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Industrial vs. Craft

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Dan, read the post i said I bet you were a TWU supporter and now You just cannot admit you were wrong in 2003 so now it is the IBT that is the way to go well I am not following those that told me to stay with the TWU now

That means I do not know what he supports I am guessing from what I read!

Ok but from my conversations with him, I believe your guess is wrong but will not speak for him.
Whoa !!! I never told you the Teamster told me anything but card drive strategies, I did not tell you they told me how much money they are spending or what there about or what to say to get cards signed etc.
You just assured me that the money spent for the Teamsters drive wasn't our dues money. You must have inside information and that's okay. Just be big enough to admit you are an organizer for the Teamsters. Surely the soldier in you will do the right thing.
You just assured me that the money spent for the Teamsters drive wasn't our dues money. You must have inside information and that's okay. Just be big enough to admit you are an organizer for the Teamsters. Surely the soldier in you will do the right thing.

I talked to him in person and have read what he has posted here and I have to say being a card courrier and an organizer are quite different and can not be confused but maybe that's just me.
A question for the AA mechanics on this board.

Who are the members of the AA-teamsters organizing committee?

I only ask because by this time in a campaign the organizing committes of both Horizon and UAL had flyersand/or videos supporting their promises/platforms.

I see a typical ibt website and videos from the Airline Division Director but nothing of any kind from a grass-roots AA mechanic committee.

One would think if the ibts appearance was started by legitimate grass-roots interest, there would be a group of AA mechanics forming the basis of the teamster committee.

Does anyone here have more information on this group? Does such a group even exist?


Yes a fairly large group exists but it is different than the AMFA organizing group since the Teamsters have paid organizers, at some point the Teamster AA organizers may be more vocal like the AMFA organizers but they may not either I don't really know, the paid Teamster organizers seem to be doing a good job of running the drive so at this point from what i'm seeing the AA Organizers are content to follow that program.
We actually have a very passionate AA Teamster organizer in my building that is doing a rather impressive job in my opinion & no i'm not one of them been there & done that in 2003, I won't be doing it again.
not going to give his name because it's not my place to do so, he doesn't come to this board nor do most of the Tulsa Members.
So are telling me he supports AMFA OR is he ANTI Union

I have typed it here before that I am not here to defend any entity but will stand behind and do what I can however small that part may be in whatever representation we have. That should answer it I hope.
You just assured me that the money spent for the Teamsters drive wasn't our dues money. You must have inside information and that's okay. Just be big enough to admit you are an organizer for the Teamsters. Surely the soldier in you will do the right thing.

Buck my definition of an Organizer & your definition are probably very different, my definition is: Someone who on a regular basis goes out soliciting & collecting cards during his break & lunch time, attends Organizer meetings, regularly goes to the Teamster card drive office to get organizing strategy info, Becomes educated on the issues to help inform the Members of what the Teamsters can offer the Membership.
Now under that definition I am not even close to being a Teamster organizer, Teamster sympathizer maybe, I do wear the button & will collect a card if offered to me but have also collected AMFA cards recently when offered to me.
Hope that answers your question.
Oh & yes I guess I do have some inside information on whether the drive is real & the money coming from the Teamsters not TWU
So i'm thick skulled because I won't buy what your selling hugh, is that how it works, maybe your thick skulled because you won't buy what i'm saying or do what I want you to do.
Maybe we should all just give up & stop making our own decisions for OUR lives & do it Dave's way because he know's what's best for us.
Only a complete idiot would choose to do things someone else's way, we must all make our own choices because if the choice ends up being the wrong one then you are the one who will suffer the consequences of that choice not the one who you blindly followed, I will not follow anyone or any organization, I make my own choices for my life because my choices ALWAYS work out for me. 🙄
I keep telling you to STOP telling me how to live my life because it's NOT going to work & you are making NO progress with me so give it up.
Ok fine sir im far from an english major and mean no harm but its huh not hugh I only correct because you have done it multiple times I mean no disrespect
I talked to him in person and have read what he has posted here and I have to say being a card courrier and an organizer are quite different and can not be confused but maybe that's just me.

You are exactly correct ! Glad someone is actually listening and not assuming. 🙄
I have typed it here before that I am not here to defend any entity but will stand behind and do what I can however small that part maybe in whatever representation we have. That should answer it I hope.

Crystal Clear, I think but in the end I do not guess it matter.

So just so were straight you attack AMFA & Informer on a regular bases but you will support any union that represents us and Raptorman knows AMFA is the better choice but he pushes Teamsters because he thinks they can win. At least I understand why you guys get along now.
So are telling me he supports AMFA OR is he ANTI Union

Well there you have his answer & he means what he says & is not saying it for fear of being Berated by either side, there are some people who actually do support whatever group is present & don't have their own agenda.

For the most part i'm kind of leaning towards the same direction because I think that no matter what Union we have in the end it comes down to the members, if you don't change them then it won't matter much what name is over the door.
You are exactly correct ! Glad someone is actually listening and not assuming. 🙄
In my opinion sitting and watching the technique I would be willing to say he might be trying to stir a rise from you and not really assuming or typing what he believes. When you try to be genuine and speak your mind as you have done in my opinion, there are all kinds that come out of the woodwork. I would just accept it for what it is and I can't type that here or I would most likely see ## or get a warning.
Yes a fairly large group exists but it is different than the AMFA organizing group since the Teamsters have paid organizers, at some point the Teamster AA organizers may be more vocal like the AMFA organizers but they may not either I don't really know, the paid Teamster organizers seem to be doing a good job of running the drive so at this point from what i'm seeing the AA Organizers are content to follow that program.
We actually have a very passionate AA Teamster organizer in my building that is doing a rather impressive job in my opinion & no i'm not one of them been there & done that in 2003, I won't be doing it again.
not going to give his name because it's not my place to do so, he doesn't come to this board nor do most of the Tulsa Members.

I think you're misunderstanding what I'm asking.

At UAL before the ibt showed up with websites, and Director videos, and tshirts etc etc there were 12 United Airlines mechanics that called themselves the committe for change. They collected cards and leafleted gates, and when they had collected enough cards to show actual interest the ibt stepped in with paid organizers.

This is also what happened during the ibt campaign on Horizon, although i think their committe was called committe for a real future or something along those lines.

My point is, both of these groups were made up of ACTUAL mechanics, BEFORE the paid organizers showed up. As you are well aware from the many posts on this board, the ibts suspect arrival has many questioning their motives.

Again, if the ibt drive IS NOT a simple ruse to stop the AMFA drive which started first ( and run by an organizing group made up of AA mechanics) then where are those AA mechanics that reached out to the ibt to launch a campaign?

If there is no AA mechanics committee for the ibt, then who called them to come raid the TWU?
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