. . . like a spineless alias using poster such as yourself. 😉
I know we've touched on this before, but could you remind me again why only some posters warrant the "you're lower than a scab because you post under an alias" label and why others get a free pass?
There's AMFA Dave, for instance, who's posted under numerous usernames. For a while it was a new one every few months. Never a peep from you about how spineless he is for doing so. Same for dozens of other regular posters here. Never see you call out NH/BBs, for instance. Or Princess the anime fan. Or hopeful. Or AMFAMAN. The list goes on. But someone disagrees with you and predictably - you mention how spineless they are for not posting under their real name.
What I find odd is that you're a very principled man in most respects - I've been to the Balboa Park aerospace museum and respect your efforts to honor aircraft mechanics. But seems like you only apply the "must post under your real name or else you're a spineless coward" principle to some of the people here.
You're a broken record on the subject; truth be told, there's only two of you who are regular posters here who don't post under an alias - you and Mr Owens. Maybe FA Mikey and jimntx escape the label given that their alias contains their first names. Maybe there's a few others like that as well. IMO, every poster here save for you two (and maybe the two FAs) are spineless cowards.