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It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

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operaations said:
WRX...you have to be the most childish person I have ever run into on this message board. I fear the thought of actually having you provide safety to our passengers.
And you did lie about the 11 hour layover...you said it was an original sequence...you never mentioned anything about the dhd return. You talk a really big game but yet hide behind the name wrx....I for one am not xxxxxx and if i was I would turn you in...for threats made to an employee. It isnt to hard to find out who you are and trust me I gave brandon a copy of the post and he is working on it as we speak.
I hope you get over what ill feelings you have towards everyone in this world and learn to live life in a happy way. It is better for you.
Oooh, I'm scared! Please show me the "threat" I made. I filed a grievance against him and her making a big mistake and I won both of them. That's what I was referring to when I said, would you like to be #3. You can think what you want, but I did have an 11 hour l/o!! Who said I flew back on AA? When you have an emergency at home, you get home ASAP!!

I have spoke with you on the phone before and we actually get a long very well. I'm just venting like everyone else on this BB, because we're all PO'd at AA and the APFA.
So big deal. You flew JFK-NRT, rested for 11 hours, then flew back to JFK on another airline, which means you weren't even working. How hard was that?

Which airlines depart NRT for the USA 11 or 12 hours after the JFK-NRT flight arrives? That would be about 2:00 am or 3:00 am. I'm not aware of any USA-bound flights departing NRT in the middle of the night. Hope you're a better FA than you are at spinning fanciful tall tales of imaginary work-related hardship. B)
wrx said:
operaations said:
WRX...you have to be the most childish person I have ever run into on this message board. I fear the thought of actually having you provide safety to our passengers.
And you did lie about the 11 hour layover...you said it was an original sequence...you never mentioned anything about the dhd return. You talk a really big game but yet hide behind the name wrx....I for one am not xxxxxx and if i was I would turn you in...for threats made to an employee. It isnt to hard to find out who you are and trust me I gave brandon a copy of the post and he is working on it as we speak.
I hope you get over what ill feelings you have towards everyone in this world and learn to live life in a happy way. It is better for you.
Oooh, I'm scared! Please show me the "threat" I made. I filed a grievance against him and her making a big mistake and I won both of them. That's what I was referring to when I said, would you like to be #3. You can think what you want, but I did have an 11 hour l/o!! Who said I flew back on AA? When you have an emergency at home, you get home ASAP!!

I have spoke with you on the phone before and we actually get a long very well. I'm just venting like everyone else on this BB, because we're all PO'd at AA and the APFA.
No, you have not talked to him. Brandon has not worked JFK in ages, OperAAtions has not worked JFK in even longer. The threat was when you said you had "dirt" that you cannot post on this site.

You implied that the 11 hour L/O was imposed by AA. Now you back paddle and say that it was self imposed. You state that 99.9% of the FA’s know their contract front to back. We all know the truth about that one. You say schedulers are “alwaysâ€￾ wrong.

We did a search at work for all the JFK-NRT trips in September. Funny thing is we did not find one mid sequence PO or PE. I think you are lying. Not sure if you are still a FA with AA, if you are a JFK based FA, or if you are even international.

Personally, I think you are so full of it your eyes are brown. You have lied, exaggerated and bullied and you have virtually no more credibility. You’re the problem, not the solution!
I guess you don't know much at all. It's all a mystery and you have to figure it out. I will give you one thing, yes I still fly and I'm based at JFK. My goal is to recall John Ward and his crooks at the APFA. My other thing I'm working on is lobbying to raise the FAA minimum layover, so we the f/a's and pilot's are not working in a deep comma. I'm a very tough f/a who doesn't put up with crap. I challenge every scheduler and FSM on legalities and other issues, because I know my contract and I know what schedulers can and can't do! Do you know what you can and can't do?

Sherlock Holmes would be so proud of your investigating. 🙄
wrx said:
My other thing I'm working on is lobbying to raise the FAA minimum layover, so we the f/a's and pilot's are not working in a deep comma. I'm a very tough f/a who doesn't put up with crap.
Out of curiosity, are you attempting to change the pilot’s regulations concerning their working conditions? It has been my understanding that this new minimum rest rule only applies to you F/As (and after your union’s acceptance.)

Are the pilots aware that you are lobbying on their behalf? Are they also aware that you believe that they are working “in a deep coma’?

Forgive all these questions. It’s just that pilots in the past kinda liked to handle their concerns without another Union’s interference.

Randy Kramer
extwacaptain said:
Out of curiosity, are you attempting to change the pilot?s regulations concerning their working conditions? It has been my understanding that this new minimum rest rule only applies to you F/As (and after your union?s acceptance.)

Are the pilots aware that you are lobbying on their behalf? Are they also aware that you believe that they are working ?in a deep coma??

Forgive all these questions. It?s just that pilots in the past kinda liked to handle their concerns without another Union?s interference.

