Industrial vs. Craft

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As I thought, so there is no standing committee.

Just in contrast, there were no low profile meetings at UAL or Horizon to test interest, the ibt only showed up after the mechanic committees had been in action for several months.

Simply put, from what you and others have stated concerning the ibt arrival at AA, it DOES NOT fit the teamsters M.O.

Add to it, the deafening silence from the TWU against the ibt, can you be sure the ibt isn't there just to play spoiler?

Yes were sure !! but thanks for trying to plant the seeds of doubt, sorry it didn't work but better luck next time.
To be honest most people I know hadn't realized the IBT split from the afl-cio except the Mechanics that called/emailed them, the rest of us didn't find out until they quietly showed up at the hotel to gauge interest, I personally asked them at that first meeting if they were part of the afl-cio & if they cared about pissing off the TWU by trying to take Mechanics & their response was No & that it's not personal it's business.

I don't doubt that it happened just as you say, my question is, aren't you a bit suspect of the ibts arrival?

Other airline campaigns required a grass-roots committee of mechanics from the floor to first generate sufficient interest before the paid organizers showed up. Yet at American, you have no mechanic led committee, yet after what you've described as a few phone calls, and a quiet hotel info meeting, the ibt has launched a full blown campaign.
As I thought, so there is no standing committee.

Just in contrast, there were no low profile meetings at UAL or Horizon to test interest, the ibt only showed up after the mechanic committees had been in action for several months.

Simply put, from what you and others have stated concerning the ibt arrival at AA, it DOES NOT fit the teamsters M.O.

Add to it, the deafening silence from the TWU against the ibt, can you be sure the ibt isn't there just to play spoiler?
They showed up about a week after I signed an AMFA card never heard a thing before then thats fact
They showed up about a week after I signed an AMFA card never heard a thing before then thats fact

Thats the basic story I've been getting from both on and off this website. However since I'm on the west coast and not in the immediate loop so to speak I thought I'd ask here as well as other sites.

The answer is pretty much the same.
I don't doubt that it happened just as you say, my question is, aren't you a bit suspect of the ibts arrival?

Other airline campaigns required a grass-roots committee of mechanics from the floor to first generate sufficient interest before the paid organizers showed up. Yet at American, you have no mechanic led committee, yet after what you've described as a few phone calls, and a quiet hotel info meeting, the ibt has launched a full blown campaign.

No i'm not suspicious, I looked into it & checked online to see if they are actually raiding afl-cio Unions & they are !, and its no secret that the timing is perfect for a raid that is why AMFA is raiding now too because Mechanics are mad about the contract offers, that's the best time to raid when people are angry & want a change & you know it.
They showed up about a week after I signed an AMFA card never heard a thing before then thats fact

I believe you but you have no idea what other Mechanics in the company are doing, I knew they were contacted before they showed up, AC Tynker knew & many others knew, so you didn't know big deal ... now you do.
I believe you but you have no idea what other Mechanics in the company are doing, I knew they were contacted before they showed up, AC Tynker knew & many others knew, so you didn't know big deal ... now you do.
And the fact is they were contacted a few years ago after they left the afl/cio and they told AA mechanics that they were not interested in a card drive that is also on record as fact. They even sent a letter to little that they would not raid the TWU another fact. But lets not let facts get in the way.
And the fact is they were contacted a few years ago after they left the afl/cio and they told AA mechanics that they were not interested in a card drive that is also on record as fact. They even sent a letter to little that they would not raid the TWU another fact. But lets not let facts get in the way.

Ummm a few years ago we were content & not in bankruptcy getting really bad contracts from our Union but now Mechanics are pissed & wanting a change ...... Timing with cards drives mean EVERYTHING its all about the timing, AMFA just started a card drive for the same reason ... TIMING is EVERYTHING.

Clearly you don't understand card drives if you don't get that.
card drives always show up when people are pissed not when their content.
No i'm not suspicious, I looked into it & checked online to see if they are actually raiding afl-cio Unions & they are !, and its no secret that the timing is perfect for a raid that is why AMFA is raiding now too because Mechanics are mad about the contract offers, that's the best time to raid when people are angry & want a change & you know it.

I still don't think you understand what I'm getting at Raptorman

Maybe phrasing it this way will help.....

Back in 2007 I knew the names of all 12 of the mechanics that formed the ibt organizing committee at UAL. This was months BEFORE the PAID organizers showed up. These individuals leafletted and collected cards, ....AND THEN the ibt stepped in with the money and resources.

Now you and others here have stated you have no such committee at American, and that based only on some phone calls and a meeting you yourself described as quiet, the ibt has launched a full blown campaign.

If this is of no concern to you, that is of course your choice. That being said I just hope your fellow mechanics at AA take this into account if/when the representational question reaches its conclusion.

I still don't think you understand what I'm getting at Raptorman

Maybe phrasing it this way will help.....

Back in 2007 I knew the names of all 12 of the mechanics that formed the ibt organizing committee at UAL. This was months BEFORE the PAID organizers showed up. These individuals leafletted and collected cards, ....AND THEN the ibt stepped in with the money and resources.

Now you and others here have stated you have no such committee at American, and that based only on some phone calls and a meeting you yourself described as quiet, the ibt has launched a full blown campaign.

