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Ken show some integrity. Give the money back to the ARSA. Climb out of bed with Sarah MacLeod who is destroying our craft. Don't be a hypocrite.

Clearly your sore spots are 2010 & ARSA , do you have nightmares about both ??
wake up in a cold sweat ?? just curious, possibly a counselor could help, just trying to be helpful because i'm worried that your health might be suffering worrying about these two issues.
I have. I guess you don't care that Ken the AMFA cheerleader is aligned with a group that is spending big bucks to have AMT and Repair Station standards lowered so more union jobs can be eliminated in favor of outsourcing. Has the TWU done that? No. Ken has no integrity because he will say anything and do anything to further his personal agenda without concern for his fellow union brothers and sisters. If he had an ounce of integrity left he would give the money back and publicly rebuke the ARSA.

It doesn't appear anyone cares about Arsa since no one is addressing the issue but you & it's fine that you care about it, not saying it's not but you have made your point many times, so I think everyone get's it by now. .... just saying no point in bringing up Arsa every time Ken makes a post about anything.
Ken show some integrity. Give the money back to the ARSA. Climb out of bed with Sarah MacLeod who is destroying our craft. Don't be a hypocrite.

I voted against the 2010 offer overspeed because my main goal for the last 10 years has been to retire & get out of this business, If everyone would have been able to keep their retiree medical I would have voted for that contract, at the very least everyone should have lost it but to say if your 50 you can keep your retiree medical & retire even if you only have 5 years with the company but if you have 30 years with the company and are only 49 your screwed & have to work till your 65 ..... seriously !! did the TWU think that was going to fly NOT !
I have. I guess you don't care that Ken the AMFA cheerleader is aligned with a group that is spending big bucks to have AMT and Repair Station standards lowered so more union jobs can be eliminated in favor of outsourcing. Has the TWU done that? No. Ken has no integrity because he will say anything and do anything to further his personal agenda without concern for his fellow union brothers and sisters. If he had an ounce of integrity left he would give the money back and publicly rebuke the ARSA.
Yes the TWU has done that. In 1995 they brought in the SRP which put us on the path we are on today. Their idea of "Inhouse" outsourcing led to the destruction of the pay and benefit structure of the AMTs. AMTs at AA have less benefits than the other two (unskilled) groups represented by TWU. We are also the lowest paid AMTs in the entire airline industry! I would classify this as being detrimental to not only the AMTs employed by AA, but to the entire industry. The international officers pay has gone up substantially during all this though. We are all getting older and we need our sick time paid 100% just like every other workgroup at AA and we need our vacation and holidays also. I refuse to believe that getting these things will break AA and I will not vote yes for any contract that doesn't at least provide these basic benefits. I think we deserve them.
Went to the AMFA Informational meeting today their were about 60 people there which isn't bad for a Informational meeting, thought I would see more people proudly wearing the colors though, shirts, button etc. I only saw two, Dan & Steve & I was impressed that they were proud enough to wear them, back in 2003 it was different many people proudly wore the AMFA logo seems like you couldn't go anywhere on the base without seeing it, I don't understand why the supporters don't wear the logo with pride, I always did because I wanted everyone to know where my allegiance was, I have noticed that many of the Teamster supporters do wear the logo proudly, can't help but wonder if the current AMFA supporters are going to do that at some point.

Didn't really want to go to the AMFA informational meeting because I'm not an AMFA organizer & I never really enjoy going to informational meetings on my time, Dave gave me a personal invitation so I said I would go of course that was before we were asked for overtime on Saturday .... ugh ! after that I really wanted to work 12 hours of overtime today instead of spending 2 hours not making money but I'm a man of my word & had already told Dave I would be there so I went. I told another guy that I would go to the Teamster informational meeting for him on the 26th as well .... Ugh ! I'm not looking forward to it either but once again when I give my word I stick to it no matter how painful it is...... ( note to self stop accepting informational meeting invitations )
Went to the AMFA Informational meeting today their were about 60 people there which isn't bad for a Informational meeting, thought I would see more people proudly wearing the colors though, shirts, button etc. I only saw two, Dan & Steve & I was impressed that they were proud enough to wear them, back in 2003 it was different many people proudly wore the AMFA logo seems like you couldn't go anywhere on the base without seeing it, I don't understand why the supporters don't wear the logo with pride, I always did because I wanted everyone to know where my allegiance was, I have noticed that many of the Teamster supporters do wear the logo proudly, can't help but wonder if the current AMFA supporters are going to do that at some point.

