Please stop attacking me and copying my post and being rude.
Dude that was a Compliment seriously , I rarely give compliments cause its not my thing but I'm genuinely impressed.
Please stop attacking me and copying my post and being rude.
Raptorman asked my union perferance, not doing this to
Agree with or against the majority here. Just if you have questions about AMFA, maybe I can answer them.
Raptorman asked my union perferance, not doing this to
Agree with or against the majority here. Just if you have questions about AMFA, maybe I can answer them.
I have a few questions,
Where you around when the iam represented the Alaska mechanics?
If you were, what are the most notable differences between the iam and AMFA?
Has AMFA ever dictated a situation that affected you guys or do you guys vote and and a voice on matters?
Have any of your leaders in AMFA been appointed without the members will?
Who negotiated your #2 in pay contract? Meaning was it an aircraft mechanic or someone that has no skin in the game?
So now you are for AMFA after all.The TWU elects officers for our Locals but not the National although to be honest I really don't care about the National, the Local Presidents Negotiate the contracts & that's mostly what I want the Union to do for me Negotiate decent contracts, one bad thing about this system is that the Local Presidents are not trained Negotiators so their really amateurs, I think the biggest factor in any Union is the type of people in that Union, some Unions have more militant Members than others, often times it seems that Location has a lot to do with that, High cost area's tend to have more Militant Members etc.
I suspect that no matter what Union we get at AA it will be very difficult to get decent contracts because of the Indifferent attitude that seems to be prevalent in Tulsa where the Majority of Members are, of course there is the fact that were getting ready to be locked into a 6 year contract & then if it takes 3 years to negotiate another one after that again then your looking at 9 years till we get another contract after this one..... how many of us will still be here in 9 years when the average age in the TWU is 48
It would be nice for Mechanics to at least be in a Union where there not a part of the other 6 work groups, sometimes segregation is a good thing.
So now you are for AMFA after all.
OK, fine but while a member of any industrial union, you are taking from someone else if you make one penny more. Did you lose your loaf of bread brother?I was never against AMFA, I simply said I didn't think they had enough support in Tulsa to get enough cards to file for an Election & it appears that the Teamsters do, but without Line Station support they might not be able to either, so in the end we might still be stuck with the TWU, I signed both cards Buck on the first day of both drives, Im good with either of them replacing TWU.
If another Union were to replace the TWU they won't get an opportunity to negotiate a new contract for 6 years, by that time I will be a short timer IF i'm still here, so probably won't get much benefit from the change.
OK, fine but while a member of any industrial union, you are taking from someone else if you make one penny more. Did you lose your loaf of bread brother?
I was never against AMFA, I simply said I didn't think they had enough support in Tulsa to get enough cards to file for an Election & it appears that the Teamsters do, but without Line Station support they might not be able to either, so in the end we might still be stuck with the TWU, I signed both cards Buck on the first day of both drives, Im good with either of them replacing TWU.
If another Union were to replace the TWU they won't get an opportunity to negotiate a new contract for 6 years, by that time I will be a short timer IF i'm still here, so probably won't get much benefit from the change.
Yes I do lean towards AMFA but AMFA has had 25 years to get enough cards & the support is getting worse not better, with the Line station vs Overhaul stalemate issue it is unlikely we will ever change Unions, AA is not United at United the Mechanics aren't as split or you wouldn't be able to change Unions as often as you do, AA is very different & that is why the TWU has been there for about 50 years... as much as we would like for it to change it's not likely that it will, you have a lot going for you at United as I said I'm jealous of most everything you have at United except I would never live in Minneapolis to work there.You seem to be leaning toward craft unionism in your writings. If AMFA doesn't have the support in TUL you feel, why don't you put the same effort into helping garner more AMFA support and stop wasting time with the ibt? Like you said, the AA line stations will never go for the ibt. That leaves you with a stalemate. Help TUL go AMFA, and everybody wins.