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Industrial vs. Craft

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Yes I do lean towards AMFA but AMFA has had 25 years to get enough cards & the support is getting worse not better, with the Line station vs Overhaul stalemate issue it is unlikely we will ever change Unions, AA is not United at United the Mechanics aren't as split or you wouldn't be able to change Unions as often as you do, AA is very different & that is why the TWU has been there for about 50 years... as much as we would like for it to change it's not likely that it will, you have a lot going for you at United as I said I'm jealous of most everything you have at United except I would never live in Minneapolis to work there.


I think you're confusing us with NWA/Delta.

UAL doesn't have a major maintenance presence in Minneapolis.
Yes I was with the IAM at Alaska.
Most noticeable difference is our protection under the contract. Not the same, big difference!!! They don't fight
grievances the same.

Do they dictate a situation? YES....

Leaders appointed. No We vote....

#2 In pay....ever hear of Aircom? We are their because the airline aloud it. The slice of pie got smaller because of it. Ask about my health care cost, Pension.
Yes, My insurance contributions and deductions have increased and will continue to every year till 2016, I don't have the exact percentages but it pretty well removes the percentage of wages that was increased. Our pension/retirement plan did not have any changes. Now you may not think that sounds bad but I am in my 50s and part of the defined pension plan. For the younger members, depending on their hire date
are not part of the defined pension plan , they instead have a enhanced company matching 401(k) plan. Both of these things (defined/ 401(k))
are in the contract.
From Tulsa World:

Insurgent unions say they're winning TWU converts among American Airlines mechanics

Several weeks into organizing drives among American Airlines mechanics, two insurgent aircraft mechanics unions are winning...

Link to story: http://bit.ly/NlWho9
Has anybodyelse noticed that anytime there is an article written mentioning all three unions that the twu only attacks the AMFA and not the ibt. If the ibt's card drive were legitimate and not something orchestrated by the two you would think that twboo would be attacking both unions not just the AMFA. After Philly I'm sure Frank (The punching bag) McCann will do all of his talking from protection of a news paper and not in person.
Has anybodyelse noticed that anytime there is an article written mentioning all three unions that the twu only attacks the AMFA and not the ibt. If the ibt's card drive were legitimate and not something orchestrated by the two you would think that twboo would be attacking both unions not just the AMFA. After Philly I'm sure Frank (The punching bag) McCann will do all of his talking from protection of a news paper and not in person.

Well from the article the TWU is a 300lb Gorilla & the Teamsters are a 500lb Gorilla when dealing with an extra 200lbs of Gorilla you have to be very careful about what you say about them because 200 more pounds of Gorilla can put a hurting on ya, no one mentioned that AMFA was any Gorilla, Conspiracy ? I don't think so, healthy respect & possibly even some fear of the 500lb Gorilla Probably. Just my opinion
Well from the article the TWU is a 300lb Gorilla & the Teamsters are a 500lb Gorilla when dealing with an extra 200lbs of Gorilla you have to be very careful about what you say about them because 200 more pounds of Gorilla can put a hurting on ya, no one mentioned that AMFA was any Gorilla, Conspiracy ? I don't think so, healthy respect & possibly even some fear of the 500lb Gorilla Probably. Just my opinion

I think as always I will never understand your way of thinking.

If you cannot tell the truth about your feelings regarding the Teamsters only being here to collect pension fund money when you are speaking to the media, and instead claim nobody supports AMFA in Tulsa, then maybe you deserve to be treated more harshly than a guy who can stand up in the face of media and say the same thing he says behind doors in one on one conversations.

You know the name for people that cannot be stand up because I have seen you post the description more than once.

There is going to be a guy who was a previous Teamsters Business Agent at the meeting Saturday come and meet him and maybe he can explain the truth to you.
Well from the article the TWU is a 300lb Gorilla & the Teamsters are a 500lb Gorilla when dealing with an extra 200lbs of Gorilla you have to be very careful about what you say about them because 200 more pounds of Gorilla can put a hurting on ya, no one mentioned that AMFA was any Gorilla, Conspiracy ? I don't think so, healthy respect & possibly even some fear of the 500lb Gorilla Probably. Just my opinion
Funny thing is that when you first showed up, there was nothing better than the teamsters. Now your talking bad about them? Did you finally see the light and switch to AMFA?
Dave I said what "I" wanted to say not what the Teamsters or AMFA wanted me to say, as you pointed out there is no "I" in Team, I agree which why I have pointed out many times that I am NOT a team player, there are three ways I can choose to do things, Teamsters way, AMFA way or my way, I choose to go MY WAY, you go your way, I couldn't help but notice that you didn't say what I wanted you to say in the article also so guess we both said what we wanted to say.
stop trying to get me to do what you want me to do because it's not going to work & it's pointless, that's why I laugh every time someone accuses me of doing what the Teamsters want me to do, I don't do anything that any organization or person wants me to do ..... I do what I want to do my way. I said I would come to both the Teamster informational meeting & the AMFA informational meeting to show support & I will do that but I have no intention of being manipulated by either organization .... I"m not drinking anyone's koolaid because I brought my own & it tastes much better. 🙄
While Velociraptor hunts in small groups because of it's small size in relation to it's prey it will eat it's own kind if one is weak or injured, it's not really a team player either .... LOL

We can all agree to disagree & pursue our OWN agenda's.
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