KCFlyer said:
I could really care less what their beef is about...they are in a service industry....I am their customer. Now I read that in order to "teach" their company a lesson, some intend to screw up my holiday plans. So I booked away. I can't risk being used as a pawn in a labor dispute.
Delta's not my first choice either, but I haven't read anywhere where their FA's are planning some "sick out" over the holidays, so I felt safer booking with them. It's a shame, too, because I would have given AA the business in a second, had this "sickout" BS not been bantered about. That's what some of these FA's don't understand...actions like this don't help their cause at all. If anything, it hurts the airline even more. And when they hurt the airline, they hurt themselves, because they are the airline. Imagine how much lost revenue the airline will have to work with after they either refund a bunch of holiday airfares, or give away future travel in the name of goodwill.
Well, their beef is not my beef either, but I have a lot of respect for labor, and in this case, the FAs, pilots, rampers, agents, fleet service, all of them,
they are what made the American Airlines you "would have" booked with. The problem in a nutshell is that the powers that be at AA have very little, if any respect for labor and the very people who make their hefty paychecks possible.
I slightly disagree that airlines are a service industry, they aren't hotels, they are a major part of the transportation industry, but lets not mince words. Years ago it used to be said "the customer is always right" - well, those days are gone because nine times out of ten, the customers is always wrong, especially in the airline game. To most customers, its more about how much they can get for nothing, or by doing an extra amount of bitching than anything else. Passengers are barely half of what keeps an airline flying. Cargo is more important than your butt in a seat and on many markets, cargo is the reason the aircraft is expended on the route in the first place, passengers are just a bit of pocket change on the side. So, you wouldn't be used as a pawn in any labor dispute. The fact is, a sick out can bring an airline, even one as sizeable as American, to it's knees. Executive management in just about every industry there is seems to think they can run the show without labor, therefor, they treat labor like dung and in these days of post 9/11 red ink on balanace sheets, the republicans in D.C. are turning a blind eye to what the airlines are doing to their labor force in the name of becoming profitable again. Simply put, that's wrong.
If half of the flight attendants at American called in sick, the airline would still fly, but less than half of their scheduled departures. Now, if half the agents called in sick, that's a different story. Without agents, passengers don't get checked in, and those passengers that don't get checked in on time for a flight get left behind because American does NOT hold planes for passengers. So thinking that employees don't care about customers because the idea of a sick out is being tossed around is wrong. The company already doesn't give a crap about it's passengers, and I've been stuck by the lovely slackers at TSA doing security as slowly as possible and American has left me behind on several occasions. Sure, they'll book for the next available flight, but what do I do when it happens to be a once a day flight? American still has my money and being held up in security checkpoint hell is not a legitimate reason for them to have to give it back. Once the revenue is in AA's pocket, it's gone. However, if I don't get checked in because of a sick out, that revenue comes back to me, NOT AA.
As you said,
Imagine how much lost revenue the airline will have to work with after they either refund a bunch of holiday airfares, or give away future travel in the name of goodwill. I guess you have no idea how much free future travel AA gives away every day, mostly due to oversales. I can't remember the last time I was on an AA flight when they didn't ask for volunteers to get off the plane so higher paying ticket holders can get on. For me, I won't get off uness the offering is a thousand dollar travel voucher or more, but usually it's 2 or 3 hundred bucks, oftentimes more. It costs the airline nothing, it's a write off if you use the vouchers and they are given to you just so you'll shut the hell up!
A sick out is not done to teach the company a lesson, its done to open their ears. Its done because they aren't listening regarding the damage they are doing to their employees, because they simply don't give a rat's ass. I say go for it, I'd love to see a huge sick out shut Arpey down for a day or two. Humility, like a little revolution is a good thing now and then.
I hope FAs and ground crews across the country get the flu thanksgiving weekend, I'm not going anywhere, so I can sit back and watch the fun!