Pensions Vs Strike

Checking it Out said:
Since 9/11 the TWU has negotiated many contracts. With over 20 Airlines and over 50 contracts they have done an excellent job during these times!

Show us what Amfa has accomplished? I believe they are still averaging 8 members lost per day! Even delle admits almost 10,000 gone at United.

Come on and show us! Isn't amfa democratic and didn't the members vote to strike over this issue? Wheres the picket lines? Shouldn't we expect them up by now?

I'm not interested in job quanity but quality of wages and benefits.The TWU has a pathetic track record in this area as they traded away AMT jobs for SRP's.[No license pay]
The TWU has put everything at TUL upsidedown.Take a trip to the support shops and you see younger workers there.Go to the hangars on the docks and you will see the older workers there.There is something wrong with this picture as 20 years ago at TUL you had to have HIGH seniority to have a support shop job.
The young,new AMT's were on the aircraft docks crawing around in cargo and E&E compartments while the old timers were in a nice air conditioned support shop.
This one fact alone makes the TWU a bunch of scum bags in my view.Never mind all the concessions in 2003 that were endorsed by the TWU.
Checking it Out said:
Anyone remember the Amfa slogan?

"WE would be better off in Bankruptcy?"

:blink: Does anybody remember 10 paid Holidays, Full pay for sickdays, 17% more money... ... ... :shock:
How about this TWU slogan: "We NEGOTIATED these LOW wages to prevent layoffs" Ed Wilson Local 514 president. A president who,by the way, was convicted of embezzling union funds. :down:
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Today UAL made history once again. With the action of making a sweetheart deal with the PBGC and then having the Bankruptcy judge approve of the deal, United Airlines gave birth to the largest Pension default in US History. Congratulations Glen Tilton, your number one in employee disgust.

We are sure that the senior leadership of this company is quite proud of themselves.

Details of this travesty will be posted once all the court documents are made available.

So, now the questions leads this the point where we strike the airline? The short official answer from AMFA National is no. The action today, while a harbinger of things to come is not a trigger. The Court did approve the deal UAL and the PBGC presented. However this was not a ruling on abrogation of our collective bargaining agreement. A technicality some would say, but a very Legal technicality and one that needs to be understood in the current context.

The AMFA UAL negotiations committee is still engaged and still attempting to come a consensual agreement at the table. regardless of their success, we have several more hurdles to jump if this membership is actually going to exercise self help.

May 11th is the start of the trial under 1113c of the bankruptcy code. This trial will go forward. Currently it is scheduled to run until 19 May. During that time we may be voting on some type of agreement. It may be a consensual agreement reached at the table, or it may be the last offer on the table when the negotiators cut off talks. While court actions are being initiated, we would be voting, perhaps for one final time at United Airlines. If the membership accepts what is placed before them, the process would stop.

If the membership once again, does not ratify an agreement, then the judge would most likely rule. Where that ruling could take us is to be the subject of future updates.

The point today is this: Until the National Director calls for a strike on UAL, we continue to work. Isn't this a big reason why the Amfa wannabees want to leave the TWU-IAM-Teamsters?

The negotiations committee will most likely be releasing an update very shortly that will detail more of the company's refusal to provide Trust, Commitment and Stability to this membership. Barring any last minute epiphany by UAL, that update should make for interesting reading.

Didn't Amfa members already Vote? Looks like Amfa is looking for a way out instead of negotiating!!! Golden Parachute coming for Amfa national?
Checking it Out said:
Didn't Amfa members already Vote? Looks like Amfa is looking for a way out instead of negotiating!!! Golden Parachute coming for Amfa national?

YES. the AMFA members voted to give the National Director the authorization to call for a strike.

Did the TWU Members give Jim Little the authorization to sell us out without further ratification?

You are blinded by the loyalty to the docile TWU and cannot see the difference?

By The Way, I am still waiting for you to once again tell the story about 12,000 jobs and three maintenance bases being saved by the Jim Little's industry leading without further ratification concesssions.

Let me try to get this through your thick skull. This fight is about your pension, and all you do is ask someone else to strike to save yours. What about the TWU sympathy strike to help save your own pension? When is that going to be voted on CIO?


Analysts believe American and other traditional network airlines won't be able to keep their plans even if favorable legislation that makes it easier to fund them passes through Congress and becomes law.

"American has to be very careful here," said Ray Neidl, analyst for Calyon Securities in New York.

"They're going to have to go back to their employees at some point for more concessions because they're going to run at a significant cost disadvantage to United."

United, which is in bankruptcy, won approval to end its pensions and turn them over to the government-backed Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp.

Source: Dallas Morning News
Here is the TWU version of stand with your union brothers and sisters to defend your pensions...

The Union (Transport Workers Union - Dennis Burchette) tells us (KTUL Channel 8 News- Tulsa) American is not at all impacted by strike threats at United. Workers here belong to a different labor group.

Source: Tulsa Channel 8 News Story - Click Here

So much for strength in numbers and large family of unions!

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