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Line Maintenance Strike

Why not go on a dues strike?

Go on hand pay and dont pay until the TWU International spends the time and money notifying you to pay.

Each notice costs the Union at least $20 between mail and labor. If 5000 members went on hand pay and did not pay until notified it would cost the TWU $100,000 for each round of collection.

If they sought payment monthly it would be $1,2 million a year.

And thats only if 5000 members went on Hand Pay.

Hand pay puts a tremendous burden on the union, it will strain their resources and they will have less money for their perks and pay raises. Hell we know they aint using it for us anyway! And if the fail to represent you because they claim they lack resources you can sue them for DFR.

Here is a means of showing how you feel without any cost or loss of income to you, the only thing is every couple of months or so you have to write out a check for back dues.

Bob I have considered this many times mostly in times of disgust with the twu.

Doesnt hand pay ultimately affect your local?

By trying to fight the twu with hand pay I think your local suffers most. If everyone in JFK went to handpay how would your local pay for arbitrations the union hall rent water electic etc etc...
Bob I have considered this many times mostly in times of disgust with the twu.

Doesnt hand pay ultimately affect your local?

By trying to fight the twu with hand pay I think your local suffers most. If everyone in JFK went to handpay how would your local pay for arbitrations the union hall rent water electic etc etc...

It effects the TWU!
aafsc, I have heard the same song and dance for 20 years from not only AA,but at BRANIFF/DALFORT. We used to have the "Ideas in action" program, but they shut that down when there really was no more savings to be had. As far as third party work, I don't think we can afford to pay customers like FEDEX to overhaul their airplanes like we did on the Fedex 727 contract. Just look at TAESL they have squandered almost every third party contract they have ever got, because of poor management and planning.

What you say is true with regard to past failures at AA with regard to third party maintanence. But when I worked in DFW a couple of years ago, I remember hearing that Dalfort was still at Love field. Braniff (the origional) went out of business in the early 1980s. So Dalfort outlasted Braniff by about 20 years. I think the results of the majors doing third party work is mixed. I have read somewhere that Delta actually made nice profits doing third party maintanence work as does Lufthansa. You are also absolutely correct with regards to the "squandering" of opportunities. As you know, when AA (or anyone else who performs maintanence services for others) signs a contract that has stipulations on when the work shall be completed. If it is not completed within the agreed time period, AA (or any other contractor) has to pay a penalty which I believe is so much per day past the due date. If they can improve the planning, management, and efficiency and reduce/eliminate reworks and rejections, they can get the work out early or on time and avoid the late penalties. I have heard that AA made money on the UA/Air India 777 conversion that was performed in AFW. It is obvious that AA sees potential in third party work. That is why they are doing what they are doing at the bases.
Bob I have considered this many times mostly in times of disgust with the twu.

Doesnt hand pay ultimately affect your local?

By trying to fight the twu with hand pay I think your local suffers most. If everyone in JFK went to handpay how would your local pay for arbitrations the union hall rent water electic etc etc...

Well the Treasurer is the one that is affected the most due to the extra work, but after the TWU gutted our contract I no had no problem with members going on hand pay despite the fact that I was the TReasurer. I understood that its just about the only way members can send a message to the TWU International.

The fact is that when you go on hand pay you give the local the entire amount, not just the 70% but its the International that must send you the certified letter demanding payment.

The local cant sit back and say they cant arbitrate because they dont have the money, the member could sue them for DFI. If they run short of cash the International will simply have to loan the local money.

Believe it or not the vast majority of the funds collected by the union does not go for arbitrations or even overhead, most of it goes for wages for union officials. Ask you local how much they laid out in direct costs for arbitration, most locals only do one or two a year, they usually cost, including wages, between $3000 to $10,000.
Bob Owens said:
Why not go on a dues strike?

Go on hand pay and dont pay until the TWU International spends the time and money notifying you to pay.

Each notice costs the Union at least $20 between mail and labor. If 5000 members went on hand pay and did not pay until notified it would cost the TWU $100,000 for each round of collection.

If they sought payment monthly it would be $1,2 million a year.

And thats only if 5000 members went on Hand Pay.

Hand pay puts a tremendous burden on the union, it will strain their resources and they will have less money for their perks and pay raises. Hell we know they aint using it for us anyway! And if the fail to represent you because they claim they lack resources you can sue them for DFR.

Here is a means of showing how you feel without any cost or loss of income to you, the only thing is every couple of months or so you have to write out a check for back dues.

This works. I've been on hand pay since 2000. I save my dues in the Credit Union, drawing interest, and pay the pitiful twu about once a year when I get my "15-day letter" from the international. :up:
If TULSA LOCAL 514 continues with this $500 million sellout, I think we(the line mechanics and line supporting base mechanics) at AA should walkout on our own. The TWU needs to die and right now,and I can see this as the only option to put a stop to this SCAM by the TWU! If we don't stop this now, then all is lost! Local 514 is an agent of the company, not the members! The idea may sound "crazy" but it maybe the only way to save our AMT profession from the TWU.

