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Line Maintenance Not Enthusiastic!

BTW This felon has been spotted in Tulsa stripping and waxing floors in the superviser's offices, guess he lost his position as an OSM.
Huh? I thought the twu felon had a A@P? Is the felon no longer a twu International "organizer"? My, my, how can the twu International do it with out Kirky?.

Stipping and waxing floors? :lol: :up: :lol: :up:
BTW This felon has been spotted in Tulsa stripping and waxing floors in the superviser's offices, guess he lost his position as an OSM.

The correct word might be polishing. I'm sure he was polishing something of the supervisors,but not the floors.
A thread about an article about a thread...genius. Somehow the topic isn't any fresher.
You mechanics at AA should do EVERYTHING in your power to make this work for YOU and AA. Lets see, it's 5 years after 9-11 and AA IS THE ONLY EMPLOYER who didn't slaughter the maintenance ranks by the thousands.

What the F&^k are you guys whining about? When all the other majors hacked off every limb they could in maintenance! You guys better understand that 100K over 5 to 6 years IS workable! You want to fight them then you'll follow right behind UAL, DAL, CA, NWA, and others to find you don't have a POT TO PISS IN!

Paging Steve Gambel, this an old war buddy (DALFORT) looking for you! Shoot me an e-mail!
You mechanics at AA should do EVERYTHING in your power to make this work for YOU and AA. Lets see, it's 5 years after 9-11 and AA IS THE ONLY EMPLOYER who didn't slaughter the maintenance ranks by the thousands.

What the F&^k are you guys whining about? When all the other majors hacked off every limb they could in maintenance! You guys better understand that 100K over 5 to 6 years IS workable! You want to fight them then you'll follow right behind UAL, DAL, CA, NWA, and others to find you don't have a POT TO PISS IN!

Paging Steve Gambel, this an old war buddy (DALFORT) looking for you! Shoot me an e-mail!

Advice from someone who works for a soon to be bankrupted airline? Don't you get it,Fish? The TWU "IS" the reason all the other airlines slaughtered their maintenance. They followed AA,not the other way around.

Are you talking about Steve Gambrel? If so, he was working over at DFW. Maybe AMFAMAN can hook you up with that e-mail.
He gave the article 2 thumbs up, so I doubt he wants to talk to someone giving him advice about the twu.

The Steve Grambrel that I worked with at Dalfort definitely wasn't an airline management "suckass" like the "FISH". So,I would agree with your assessment,AMFAMAN.
You mechanics at AA should do EVERYTHING in your power to make this work for YOU and AA. Lets see, it's 5 years after 9-11 and AA IS THE ONLY EMPLOYER who didn't slaughter the maintenance ranks by the thousands.

What the F&^k are you guys whining about? When all the other majors hacked off every limb they could in maintenance! You guys better understand that 100K over 5 to 6 years IS workable! You want to fight them then you'll follow right behind UAL, DAL, CA, NWA, and others to find you don't have a POT TO PISS IN!

Paging Steve Gambel, this an old war buddy (DALFORT) looking for you! Shoot me an e-mail!

No problem! If the company wants this so badly, then they have to give us incentives IN WRITING!!!!!!!!!!

You know, like when the executives get bonuses and "performance" shares of stock. I have no proble with helping the company make money, no problem at all.

I want alot more in incentives if the goal is reached. Not just doubling the $50 AIP payouts.

Watching them make hundreds of millions in dollars in contract work while they tell us "well at least we're not bankrupt" IS UNACCEPTABLE!
You mechanics at AA should do EVERYTHING in your power to make this work for YOU and AA. Lets see, it's 5 years after 9-11 and AA IS THE ONLY EMPLOYER who didn't slaughter the maintenance ranks by the thousands.

What the F&^k are you guys whining about? When all the other majors hacked off every limb they could in maintenance! You guys better understand that 100K over 5 to 6 years IS workable! You want to fight them then you'll follow right behind UAL, DAL, CA, NWA, and others to find you don't have a POT TO PISS IN!

Paging Steve Gambel, this an old war buddy (DALFORT) looking for you! Shoot me an e-mail!

