you terminated? Sounds like another manAAgement BS story. I think you still have Dave-itis. Maybe we can get him to come back just for you. 😉

AMFA supporters realize that arrogAAnce prevails with management people like yourself. We know all too well what management types think of front line workers. Its well documented at AA and in this industry. Like the twu, the only time your management type sees a threat is when the cards are filed with the NMB. :shock:

One question, if your up and out of the nightmare at AA making big $$$, why the hell do you torcher yourself with our agony?? Just wondering why your still here if your so disgusted with us union peons. 🙄

You can go toss-off in the corner as far as I am concerned. :down:
Ditto Ken,

But you have to admit, no matter what union you support AA has laid of less maintenance personal than UAL, DA, CA, NWA, Alaska, ECT.

I don't cut down AA or AA maintenace, you and management need to continue to work together to see that Tulsa, Alliance, MCI, and others prevail. You will ALL prove to upper managemant EVERYWHERE that AA as a whole survived post 9/11 intact more than any other airline in the world.

But I am sure that P.K. with his intimate wisdom knows more about the aviation industry than any one in the world to. Keep that pecker hard P.K. you deserve it :up:


In order to work together with AA management, which I am willing to do, will require respect on the part of management if ANY prevailing is to be accomplished. The respect I am speaking about is that given to a work force that is valued for their responsibilities. "Profit center", "Profit center", "Profit center" is all we hear on the line. I agree let's make a profit but you CAN NOT make a profit if you do not have the work force to accomplish this goal. You CAN NOT make a profit with a demoralized work force that is asked to give back pay & benefits only to have the same managemnt asking for this sacrifice to take millions in bonuses.

I'm willing to work together. Is AA?