There also is another option called the courts.The AMT's could join together and file a lawsuit against TWU for fruad and deception by collecting union dues and providing no[or at least inadequate,incompetent] representation in return for the dues.
goingboeing said:
There also is another option called the courts.The AMT's could join together and file a lawsuit against TWU for fruad and deception by collecting union dues and providing no[or at least inadequate,incompetent] representation in return for the dues.

Wont work.

The courts allow unions to pretty much negotiate as they see fit. The courts have upheld the right of unions to impose contracts without membership ratification saying that members do not have the right to vote on contracts. Their reasoning lies in the fact that the members can vote to replace or decertify the union and lets face it when the members are mad at their union, businesses and the courts they own, are happy.

Hand pay. Its easy and effective. As the union gets strained for money finger pointing will start at the top levels of the organization as these guys see their six figure salaries, generous benifits, especially the pension where they get a five percent raise every year, put at risk.

Remember they have to represent their members. Union officers paying themselves up to $200,000 a year while at the same time claiming that they cant afford to arbitrate wont fly. DFR.
Bob Owens said:
Hand pay. Its easy and effective.

Interesting concept. I wish I could do that with my taxes...

What exactly can the union do to collect from someone also on furlough? Could it impact their recall rights?
Former ModerAAtor said:
Interesting concept. I wish I could do that with my taxes...

What exactly can the union do to collect from someone also on furlough? Could it impact their recall rights?

Well at least with Taxes you get to vote on those who make the rules, with the TWU we dont.

Furlough is covered in the Constitution, For the first three months you are excused but after that you are supposed to get an Honorable withdrawl card or pay, but its not enforced, like much of the Constitution.

Recall brings up an interesting point. They are no longer members but they still are entitled to contractual benifits.
Checking it Out said:
Bob it seems you have way to much time to waste?

Well its true that since I'm no longer in office I do have more time. I guess you boys didnt think about that did yall? Whats your excuse?
So CIO, How much in kickbacks from the company are you and your TWU cronies getting for selling out the TULSA membership? Only bribed,paidoff union officials could be promoting this $500 million sellout! No real union person would be involved in the SCAM that is taking place in T-TOWN.
So CIO, How much in kickbacks from the company are you and your TWU cronies getting for selling out the TULSA membership? Only bribed,paidoff union officials could be promoting this $500 million sellout! No real union person would be involved in the SCAM that is taking place in T-TOWN.

Princess cio's too far down the food chain to get any kickbacks but you might ask him what he got for training srp's to take his fellow amt's jobs.

The surmising from the (very few vocal) management people here in tulsa is that burchette will get his reward at the end of this deal, if its pulled off.

I don't have a problem with making money on third party work but we can't keep up with our own work let alone take on the responsibility of other peoples maintenance. Most people here in tulsa are trying to figure out whats really in the bigger picture. Setting us up for another round of concessions is most likely the outcome.

How much does it cost us to do a heavy C check? How much would it cost us if we farmed it out?
I've asked this question to different managers here in tulsa and i've heard other people ask the same question to management and burchette with the same response. (We don't know!)
Now how can you run a maintenance base and not know how much certain types of maintenance cost but on a different note how can a company successfully negotiate third party work when they don't know how much it cost them to do the work.
Bob Owens said:
Well at least with Taxes you get to vote on those who make the rules, with the TWU we dont.
Furlough is covered in the Constitution, For the first three months you are excused but after that you are supposed to get an Honorable withdrawl card or pay, but its not enforced, like much of the Constitution.

Recall brings up an interesting point. They are no longer members but they still are entitled to contractual benifits.
Bob, I guess you must have been voting for the winner in the last several elections :down:

I don't feel my vote counts, either because of the elaborate, electoral college scam innitiated by the founding fathers to keep the masses in their place, or by questionably voting procedures. Go to Blackbox.org for further refference.
j7915,Mar 11 2005, 07:12 PM]
Bob, I guess you must have been voting for the winner in the last several elections :down:

Well that depends upon which elections you are talking about. As far as congressmen and senators the ones I voted for won, however as far as President , no, I voted for the Loser. But no matter how you slice it its better to be able to vote than to not be able to vote at all as in the case of Little, Hall and gang. The cop out excuse that we can vote for the people who vote for them is hollow when the people we elect can be removed by Hall, or his puppet O"Brien.

I don't feel my vote counts, either because of the elaborate, electoral college scam innitiated by the founding fathers to keep the masses in their place, or by questionably voting procedures. Go to Blackbox.org for further refference.

Maybe you should go speak to Peggy Olstien about how you feel that your vote does not count. Are you still giving to COPE? With that attitude you are just throwing your money away in order to look good to your TWU superiors. I tend to agree that our federal system needs work and while I dissagree in principle with the Electoral college there was a reasonable arguement for it, certainly a more reasonable arguement than the TWU has for denying members the right to vote for who controls their contract.