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Industrial vs. Craft

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Where's overspeed I want the question answered about the TWU/IBT alliance and I'll keep asking till I get an answer
Buck my definition of an Organizer & your definition are probably very different, my definition is: Someone who on a regular basis goes out soliciting & collecting cards during his break & lunch time, attends Organizer meetings, regularly goes to the Teamster card drive office to get organizing strategy info, Becomes educated on the issues to help inform the Members of what the Teamsters can offer the Membership.
Now under that definition I am not even close to being a Teamster organizer, Teamster sympathizer maybe, I do wear the button & will collect a card if offered to me but have also collected AMFA cards recently when offered to me.
Hope that answers your question.
Oh & yes I guess I do have some inside information on whether the drive is real & the money coming from the Teamsters not TWU
Actually the last paragraph answered a lot of questions.
I know that question wasn't directed to me so I hope you don't my input ThirdSeatHero.
Crystal Clear, I think but in the end I do not guess it matter.

So just so were straight you attack AMFA & Informer on a regular bases but you will support any union that represents us and Raptorman knows AMFA is the better choice but he pushes Teamsters because he thinks they can win. At least I understand why you guys get along now.

Sounds like your somewhat getting it, I suspect his problem with AMFA is more about how the supporters act on this Board than the association.
I think you're misunderstanding what I'm asking.

At UAL before the ibt showed up with websites, and Director videos, and tshirts etc etc there were 12 United Airlines mechanics that called themselves the committe for change. They collected cards and leafleted gates, and when they had collected enough cards to show actual interest the ibt stepped in with paid organizers.

This is also what happened during the ibt campaign on Horizon, although i think their committe was called committe for a real future or something along those lines.

My point is, both of these groups were made up of ACTUAL mechanics, BEFORE the paid organizers showed up. As you are well aware from the many posts on this board, the ibts suspect arrival has many questioning their motives.

Again, if the ibt drive IS NOT a simple ruse to stop the AMFA drive which started first ( and run by an organizing group made up of AA mechanics) then where are those AA mechanics that reached out to the ibt to launch a campaign?

If there is no AA mechanics committee for the ibt, then who called them to come raid the TWU?
There was not one they just showed up and then people started jumping on the wagon
In my opinion sitting and watching the technique I would be willing to say he might be trying to stir a rise from you and not really assuming or typing what he believes. When you try to be genuine and speak your mind as you have done in my opinion, there are all kinds that come out of the woodwork. I would just accept it for what it is and I can't type that here or I would most likely see ## or get a warning.

Yes that probably is the case
Dammit thats twice in one day, 700uw you have got to start back checking your facts that egg is drying on your face. Typical Industrial Unionist lie twist distort lie repeat.
Course Compass is made up of former ALPA supporters who dont like USAPA, please show me where what they posted is fact, truth and been verified?

It hasnt, so try again.
I think you're misunderstanding what I'm asking.

At UAL before the ibt showed up with websites, and Director videos, and tshirts etc etc there were 12 United Airlines mechanics that called themselves the committe for change. They collected cards and leafleted gates, and when they had collected enough cards to show actual interest the ibt stepped in with paid organizers.

This is also what happened during the ibt campaign on Horizon, although i think their committe was called committe for a real future or something along those lines.

My point is, both of these groups were made up of ACTUAL mechanics, BEFORE the paid organizers showed up. As you are well aware from the many posts on this board, the ibts suspect arrival has many questioning their motives.

Again, if the ibt drive IS NOT a simple ruse to stop the AMFA drive which started first ( and run by an organizing group made up of AA mechanics) then where are those AA mechanics that reached out to the ibt to launch a campaign?

If there is no AA mechanics committee for the ibt, then who called them to come raid the TWU?

Yes there were several Mechanics that called the IBT asking them to start a drive, then the IBT setup a low profile meeting to see how many Mechanics would show up asking for them to organize AA they had more than 100 mechanics show up trying to convince them to start a drive & it worked.
Crystal Clear, I think but in the end I do not guess it matter.

So just so were straight you attack AMFA & Informer on a regular bases but you will support any union that represents us and Raptorman knows AMFA is the better choice but he pushes Teamsters because he thinks they can win. At least I understand why you guys get along now.

That last part was pretty deep I'll have to think about that one but Yeh we do get along pretty good. It's amazing when you agree to disagree and get past all that Sometimes there is a Real Stand Up person there. This time it was text book I think, Raptorman is genuine, a true professional and definatly a man among men,< well not here most of the time but you know what I mean
I know that question wasn't directed to me so I hope you don't my input ThirdSeatHero.

I don't mind your input AC, my question was to the AA mechanics on this board and that includes you.

I just hope the lack of a standing mechanic based organizing committee at AA will at the very least bring the ibt under increased scrutiny as they only showed up at other carriers AFTER the grass roots committees were formed.
There was not one they just showed up and then people started jumping on the wagon

There you go assuming at least you could have asked like third seat hero did & you would have gotten the same answer he did, several people know Mechanics who called/emailed the Teamsters asking them to come.
but believe your conspiracy theory it's much more interesting, how about area 51 huh what's going on there ??? what about all the people that go missing every year whats up with that ???
Yes there were several Mechanics that called the IBT asking them to start a drive, then the IBT setup a low profile meeting to see how many Mechanics would show up asking for them to organize AA they had more than 100 mechanics show up trying to convince them to start a drive & it worked.

As I thought, so there is no standing committee.

Just in contrast, there were no low profile meetings at UAL or Horizon to test interest, the ibt only showed up after the mechanic committees had been in action for several months.

Simply put, from what you and others have stated concerning the ibt arrival at AA, it DOES NOT fit the teamsters M.O.

Add to it, the deafening silence from the TWU against the ibt, can you be sure the ibt isn't there just to play spoiler?
I don't mind your input AC, my question was to the AA mechanics on this board and that includes you.

I just hope the lack of a standing mechanic based organizing committee at AA will at the very least bring the ibt under increased scrutiny as they only showed up at other carriers AFTER the grass roots committees were formed.

To be honest most people I know hadn't realized the IBT split from the afl-cio except the Mechanics that called/emailed them, the rest of us didn't find out until they quietly showed up at the hotel to gauge interest, I personally asked them at that first meeting if they were part of the afl-cio & if they cared about pissing off the TWU by trying to take Mechanics & their response was No & that it's not personal it's business.
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