It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride

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And Garfield...great work on uncovering that evil 11 hour NRT layover. Someone was just proven as a liar [/quote]
Actually I did have an 11 hour layover in NRT. I dhd back home!!!! operaations, you should talk about the lies!! I have some dirt on you, but I can't post it hear on this BB. Check crew rooms near you for the 411 on operaations.
KCFlyer said:
Hell, it's a deal then...I'll trade jobs with you for a month. Of course, you will have to show up Monday thru Friday every week...and since you'd be on a probationary period, a doctors note will be required by those redneck Kansans when you call in sick.
No, thanks I will pass on working in your hometown redneck state of Kansas. You can still try to become a f/a if you wish. Just apply when they hire gain (if they ever do). Get hired and then spend 6 1/2 weeks at the charm farm in DFW, UNPAID! Then get sent to your first base, probably LGA or BOS. Hey you will finally be in NYC to see how expensive it really is! You will need to get about 5-10 roommates in NYC to survive. Oh and BTW, you will be stuck at your first base for 6 months on probation with no flight benefits to get you home in redneck country! I don't mind if you apply when they hire again, it just means that I will have that much more seniority!
WingNaPrayer said:
KCFlyer said:
I could really care less what their beef is about...they are in a service industry....I am their customer. Now I read that in order to "teach" their company a lesson, some intend to screw up my holiday plans. So I booked away. I can't risk being used as a pawn in a labor dispute.

Delta's not my first choice either, but I haven't read anywhere where their FA's are planning some "sick out" over the holidays, so I felt safer booking with them. It's a shame, too, because I would have given AA the business in a second, had this "sickout" BS not been bantered about. That's what some of these FA's don't understand...actions like this don't help their cause at all. If anything, it hurts the airline even more. And when they hurt the airline, they hurt themselves, because they are the airline. Imagine how much lost revenue the airline will have to work with after they either refund a bunch of holiday airfares, or give away future travel in the name of goodwill.
Well, their beef is not my beef either, but I have a lot of respect for labor, and in this case, the FAs, pilots, rampers, agents, fleet service, all of them, they are what made the American Airlines you "would have" booked with. The problem in a nutshell is that the powers that be at AA have very little, if any respect for labor and the very people who make their hefty paychecks possible.

I slightly disagree that airlines are a service industry, they aren't hotels, they are a major part of the transportation industry, but lets not mince words. Years ago it used to be said "the customer is always right" - well, those days are gone because nine times out of ten, the customers is always wrong, especially in the airline game. To most customers, its more about how much they can get for nothing, or by doing an extra amount of bitching than anything else. Passengers are barely half of what keeps an airline flying. Cargo is more important than your butt in a seat and on many markets, cargo is the reason the aircraft is expended on the route in the first place, passengers are just a bit of pocket change on the side. So, you wouldn't be used as a pawn in any labor dispute. The fact is, a sick out can bring an airline, even one as sizeable as American, to it's knees. Executive management in just about every industry there is seems to think they can run the show without labor, therefor, they treat labor like dung and in these days of post 9/11 red ink on balanace sheets, the republicans in D.C. are turning a blind eye to what the airlines are doing to their labor force in the name of becoming profitable again. Simply put, that's wrong.

If half of the flight attendants at American called in sick, the airline would still fly, but less than half of their scheduled departures. Now, if half the agents called in sick, that's a different story. Without agents, passengers don't get checked in, and those passengers that don't get checked in on time for a flight get left behind because American does NOT hold planes for passengers. So thinking that employees don't care about customers because the idea of a sick out is being tossed around is wrong. The company already doesn't give a crap about it's passengers, and I've been stuck by the lovely slackers at TSA doing security as slowly as possible and American has left me behind on several occasions. Sure, they'll book for the next available flight, but what do I do when it happens to be a once a day flight? American still has my money and being held up in security checkpoint hell is not a legitimate reason for them to have to give it back. Once the revenue is in AA's pocket, it's gone. However, if I don't get checked in because of a sick out, that revenue comes back to me, NOT AA.

As you said, Imagine how much lost revenue the airline will have to work with after they either refund a bunch of holiday airfares, or give away future travel in the name of goodwill. I guess you have no idea how much free future travel AA gives away every day, mostly due to oversales. I can't remember the last time I was on an AA flight when they didn't ask for volunteers to get off the plane so higher paying ticket holders can get on. For me, I won't get off uness the offering is a thousand dollar travel voucher or more, but usually it's 2 or 3 hundred bucks, oftentimes more. It costs the airline nothing, it's a write off if you use the vouchers and they are given to you just so you'll shut the hell up!