Randy Kramer
Sorry, that was a typo. Just the f/a's, not pilots.
This thread has turned into one big pissing match. With all the accusations of "threats" and "lies" good lord it sounds like the Bush campaign all over again in here.
Sorry, that was a typo. Just the f/a's, not pilots.

TYPO is a mistake in printed matter resulting from MECHANICAL failure of some kind. Did you have a “runaway computerâ€￾?

QUOTE (wrx @ Oct 9 2003, 04:21 PM)
My other thing I'm working on is lobbying to raise the FAA minimum layover, so we the f/a's and pilot's are not working in a deep comma.

Show me an airline pilot in a "COMMA", (which is a punctuation mark), and I’ll buy you a new updated dictionary.

Randy Kramer
Sorry, that was a typo. Just the f/a's, not pilots.

TYPO is a mistake in printed matter resulting from MECHANICAL failure of some kind. Did you have a ?runaway computer??

QUOTE (wrx @ Oct 9 2003, 04:21 PM)
My other thing I'm working on is lobbying to raise the FAA minimum layover, so we the f/a's and pilot's are not working in a deep comma.

Show me an airline pilot in a "COMMA", (which is a punctuation mark), and I?ll buy you a new updated dictionary.

Randy Kramer [/quote]
Whatever you say, Webster. Did you win all of your spelling bees in Grammer School? 🙄
In an effort to get this thread back on topic, I think this "action" might be overblown. Yes, I've seen the graffiti but I won't be part of it. Thank-you, F/A Mikey for the levity. I saw what the pilot's efforts cost them and I don't care to watch my dues money go for the defense of this foolishness.

We have too much on our plate for this kind of nonsense.

There is a bigger picture out there and unfortunately, most F/As are quite ignorant to it. You might want to pay attention to other departments as to what the future may bring.

I'm not happy with how the vote was handled either but I don't plan to shoot my foot off about it. I will vote accordingly. I believe strongly in choosing your battles wisely. Now is not our time like it was in 2000.

Do you know what base tipped the initial vote to "NO"? Just asking because I got educated on that on this very BB.

You might be surprised at what former "militant" bases ended up being divided at roughly "50/50"...who are we blaming again?

flydcoop said:
Do you know what base tipped the initial vote to "NO"? Just asking because I got educated on that on this very BB.
That base was STL. I give them credit for that.
This "sick out rumor" has now fully infiltrated the USENET travel and airport related newsgroups. With literally hundreds of thousands of readers every month, this could cause some balance sheet problems. I hope that's what the FAs had in mind!
WingAndAPrayer said:
This "sick out rumor" has now fully infiltrated the USENET travel and airport related newsgroups. With literally hundreds of thousands of readers every month, this could cause some balance sheet problems. I hope that's what the FAs had in mind!
Of course that's the idea. Shoot themselves in the foot and then blame AMR for everything.
The thinking about this borders on psychotic. First, they voted to accept this and this is what their union negotiated for. There were numerous other choices. They have nobody to blame but APFA. Secondly, making AMR pay by decreasing their revenue is less for the bottom line of AMR and eventually less for themselves. It is childish. It really is sick thinking by some posters who cannot accept the responsibility of thinking like an adult.
If I recall correctly, the FA vote was either flawed, tainted, or both and they were pretty much in favor of a re-vote, which they never got. AA stood their ground and said they were accepting the first vote, flaws or not.

So to say this is what they voted for is a bit off. Even when you have a contract, it doesn't mean your working environment and conditions can be turned to crap on you and you have to eat it with a spoon.

There IS just so much a human being can take, and they don't have to be an adult for it. If flight attendants are being run into the ground for hours on end, with no meal breaks and no adequate rest time, then that is simply wrong, and I highly doubt they voted such treatment upon themselves and not even the FA union would be stupid enough to accept something that works their members like children in a third world sweat shop, (even though AMR would love nothing better).

If a rumored sick out is what it takes to get the attention of those who have turned a deaf ear to the plight of the employees, then so be it. If that doesn't work, then if a full blown sick out is what it takes, then so be it.

You must not forget that, as you put it, making AMR pay by decreasing their revenue is less for the bottom line of AMR and eventually less for themselves, while it may be eventual for flight attendants, the one thing corporate executives know is it would be IMMEDIATE for themselves. Their profit sharing and bonuses are heavily tied into that bottom line and a threat at a huge cut back in revenue on the busiest day of the year is something that would rattle any AMR executive's cage. By this time of year, I have no doubt that the majority of the executives already have their bonuses and profit sharing both calculated, and spent!

If even a fraction of what the FAs are complaining about is true, then I say go for it and more power to them!

By the way, this message board is a relatively small representation of the available aviation and travel related information on the net. It might appease you to know that the majority of the traveling public who frequent the travel groups around the web and especially on USENET could care less about the flight attendants and their plight. All they want is 49.00 fares, unlimited luggage and a steak dinner during flight and the hell with what anyone has to put up with to deliver it to them.
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