Ignorant/unprofessional??? Was going to ask why, but instead I'm sorry you feel that way. For all you AA folks look at the big picture before you jump. It's your future. Take a nite, go online and get the facts.
This would be extremely hard to do, but it is the honest truth.In other words, we either ALL get into one union, or we will forever be divided and conquered.
Ignorant/unprofessional??? Was going to ask why, but instead I'm sorry you feel that way. For all you AA folks look at the big picture before you jump. It's your future. Take a nite, go online and get the facts.
NWA did not break or try to....AMFA did that on there own.
Ignorant/unprofessional??? Was going to ask why, but instead I'm sorry you feel that way. For all you AA folks look at the big picture before you jump. It's your future. Take a nite, go online and get the facts.
Better change your nom de plume as you are certainly no 'brain' try 'brainless' better form/fit/function.NWA did not break or try to....AMFA did that on there own.
Ironic that you choose to chide another on professionalism, when you claim to be an AMFA member yet post ignorant/UNprofessional statements like this...
I was invited to visit the CAM Building tonight.
I was told that the whole building was a haven of the Teamsters,that that the Teamsters logo/signs would be all over the place.
I would say that about 95% I saw was AMFA , 4% TWU and 1% Teamsters.
I guess the Teamsters are on day shift?
Better change your nom de plume as you are certainly no 'brain' try 'brainless' better form/fit/function.
You twu/ibt cultists continue to amaze me as to your convoluted logic, disinformation and lies.
Nuff Said!
B) xUT
As someone said, You just can't fix stupid!
B) xUT
So what was the question & how was your post beneficial ?? Verbally attack the guy for giving his opinion & that will convince him he's wrong or convince us we should support your cause because that's where the professionals like yourself are ??
Seem's to me he was the one keeping it professional & not attacking anyone for having a different opinion, real people tend to like that type of attitude but hey just keep attacking people who don't think exactly like you do & see how well that works for your cause, especially while your trying to collect cards that's a great approach .... better hope a civil Teamster organizer doesn't follow behind you with cards though.
No one likes a bully who pouts & acts up because he doesn't get his way.
NWA did not break or try to....AMFA did that on there own.
I have been getting the facts on the internet every night for over 15 years now.
I am ready to VOTE and will vote for AMFA when I get my ballot.
"Not seeing the big picture" has been a staple comment from the TWU's going to save us from ourselves gang for years. Thanks for using that one and blending yourself well with that crowd.
A question for you Raptorman, do you condone lies and or distortions of the truth?
Here is Brains post that is the basis of this thread offshoot...
Another question, do you view this statement as accurate?
Do you believe as Brain states, that NWA didn't break AMFA or try to break them?