A sick out is not done to teach the company a lesson, its done to open their ears. Its done because they aren't listening regarding the damage they are doing to their employees, because they simply don't give a rat's ass. I say go for it, I'd love to see a huge sick out shut Arpey down for a day or two. Humility, like a little revolution is a good thing now and then.

I hope FAs and ground crews across the country get the flu thanksgiving weekend, I'm not going anywhere, so I can sit back and watch the fun!
Thank you! I'm glad someone besides myself can tell KCFlyer that the airlines are not a service industry. The airlines are apart of the TRANSPORTATION INDUSTRY!!!
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I know of three filght attendants already out with the FLU and two more who are currently feeling body aches and running a slight fever. I can't imagine what their temperature will be come November 26th and 27th......It will be interesting to see what the doctor prescri :lol: bes
wrx said:
Thank you! I'm glad someone besides myself can tell KCFlyer that the airlines are not a service industry. The airlines are apart of the TRANSPORTATION INDUSTRY!!!

And that is why you are going broke. You ARE in the service industry but refuse to recognize it.
ss278 said:
And that is why you are going broke. You ARE in the service industry but refuse to recognize it.

Please show us that airlines are considered "service industry" companies. Airlines have always been a Transportation Industry company, from the get go. I'm not broke, just PO'd that our company treats us like a doormat and that the APFA sold us out. Another non-airline person who thinks they know everything about our industry.

is effecting a lot of f/a's these days. Yes, it might be an epidemic around November 26-27, December 24-25 and December 31-January 1, 2004. I'm glad that all flight attendants have great Doctors.
Sorry wrx...I don't really want to be an FA...I don't like being away from my family for so long. Besides, I'd have to work under the union rules. The way it is today for me, I could start a new job tomorrow and make about 5 times what I'd make as a starting FA does...and not have to worry about having someone "senior" to me calling in sick without the fear of facing the consequences.

FWIW, yep, you are transportation. That means you all fly planes around the world. But without the CUSTOMERS who you were hired to provide the SERVICE to, you wouldn't have a job. Sure, Cargo makes more money for the airlines, but last I checked, the FAA didn't require an FA to be on board for Cargo. Hey...I just stumbled on think of your customers as Cargo, not customers. A lot of your cargo is booking away. That can't be good for your cause.

Finally...remember that when your plane lands in KC, it's in Missouri, not Kansas. I figured after 14 years in the industry, you'd have figured that one out.
Our industry provides a service. When we forget service, customers will eventially take their business to the provider that can provide the best mix of service and price.

Employees reporting for work so a carrier can maintain operational integrity is part of that service.

This is an example of that type of attitude sends the customers of the legacy carriers to the discount carriers.
Actually I did have an 11 hour layover in NRT. I dhd back home!!!! operaations, you should talk about the lies!! I have some dirt on you, but I can't post it hear on this BB. Check crew rooms near you for the 411 on operaations. have to be the most childish person I have ever run into on this message board. I fear the thought of actually having you provide safety to our passengers.
And you did lie about the 11 hour said it was an original never mentioned anything about the dhd return. You talk a really big game but yet hide behind the name wrx....I for one am not brandon and if i was I would turn you in...for threats made to an employee. It isnt to hard to find out who you are and trust me I gave brandon a copy of the post and he is working on it as we speak.
I hope you get over what ill feelings you have towards everyone in this world and learn to live life in a happy way. It is better for you.
wrx said:
Please show us that airlines are considered "service industry" companies. Airlines have always been a Transportation Industry company, from the get go.
Let's try this one...outside the airline industry. Quick Quiz - What industry are Nordstroms and JC Penny in? RETAIL. But the thing that differentiates the two is SERVICE. Penny's and Nordstroms can both carry the same product, but the salesperson at Nordstroms might call me to tell me about a sale on something I like. That's providing service, and that's why I am more inclined to select Nordstroms over Pennys. That's SERVICE that is provided by the salesperson who was hired to help the customer.