Didn't really want to go to the AMFA informational meeting because I'm not an AMFA organizer & I never really enjoy going to informational meetings on my time, Dave gave me a personal invitation so I said I would go of course that was before we were asked for overtime on Saturday .... ugh ! after that I really wanted to work 12 hours of overtime today instead of spending 2 hours not making money but I'm a man of my word & had already told Dave I would be there so I went. I told another guy that I would go to the Teamster informational meeting for him on the 26th as well .... Ugh ! I'm not looking forward to it either but once again when I give my word I stick to it no matter how painful it is...... ( note to self stop accepting informational meeting invitations )
You could have gone to the AMFA meeting and worked 12 hours if either were important enough.

I really do not understand your position here on this board, because you often show both of your faces, but not as a bad thing.

Where were you sitting?
You could have gone to the AMFA meeting and worked 12 hours if either were important enough.

I really do not understand your position here on this board, because you often show both of your faces, but not as a bad thing.

Where were you sitting?

My position is complicated .....LOL , I was sitting on the right side at the back by the cameraman wearing a blue Under Armour shirt, there was only one guy right in front of me, Brett & Dan cunningham were at the front of my row.
I was there till 12:30 so wasn't many left when I left.
forgot the name of the guy in front of me but he was with Brett, that was the first time I actually met Brett although talked to him a few times on the phone.

Oh & the AMFA meeting wasn't important enough but told Dave I would come so wanted to keep my word.
Where were you sitting ??
Also Ed came in late & I was sitting one isle over from him in the back.
I was at the door through most of it. I left about noon. I sat behind Bret just before I left. I was wearing a purple shirt, I am a Grey Beard.
I was at the door through most of it. I left about noon. I sat behind Bret just before I left. I was wearing a purple shirt, I am a Grey Beard.

Ok don't remember seeing you but there were about 60 people there so I can't remember many ....lol
you were sitting just a little in front of me then.
Went to the AMFA Informational meeting today their were about 60 people there which isn't bad for a Informational meeting, thought I would see more people proudly wearing the colors though, shirts, button etc. I only saw two, Dan & Steve & I was impressed that they were proud enough to wear them, back in 2003 it was different many people proudly wore the AMFA logo seems like you couldn't go anywhere on the base without seeing it, I don't understand why the supporters don't wear the logo with pride, I always did because I wanted everyone to know where my allegiance was, I have noticed that many of the Teamster supporters do wear the logo proudly, can't help but wonder if the current AMFA supporters are going to do that at some point.

Didn't really want to go to the AMFA informational meeting because I'm not an AMFA organizer & I never really enjoy going to informational meetings on my time, Dave gave me a personal invitation so I said I would go of course that was before we were asked for overtime on Saturday .... ugh ! after that I really wanted to work 12 hours of overtime today instead of spending 2 hours not making money but I'm a man of my word & had already told Dave I would be there so I went. I told another guy that I would go to the Teamster informational meeting for him on the 26th as well .... Ugh ! I'm not looking forward to it either but once again when I give my word I stick to it no matter how painful it is...... ( note to self stop accepting informational meeting invitations )

Must not be very observant I was wearing my AMFA shirt and saw others with shirts and shorts. Since the last AMFA drive was in 2004-2005 I would imagine the people didn't wear them due to them being thread bare from being worn at work so much,but I am sure we can remedy that problem,by getting them new shirts.
Must not be very observant I was wearing my AMFA shirt and saw others with shirts and shorts. Since the last AMFA drive was in 2004-2005 I would imagine the people didn't wear them due to them being thread bare from being worn at work so much,but I am sure we can remedy that problem,by getting them new shirts.

That would be a good thing, AMFA certainly could use a lot more visibility, Teamster visibility is starting to be more than the TWU at the base. ..... and yes it makes a difference.
That would be a good thing, AMFA certainly could use a lot more visibility, Teamster visibility is starting to be more than the TWU at the base. ..... and yes it makes a difference.

Why didn't you stand up and introduce yourself, and counter even one of those facts that the two Teamsters members at the AMFA meeting were sharing with you?
You love to hear yourself talk here on the forumns, and on the base, but you had not the balls to challenge the fact that most of what you have been saying about the Teamsters is outright lies.

Are you hard headed? Or just incapable of admitting the Teamsters have lied to you, and you have spread those lies?

Did you sit there and not hear a damn thing? Or are you in selective hearing mode?
Must not be very observant I was wearing my AMFA shirt and saw others with shirts and shorts. Since the last AMFA drive was in 2004-2005 I would imagine the people didn't wear them due to them being thread bare from being worn at work so much,but I am sure we can remedy that problem,by getting them new shirts.

How could anyone have listened to those current and previous Teamsters members spelling out the facts and how they organized UAL using members with lifetime recall rights while promising them their jobs back that were lost in Bankruptcy, and the other numerous lies used, and still walk out of there supporting the Teamsters? I have another word for that mentality, but "not very observant" is the civil way to say it.

Did you LISTEN? Or just there with your mind and ears closed the dialogue?
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