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Industrial vs. Craft

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Dude forget about me, I'm one person the masses who have to sign cards are who you need to worry about not one person that already signed a card, I mean nothing in the big scheme of things, go tell the masses to forget about the trinkets & the billboards etc. Good luck with that.

Seriously your wasting valuable time with me "I ALREADY SIGNED A CARD".

You must be of some high importance Raptorman. Informer constantly throwing text your way trying to sway you and now you have even pulled someone over from UA that seems to want to change your mode of thinking. Can't believe I hadn't heard of you before now, wow I guess Bucks comment about me being Robin was more jealousy instead of my original thought of sarcasm.

You must be of some high importance Raptorman. Informer constantly throwing text your way trying to sway you and now you have even pulled someone over from UA that seems to want to change your mode of thinking. Can't believe I hadn't heard of you before now, wow I guess Bucks comment about me being Robin was more jealousy instead of my original thought of sarcasm.

No just the two of you as the dynamic duo, that's it.
You must be of some high importance Raptorman. Informer constantly throwing text your way trying to sway you and now you have even pulled someone over from UA that seems to want to change your mode of thinking. Can't believe I hadn't heard of you before now, wow I guess Bucks comment about me being Robin was more jealousy instead of my original thought of sarcasm.


Everyone is of high importance in my mind. It is only the industrial unionist that divide everyone into different categories based on thier opinions, beliefs, and actions. Some of us that support AMFA were charged with dual unionism, in bad standing for three years, and could not run for union office for 5 years. But as long as your dual unionism is in support of another industrial union, then you are not unbecoming, you are not even an enemy, you are a soldier adn it is advocated by the incumbent union.

Industrial Unionist even teamed with management to assist in the destruction of a group of fellow Mechanics, as a tool of revenge, because they chose to leave the mind control and slavery of the industrial union ideas.

I have a different name than Robin, for so-called "union men" that would resort to teaming with management to invoke revenge on workers that exercised their freedom under federal law. But I will hold that one for a later date.
Don't believe the bull from the AMFA supporters. AMFA is allowed to exist at the airline level by the airlines so they have a means to control you "the AMT" and if you think you have any power with them. Then flex your professional power and go on "STRIKE". Or at least try to, then you will see how democratic they are......
Be forwarned...if you want to try and take on your airline. Your AMFA brothers will help the airline stop you...
Everyone is of high importance in my mind. It is only the industrial unionist that divide everyone into different categories based on thier opinions, beliefs, and actions. Some of us that support AMFA were charged with dual unionism, in bad standing for three years, and could not run for union office for 5 years. But as long as your dual unionism is in support of another industrial union, then you are not unbecoming, you are not even an enemy, you are a soldier adn it is advocated by the incumbent union.

Industrial Unionist even teamed with management to assist in the destruction of a group of fellow Mechanics, as a tool of revenge, because they chose to leave the mind control and slavery of the industrial union ideas.

I have a different name than Robin, for so-called "union men" that would resort to teaming with management to invoke revenge on workers that exercised their freedom under federal law. But I will hold that one for a later date.

As I stated in another thread, I have no interest in discussing Union anything on here. You make me laugh with all this save it for later talk. If you can't say or type something and want to save it for later then why not just not refer to to it at all
Don't believe the bull from the AMFA supporters. AMFA is allowed to exist at the airline level by the airlines so they have a means to control you "the AMT" and if you think you have any power with them. Then flex your professional power and go on "STRIKE". Or at least try to, then you will see how democratic they are......
And the TWU is controlled by AA.
As I stated in another thread, I have no interest in discussing Union anything on here. You make me laugh with all this save it for later talk. If you can't say or type something and want to save it for later then why not just not refer to to it at all

I have my reasons and will maintain that position.
Thank You for your unsolicited advice though.
Dude forget about me, I'm one person the masses who have to sign cards are who you need to worry about not one person that already signed a card, I mean nothing in the big scheme of things, go tell the masses to forget about the trinkets & the billboards etc. Good luck with that.

Seriously your wasting valuable time with me "I ALREADY SIGNED A CARD".

Thats where we disagree.

I don't view pointing out your inability to address basic valid concerns as a waste of time.

You've made it clear you're collecting cards, and while you obviously have no problem being lied to by the teamsters in exchange for simple trinkets, I'm hoping that other, more discerning, mechanics will take note of this and reject the teamsters propaganda.
You must be of some high importance Raptorman. Informer constantly throwing text your way trying to sway you and now you have even pulled someone over from UA that seems to want to change your mode of thinking. Can't believe I hadn't heard of you before now, wow I guess Bucks comment about me being Robin was more jealousy instead of my original thought of sarcasm.


And again, pointing out teamsters supporters inability to address basic representational concerns isn't a waste of time. I have no doubt I wouldn't change Raptors mind, but those reading here and witnessing first hand his so called rationale for supporting the ibt, might just think twice before signing one of his cards.
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