Now, let's look at the airline from an outsiders point of view...after all 14 years in the industry can have a tendency to overlook how your industry is percieved. Delta and American are in the TRANSPORTATION industy. They hire people for the position of FA, which, while you tend to focus heavily on the "we're here for safety" side of the job description, 99.999% of your customers and managment put more weight on the "we are here to provide customer SERVICE" side of the job description. Face spend more time tending to passengers comfort needs than you do assisting them in a life saving activity, so pardon us outsiders if we misconstrue your true purpose for being on board the aircraft.

So while very few INDUSTRIES fall under the "service" category, a very large number of employees hired within those industries were hired to provide the SERVICE - the one thing that differentiates one airline from another.
aislehopper said:
Our industry provides a service. When we forget service, customers will eventially take their business to the provider that can provide the best mix of service and price.

Employees reporting for work so a carrier can maintain operational integrity is part of that service.

This is an example of that type of attitude sends the customers of the legacy carriers to the discount carriers.
I totally agree with you aislehopper. It's nice to read posts from other f/a or even former f/a with some integrity and honor and class.
JS said:
Will the flight attendants and gate agents feel better about themselves if they bring AA to its knees, and as a result they get to talk to the bankruptcy judge?
To all it may concern,
The reality is that it WAS the flight attendants that brought AA to it's knees and kicked Donald J Carty's ass right out of Amon Carter Blvd. The illegal tampering by John Ward(soon to be EX-president of the Association of PROFESSIONAL Flight Attendants)and Don Carty(NOW EX-head jack ass of AMR/American Trans World Air California Trans Caribiean Airways)in regards to the flight attendants vote of OUR part of the Ressurection Aggreement saved AA mgmnt. and our million dollar industry STANDARD pilots from meeting the big bad wo/man in the black robe. CFO Jeff Cambell was on the steps of the gates leading into the Devil's chamber known as bankruptcy court or so DC wanted US to think he was there ( I bet he was in the last stall on the right one hand to ear w/a cell phone and the other hand holding on the the seat just in case. A CFO with a brown spot on his back side is the mark of death so I am told-lol). We were lied to once again and our vote and our respect disgarded once again by faceless managment and by one spinless whiney sorry sack of $!* union president who's face is known and who will meet the faces of those that he helped go from industry leading to industry disgraced and even bankrupt all in the course of one extra day. Those of us that voted NO and even voted YES were shown that a vote is not worth a damn if you don't have a leader who will stand behind that vote and respect it and even defend it if need be. Those of you who are not AA f/a's but are our brothers and sisters in the great extended family of American Airlines know that as we might appear selfish or spoiled at times we are the best damn flight attendants at the best damn airline that YOU could possibly be apart of. The hard work of EVERYONE outside of flight service helps makes us the best damn flight attendants for if it wasn't for those of you on the ground we couldnt do it in the air! From every corner big and small top floor to even the two story football field long SOC WE can not be the best with out the support and spirit of YOU. The soul of an airline is made up from the souls of the human beings past and present who gave apart of themselves to help that airline grow and evolve. As an airline is made up from the souls of its employees it's the souls of the people we are intrusted to keep safe and to serve that we must never lose sight of. Now with that said......if your sick don't get on the damn airplane!!! That just isn't for f/a's or pilots thats for ALL of you! Flying in a tube with a bunch hacking sneezing people takes you back kindergarden. Ask any mother and they will tell you that there kids never if ever got sick until the first day there child started school. You people that fly sick make us sick which makes the pilots sick(unless they look at there B-fund) then our crew schedulars get sick of all of us being so damn sick all the time. So with flu season just comming up if don't want our crew schedulars sick of our pilot's being sick(unless they look at there B-fund) and flight attendants calling sick by the thousands over the holidays then people please for the luv of god don't step on our airplanes if your sick. Go hop on Amtrak Robert Crandal wouold luv to have you no matter how sick you are :p
As for a sick out by flight attendants at American Airlines well this is the only place that I have heard anything about it and why in the hell would we do such a childish thing like that? Everybody knows that only pilots have sick outs flight attendant just fly sick ;)
ps-I am NOT a supporter of a sick out if you didn't pick up on it :up:
I am sorry for acting so childish and stooping to the level of WRX. I will no longer reply to any of his or her childish inflamatory remarks. I have a alot of respect for our professional flight attendants and I hope that is there is a sick out the ones that I respect and come to work will not be affected by their own co workers who are calling in sick.
Geez...I'm out of breath just readying that last post by silverbird...maybe I'm coming down with something....As far as the best flight attendants in the air, the last of those were furloughed July 2
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