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Industrial vs. Craft

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Hey Informer, got you a new Tee Shirt slogan.

Here it is......."NO rhymes with Mingo"

That will fix our problems! Another TWU slogan. Just great!

It is acceptable for you to disagree with those of us seeking change. Just remember though, you only speak for yourself, and a few other's that are haapy with our current demise. I intend on getting a consensus and not stop because you and others buy into the "FEAR CHANGE" campaign.

What is your answer to the reason the TWU director of organizing McCann and nobody else in the TWU ever has a negative thing to say about the Teamsters "raiding" the TWU? Why is that?
That will fix our problems! Another TWU slogan. Just great!

It is acceptable for you to disagree with those of us seeking change. Just remember though, you only speak for yourself, and the other's that are haapy with our current demise. I intend on getting a consensus and not stop because you and others buy into the "FEAR CHANGE" campaign.

Graawwweeerrrr..... B)
Graawwweeerrrr..... B)

Just as I thought.
Slogans, child level response, emoticons, and yet no honest and open debate. Typical

try this one
What is your answer to the reason the TWU director of organizing McCann and nobody else in the TWU ever has a negative thing to say about the Teamsters "raiding" the TWU? Why is that?

Now run and hide again, until the next chance to show your stuff and be honest with the readers.
Stewart said lately the environment has grown dark, but "working there, it's been a good job. l haven't left, you know, it's been a good provider."

And he offers a plug for the TWU, who has ensured him to have a good job and ensured his good provider experience... 🙂
I think you're getting mixed up. The compAAny is the provider, not the compAAny union...
And he offers a plug for the TWU, who has ensured him to have a good job and ensured his good provider experience... 🙂

Is there any limit to your worship of evil?

Once again,
What is your answer to the reason the TWU director of organizing McCann and nobody else in the TWU ever has a negative thing to say about the Teamsters "raiding" the TWU? Why is that?
Stewart said lately the environment has grown dark, but "working there, it's been a good job. l haven't left, you know, it's been a good provider."

And he offers a plug for the TWU, who has ensured him to have a good job and ensured his good provider experience... 🙂
Why is it that as serious as this is all you do is apply smiley faces? Could defend something sometime, if you have a cause other than being a union goon, if that is what you are.
Why didn't you stand up and introduce yourself, and counter even one of those facts that the two Teamsters members at the AMFA meeting were sharing with you?
You love to hear yourself talk here on the forumns, and on the base, but you had not the balls to challenge the fact that most of what you have been saying about the Teamsters is outright lies.

Are you hard headed? Or just incapable of admitting the Teamsters have lied to you, and you have spread those lies?

Did you sit there and not hear a damn thing? Or are you in selective hearing mode?

I was there because you asked me to come for support remember NOT to ask questions, I will be at the Teamster meeting for support as well because someone asked me but once again NOT to ask questions, I do what I want to do, and I keep my word once given, I never said Teamsters was better, I said & still say that they have more support in Tulsa, with the mechanic divide I don't believe either will get enough cards so I'm not putting any effort into either card drive, we will be stuck with the TWU for the few years that most of us have more than likely.
I will say that I find how the Teamsters are running their card drive impressive, I'm not impressed with how the AMFA card drive is being run in Tulsa, it was much better in 2003, the low profile approach doesn't work for me....It is what it is. B)
I was there because you asked me to come for support remember NOT to ask questions, I will be at the Teamster meeting for support as well because someone asked me but once again NOT to ask questions, I do what I want to do, and I keep my word once given, I never said Teamsters was better, I said & still say that they have more support in Tulsa, with the mechanic divide I don't believe either will get enough cards so I'm not putting any effort into either card drive, we will be stuck with the TWU for the few years that most of us have more than likely.
I will say that I find how the Teamsters are running their card drive impressive, I'm not impressed with how the AMFA card drive is being run in Tulsa, it was much better in 2003, the low profile approach doesn't work for me....It is what it is. B)

OK, but you could go around to all those you had sign Teamsters card, tell them the truth that you heard, and suggest that they be sure to hear both sides of the debate before making their decision. You know as well I as do that once a real and strong man hears the truth he knows he has heard it. And when a man has heard an uncorrected lie, then our entire membership and profession becomes weaker, not stronger.

To sit back and not go correct any lies or misrepresentations that were made to you and that you made to others is not being the man you claim to be, or that I took a stand and told everyone who I thought you were when you first started posting here and they began attacking you.

Be a man and try to correct any mistakes you have made, and then continue to stand by those that you have confirmed to be true.

You actually have more influence than most right now, to change the direction of the support for AMFA, but it would require you to correct any mistakes you have made, and reverse any lies that you have told regarding the Teamsters, me, or the support for AMFA at the Tulsa base.

In other words, it is your move, and your post indicates to me that you intend to sit on the sidelines and not help either side. That is sad, if that is your intention. It takes a bigger man to correct a wrong, than to commit a wrong.
Why is it that as serious as this is all you do is apply smiley faces? Could defend something sometime, if you have a cause other than being a union goon, if that is what you are.

Why don't you attend a Local union meeting where serious issues may be addressed Buck? I happen to like smiley faces. Especially using them here where nothing matters, where nothing of significance gets resolved, just whining and crying goes on here and it cracks me up.... :lol: :lol: :lol: 😛 :blink:
I was there because you asked me to come for support remember NOT to ask questions, I will be at the Teamster meeting for support as well because someone asked me but once again NOT to ask questions, I do what I want to do, and I keep my word once given, I never said Teamsters was better, I said & still say that they have more support in Tulsa, with the mechanic divide I don't believe either will get enough cards so I'm not putting any effort into either card drive, we will be stuck with the TWU for the few years that most of us have more than likely.
I will say that I find how the Teamsters are running their card drive impressive, I'm not impressed with how the AMFA card drive is being run in Tulsa, it was much better in 2003, the low profile approach doesn't work for me....It is what it is. B)

Just an observation...

I notice that in the majority of your posts you seem to go out of the way to say in one way or the other this....

...I never said Teamsters was better...

Now while you may have never "said" it, what you do say/infer about AMFA is in itself just as telling.

For example, I have yet to read a post of yours where you refer to the ibt as sarcastically as you have AMFA ....for instance, your refering to AMFA as a "panacea" or the "Holy grail of Unions"

Your continued attempts to pass yourself off as a neutral just looking to remove the TWU are a bit disingenuous.
Why don't you attend a Local union meeting where serious issues may be addressed Buck? I happen to like smiley faces. Especially using them here where nothing matters, where nothing of significance gets resolved, just whining and crying goes on here and it cracks me up.... :lol: :lol: :lol: 😛 :blink:

What is your answer to the reason the TWU director of organizing McCann and nobody else in the TWU ever has a negative thing to say about the Teamsters "raiding" the TWU? Why is that?
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