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Industrial vs. Craft

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Defeated??? What do you mean? I am scared that is why I go to the union meetings, so I have a little warning about what there doing next. I don't think I'm defeated after all I have AMFA on my side!!

Oh so you meant that you go to the AMFA meetings and then feed the Supervisors the details?
Sorry, I misunderstood you.
Again I ask what have they done for the A&P's? I am looking forward to my July union meeting with AMFA we are going to feed the Company's Supervisors.

By the way, i would rather feed the supervisors twice a year than give the company back a percentage of my compensation for 5 years. There is nothing wrong to be civil with the supervisors if they are civil with you.
By the way, i would rather feed the supervisors twice a year than give the company back a percentage of my compensation for 5 years. There is nothing wrong to be civil with the supervisors if they are civil with you.

I agree supervisors are lower level Management & have nothing to do with contracts, I have had some good ones that were never hostile to Mechanics.
Alaska local 14. After this months meeting the local is having a heritage dinner for current members and former officers of the local..
Alaska local 14. After this months meeting the local is having a heritage dinner for current members and former officers of the local..

Sounds nice. Have a good time.

I wish my union did stuff like that. It's good to bring everyone together for some good camaraderie.
Alaska local 14. After this months meeting the local is having a heritage dinner for current members and former officers of the local..

Wow, come to Tulsa or obtain TWU industrial union representation and you will have Local Union Officers spending the a few nights at a local hotel with management, and they call it a pajama party, where they come up with a "working together" plan to save the company $500 million and change work rules with nothing in return to union members.

Heritage Dinner sounds pretty tame compared to industrial union get togethers.
Alaska local 14. After this months meeting the local is having a heritage dinner for current members and former officers of the local..

By the way, congrats on your new contract with the second highest pay in the passenger industry behind SWA. I have to say, I am a little jealous 🙂
Cool do you have a Union preference ?? Just curious

Hey Raptor,

You sound pretty civil to brain even though he is not an AA mechanic posting in an AA forum. Have you had a change of heart about people from other airlines posting here?
Hey Raptor,

You sound pretty civil to brain even though he is not an AA mechanic posting in an AA forum. Have you had a change of heart about people from other airlines posting here?

I still don't understand it but I'm ok with it as long as their civil & not insulting people from behind a keyboard, this guy is being civil & respectful of others having different views so hes alright by me.
Besides he's from the state of Alaska & that's just cool ...I'm. Jealous of his contract & his location, I'm jealous of your contract as well but not your location.
Something compelled me to google a phrase that I found relevant:

give somebody enough rope (to hang themselves)

to allow someone to do what they want to, knowing that they will probably fail or get into trouble

Not that this would apply to anyone I know personally.
Something compelled me to google a phrase that I found relevant:

give somebody enough rope (to hang themselves)

to allow someone to do what they want to, knowing that they will probably fail or get into trouble

Not that this would apply to anyone I know personally.

Gotta say I'm starting to like your new civil posting style ..... Hope its a permanent change, this actually made me laugh & humour is a good thing, typing from my phone & its difficult.
Gotta say I'm starting to like your new civil posting style ..... Hope its a permanent change, this actually made me laugh & humour is a good thing, typing from my phone & its difficult.

Please stop attacking me and copying my post and being rude.

I have my opinions and you have yours.

Leave mine alone.
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