Should 'any' organization fight a grievance that is indefensible?
I don't think so.
This is the way of AMFA. They wanted to know all from the Grievant. Like xUT they assume he is in the wrong and then determine if its defendable.
Now wait it sounds to me like you are saying that ALL the unions have the same type procedure when it comes to not representing Members, is that correct ?? Are you saying that AMFA is different than Teamsters or TWU when it comes to representing it's members in a grievance & if so explain the difference.??
No I don't think all unions have the same procedures. I hope they all represent you. But, What I do know is that depending on the charges against you...there are alot of members like xUT that just won't want to fight for you... and with AMFA he may be on that Grievance committee..
Once again your not being very clear, there are always going to be members who don't like a person & don't want to fight for him we know that the question is do the other Unions have the same procedure that would allow the Union to simply choose to not represent you if you get fired & your career is on the line, from what I'm hearing some are saying that situation exists with all the Unions not just with AMFA.
You have not been able to say whether that situation exists only with AMFA or not so i'm not sure anything special can be made out of the case you presented yet but i'm listening.