If this is of no concern to you, that is of course your choice. That being said I just hope your fellow mechanics at AA take this into account if/when the representational question reaches its conclusion.


If the drive isn't real then there is nothing to be concerned about right ?? so why are you concerned ?? you have already decided that there is no possibility that the drive is real in which case we won't get IBT
sounds like an open & shut case so why are you concerned that we are going to get the IBT .... I'm not getting it, nor an I getting why the AMFA guys are concerned about a fake drive, don't worry about it just get on with your drive & forget about the fake drive .... LMAO

The people who believe it's real will do their thing & the people who don't can do their thing .... no big deal, either way it will all work out the way it's suppose to work out.
If the drive isn't real then there is nothing to be concerned about right ?? so why are you concerned ?? you have already decided that there is no possibility that the drive is real in which case we won't get IBT
sounds like an open & shut case so why are you concerned that we are going to get the IBT .... I'm not getting it, nor an I getting why the AMFA guys are concerned about a fake drive, don't worry about it just get on with your drive & forget about the fake drive .... LMAO

The people who believe it's real will do their thing & the people who don't can do their thing .... no big deal, either way it will all work out the way it's suppose to work out.

And still you miss the point.

I never said the drive wasn't real. I questioned the where/how the drive began.

If you are content that the ibt is simply running a drive regardless of how it started, then fine, enjoy yourself. Alls I'm saying is that the ibts arrival at AA does not fit their organizing M.O.

If you choose to ignore the obvious inconsistancies in the AA drive vs other Airline industry drives, that is of course your affair. Others however are not so easily swayed.

As you say, it will work out the way it will work out, so why are you so concerned that I'm merely posing questions?
I think you're misunderstanding what I'm asking.

At UAL before the ibt showed up with websites, and Director videos, and tshirts etc etc there were 12 United Airlines mechanics that called themselves the committe for change. They collected cards and leafleted gates, and when they had collected enough cards to show actual interest the ibt stepped in with paid organizers.

This is also what happened during the ibt campaign on Horizon, although i think their committe was called committe for a real future or something along those lines.

My point is, both of these groups were made up of ACTUAL mechanics, BEFORE the paid organizers showed up. As you are well aware from the many posts on this board, the ibts suspect arrival has many questioning their motives.

Again, if the ibt drive IS NOT a simple ruse to stop the AMFA drive which started first ( and run by an organizing group made up of AA mechanics) then where are those AA mechanics that reached out to the ibt to launch a campaign?

If there is no AA mechanics committee for the ibt, then who called them to come raid the TWU?
I think you're misunderstanding what I'm asking.

At UAL before the ibt showed up with websites, and Director videos, and tshirts etc etc there were 12 United Airlines mechanics that called themselves the committe for change. They collected cards and leafleted gates, and when they had collected enough cards to show actual interest the ibt stepped in with paid organizers.

This is also what happened during the ibt campaign on Horizon, although i think their committe was called committe for a real future or something along those lines.

My point is, both of these groups were made up of ACTUAL mechanics, BEFORE the paid organizers showed up. As you are well aware from the many posts on this board, the ibts suspect arrival has many questioning their motives.

Again, if the ibt drive IS NOT a simple ruse to stop the AMFA drive which started first ( and run by an organizing group made up of AA mechanics) then where are those AA mechanics that reached out to the ibt to launch a campaign?

If there is no AA mechanics committee for the ibt, then who called them to come raid the TWU?

No one called the Teamsters, they went on the amp website and contacted everyone with a 918 area code including me they even flew 3 guys from US AIR to DFW to try to talk a couple of us into pushing the IBT in DFW they were rebuked, so then they used a Mechanic in Tulsa who had a brother at US Air to pass out info on the base it was not long and TWU shop stewards are getting pages and passing on info they put 2 orgnizers in a hotel and ran a office using word of mouth to drag folks in, from what we have seen their drive is being run by their paid organizers with a merry band of button wears running around trying to get cards signed.

We have yet to meet anyone who can answer real questions about the IBT when Info is needed they call the office. A couple of their guys started taking stock clerk cards and they got seriosly repremanded it is funny they say they represent everyone but they will not touch our stock clerks the whole thing smells to high heaven but be clear there was no one calling for the teamsters to come in they were calling us looking for a way in.
If the drive isn't real then there is nothing to be concerned about right ?? so why are you concerned ?? you have already decided that there is no possibility that the drive is real in which case we won't get IBT
sounds like an open & shut case so why are you concerned that we are going to get the IBT .... I'm not getting it, nor an I getting why the AMFA guys are concerned about a fake drive, don't worry about it just get on with your drive & forget about the fake drive .... LMAO

The people who believe it's real will do their thing & the people who don't can do their thing .... no big deal, either way it will all work out the way it's suppose to work out.

Dan, think for once had the Teamsters not shown up right when they did you and your buddy in the csd shop would have been passing out AMFA cards and all those pissed off people would have signed AMFA cards not Teamsters the drive in Tulsa would now be over and the TWU would have been on their way out the door. One of these days you are going to realize just how bad you fu#ked up if the TWU stays on the property you and your friends are directly to blame
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