If AA cant meet their bottom line by moving passengers from point A too point B then start hacking the limbs.
If they want to pad their pockets with contract work they can start with my pocket 😉
The Steve Grambrel that I worked with at Dalfort definitely wasn't an airline management "suckass" like the "FISH". So,I would agree with your assessment,AMFAMAN.

P.K. you don't even know me, Steve does and knows what you post here isn't true at all. And Again on F9's demise We'll be debating that for years to come! 😛

AMFAMAN tell Steve to E-mail the FISH. Need to make arrangements to visit him in DFW and go ride the scooters together. THX :up:
You mechanics at AA should do EVERYTHING in your power to make this work for YOU and AA. Lets see, it's 5 years after 9-11 and AA IS THE ONLY EMPLOYER who didn't slaughter the maintenance ranks by the thousands.

What the F&^k are you guys whining about? When all the other majors hacked off every limb they could in maintenance! You guys better understand that 100K over 5 to 6 years IS workable! You want to fight them then you'll follow right behind UAL, DAL, CA, NWA, and others to find you don't have a POT TO PISS IN!

Paging Steve Gambel, this an old war buddy (DALFORT) looking for you! Shoot me an e-mail!
Are you AA management? You sound just like them. Let me remind you we still have thousands (4000?) of mechanics on the street. The massive concessions we gave were supposed to prevent these layoffs, but it was more lies.

The rub is Mr. fish, its not working for the AA mechanics. Line mechanics are unable to make it without two jobs, and many of those not at the Tulsa base (MCI @ AFW) are forced to work two jobs. We have had twu concessions for over 20 years, and there is no end in site. More is never enough. We hacked off our limbs to keep AA out of bankruptcy with the "promise" we would be reimbursed. I guess insulting $50 AIP payouts ($36 after taxes) is all we can expect.

Just like cAArty did in 2003, with a big profit of one quarter under the AA management belt (of course, it was only due to AA's "superior" management skills), upper management has again made the greedy big money grab for themselves. Not only that, apparently lower and middle management also has had all pay cuts restored along with raises over a year ago. What does the AA mechanic recieve? The "Pull Together, Win Together" BS, the PLI and CI work faster, cheaper, better with minimum personel....and the contunued daily threat of job loss and the closing or selloff of the maintenance bases. If I hear the; "Look what happened at XYZ airlines" again I will vomit. I guess the selloff will happen once the bases become a "best in class" MRO and AA management can turn a profit on the sale. A "breakthough" goal I think it is.

How is that $100,000 "workable" again? I keep forgetting. 🙄
You mechanics at AA should do EVERYTHING in your power to make this work for YOU and AA. Lets see, it's 5 years after 9-11 and AA IS THE ONLY EMPLOYER who didn't slaughter the maintenance ranks by the thousands.

What the F&^k are you guys whining about? When all the other majors hacked off every limb they could in maintenance! You guys better understand that 100K over 5 to 6 years IS workable! You want to fight them then you'll follow right behind UAL, DAL, CA, NWA, and others to find you don't have a POT TO PISS IN!

Paging Steve Gambel, this an old war buddy (DALFORT) looking for you! Shoot me an e-mail!

fish, I have always done what I can do to provide a safe, airworthy aircraft. That's just it. You see, the company and union have taken into account the pride and professionalism that the AMTs at AA possess. They laid MANY of us off with "workable" (your words) pay/benefit cuts. What is the result? The AMTs continue to do what we have always done, RESPECT OUR CRAFT, but our aircraft look like crap, have more MELS for longer periods of time, morale is at an all time low, we must work either extensive o/t or work second part time/full time jobs to make ends meet.

What is "workable" about this? Would "workable" be a sacrifice where our pay/benefits are returned PLUS the cost of living adjustment over the 5 to 6 years of "workable" living?

As far as "fighting" goes that is why we have the twu. Oops. They started the race to lower pay in the airlines so they will not be much help in this matter. There is always management who shares our sacrifice. Oops, management gets pay raises. They will not be much help in this matter either. I got it, I'll simply write the word "workable" where I normally write the dollar amount on my mortgage payment, gas & electric bill, car payments, etc.

Your analogy of not having a pot to piss in is rather interesting. Because to pee in a pot a man must be standing up on both feet. Not cringe on his belly like a spineless alias using poster such as yourself. 😉