- Jan 30, 2004
- 584
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Checking it Out said:Since 9/11 the TWU has negotiated many contracts. With over 20 Airlines and over 50 contracts they have done an excellent job during these times!
Show us what Amfa has accomplished? I believe they are still averaging 8 members lost per day! Even delle admits almost 10,000 gone at United.
Come on and show us! Isn't amfa democratic and didn't the members vote to strike over this issue? Wheres the picket lines? Shouldn't we expect them up by now?
I'm not interested in job quanity but quality of wages and benefits.The TWU has a pathetic track record in this area as they traded away AMT jobs for SRP's.[No license pay]
The TWU has put everything at TUL upsidedown.Take a trip to the support shops and you see younger workers there.Go to the hangars on the docks and you will see the older workers there.There is something wrong with this picture as 20 years ago at TUL you had to have HIGH seniority to have a support shop job.
The young,new AMT's were on the aircraft docks crawing around in cargo and E&E compartments while the old timers were in a nice air conditioned support shop.
This one fact alone makes the TWU a bunch of scum bags in my view.Never mind all the concessions in 2003 that were endorsed by the TWU.