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Industrial vs. Craft

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Funny thing is that when you first showed up, there was nothing better than the teamsters. Now your talking bad about them? Did you finally see the light and switch to AMFA?

Once again someone putting words in my mouth, I never said there was nothing better than the Teamsters & you won't be able to pull up a post where I did say that, I said I think the Teamsters have a better chance of getting enough cards because of what l'm seeing here in Tulsa, so I'm collecting Teamsters cards since there easy to get here in Tulsa, If I were to "visually" notice that AMFA appeared to be more popular here in Tulsa I would be collecting AMFA cards instead, MY goal is to replace the TWU by helping whichever competing Union has the most chance of getting to an Election even though a new Union won't actually help me personally since were getting ready to be strapped to a 6 year contract & I will be gone after that, if by some miracle it came to a three way vote, I would vote AMFA but NOT because you think I should .... you can be sure of that.
Once again someone putting words in my mouth, I never said there was nothing better than the Teamsters & you won't be able to pull up a post where I did say that, I said I think the Teamsters have a better chance of getting enough cards because of what l'm seeing here in Tulsa, so I'm collecting Teamsters cards since there easy to get here in Tulsa, If I were to "visually" notice that AMFA appeared to be more popular here in Tulsa I would be collecting AMFA cards instead, MY goal is to replace the TWU by helping whichever competing Union has the most chance of getting to an Election even though a new Union won't actually help me personally since were getting ready to be strapped to a 6 year contract & I will be gone after that, if by some miracle it came to a three way vote, I would vote AMFA but NOT because you think I should .... you can be sure of that.

So please, do tell why you would vote AMFA?? You say you are collecting cards for teamsters and would vote AMFA in a 3 way. WOW!! That says alot for AMFA. A teamster card campaigner will vote AMFA when it comes down to it... Awesome!! Bet the teamsters love you now; there went your teamster card drive.
Really swampt ? It's that easy hugh, I make a statement & the Teamster drive is over ..... LOL
Someone better notify the Teamsters that their drive is over cause Raptorman said he would vote AMFA
WOW guess i'm the 600lb Gorilla then hugh ? LOL

Bottom line is both competing Unions need over 50% cards to get to an Election, with the attitudes of AA Mechanics not cooperating wth each other the likely hood of that happening is not good, there is a reason that TWU as bad as it is has been representing Mechanics for over 50 years ...... we just can't get on the same page or even choose to compromise with each other for the common goal of removing the TWU.

Oh by the way neither side loves me because i'm a rebel, a Maverick, very unpredictable & uncontrollable, what kind of team is gonna love that kind of a wild card.
Well from the article the TWU is a 300lb Gorilla & the Teamsters are a 500lb Gorilla when dealing with an extra 200lbs of Gorilla you have to be very careful about what you say about them because 200 more pounds of Gorilla can put a hurting on ya, no one mentioned that AMFA was any Gorilla, Conspiracy ? I don't think so, healthy respect & possibly even some fear of the 500lb Gorilla Probably. Just my opinion
The extra 200lbs it seems, wouldn't be needed unless diplomacy was not available. With the TWU all the Gorillas are the same.
The extra 200lbs it seems, wouldn't be needed unless diplomacy was not available. With the TWU all the Gorillas are the same.

Well Buck Gorilla's (Unions) are an endangered species, that's fine by me .....Id still hunt em.
I agree mostly ...... there not a lot of difference with Unions.
I have had quite a few people ask me if AMFA & AMP are the same organization since they got AMFA stuff in an AMP envelope today .... Ugh that's all I need dealing with answering that question all day, I'm sure the organizers did it to save money but its sure creating confusion because some people like AMFA but not AMP & are making a big deal out of the Envelope.
Well Buck Gorilla's (Unions) are an endangered species, that's fine by me .....Id still hunt em.
I agree mostly ...... there not a lot of difference with Unions.
And the membership of those unions, are they all they same?
No & that's the biggest difference the Members.
That's why United keeps changing Unions their Members are more militant & passionate than at AA
That is why there needs to be a change. The mechanics at AA are worn out by the never ending pacification from the TWU.

Why don't you defend the twu?
I have. I guess you don't care that Ken the AMFA cheerleader is aligned with a group that is spending big bucks to have AMT and Repair Station standards lowered so more union jobs can be eliminated in favor of outsourcing. Has the TWU done that? No. Ken has no integrity because he will say anything and do anything to further his personal agenda without concern for his fellow union brothers and sisters. If he had an ounce of integrity left he would give the money back and publicly rebuke the ARSA.
I have. I guess you don't care that Ken the AMFA cheerleader is aligned with a group that is spending big bucks to have AMT and Repair Station standards lowered so more union jobs can be eliminated in favor of outsourcing. Has the TWU done that? No. Ken has no integrity because he will say anything and do anything to further his personal agenda without concern for his fellow union brothers and sisters. If he had an ounce of integrity left he would give the money back and publicly rebuke the ARSA.
No you are attacking Ken without defending the TWU. Explain how this T/A is good for the mechanics.
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