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Industrial vs. Craft

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Yep .... I expect & Insist that everyone acts like adults, if you feel the need to Insult someone then be a Man about it & do it in person, doing so from a keyboard isn't brave or honorable its the act of a coward & I won't stand for it PERIOD.
your in the valve shop right
I know who you are I remember ya from the last drive

Cool you have me at a disadvantage I don't know who you are, next time I'm standing in front of the base with a Vote No sign trying to get us a decent contract come join me, your opportunity to do that will probably be very soon.
I have to say I was VERY disappointed that non of the AMFA or AMP guys who were texted about the event by Brett chose to show up, winning a card drive requires a lot of motivation, people who are willing to go above & beyond, their should have been about 20 A&P Mechanics standing out there with signs taking a stand against the worst contract in history but nope didn't happen just two of us ..... not very impressive at all.

I suspect once again just me & Tom will be standing on that corner for the next crappy contract they offer us.
hope I'm wrong because 6 years is a Loooong time.
Funny, I was thinking the same way. He admits he hates unions and not a team player, yet is pushing the teamsters.


Listen carefully everyone, this is your teamster leadership talking.

So no one is entitled to their own Opinion or Belief or it gets turned into a reaction such as this and many many more instead of trying to understand why they think the way they do and just being good with the fact they don't hold the same conviction as you.

WE are becoming a joke out there in My Opinioin with all this crap. Being AMFA, IBT, IAM, Napster or TWU isn't going to earn us any respect out there, that comes with the way we conduct ourselves where it counts and on here this is forever stamped on the net. Even if this forum goes away there is still a snapshot in the Wayback Machine.
Becareful Dave if you hurt his feelings he will report (RAT) you

Correct me if I am wrong but this comment stems from Raptorman43 trying to remind posters what you type on here can affect your employment status because there is a team that trolls the net looking for comments that violate the "Rules of Conduct" for AA. How that makes him a RAT confuses me. Seriously if I am in left field on this correct me please.

I believe that you are a teamster's plant.

You come across as being a little too naive.

You aren't too well liked either.
So no one is entitled to their own Opinion or Belief or it gets turned into a reaction such as this and many many more instead of trying to understand why they think the way they do and just being good with the fact they don't hold the same conviction as you.

WE are becoming a joke out there in My Opinioin with all this crap. Being AMFA, IBT, IAM, Napster or TWU isn't going to earn us any respect out there, that comes with the way we conduct ourselves where it counts and on here this is forever stamped on the net. Even if this forum goes away there is still a snapshot in the Wayback Machine.

Exactly so anyone wanting to become an Officer in whatever Union we have better watch what they say cause it could always come back to bite them in an Election, guess that's why people who do get elected as officers are careful about what they say or write. B)
ac tinker,

You also show up, brand new, and start blasting with both barrels.

I'll betcha that you are also a teamsters plant.

I believe that you are a teamster's plant.

You come across as being a little too naive.

You aren't too well liked either.

Now that really hurts because I came here to make friends, guess I should call off the BBQ I was going to Invite you guys too.
People who are opinionated & don't agree with other people often aren't to well Liked, comes with the territory dude if I wanted to be well liked I guess I would agree with your point of view, the fact that I don't says quite a lot don't you think ? 🙄

Just so you know I already have to many friends & don't really have room for anymore so I"m Reaaaal picky about allowing any new applications.
ac tinker,

You also show up, brand new, and start blasting with both barrels.

I'll betcha that you are also a teamsters plant.

I've not commented on any of the pro whatever Union threads if you care to go through my post history. My only mission is to point out the obvious on proffesionalism or just being an adult really. If that's what blasting with both barrels and being a teamster plant means then yes you found me out.
ac tinker,

You also show up, brand new, and start blasting with both barrels.

I'll betcha that you are also a teamsters plant.

Yep as I said it's one big conspiracy & were starting with this Board because everyone know's that 90% of the 9,000 Members come's here to stay informed ...... LOL , your joking right OMG , almost No one knows or cares about this Board, very few people at the base know me or Dave Stewart, nothing that goes on here is going to make ANY difference in the AMFA or the TWU drive, Get a grip Man, the only thing that will make any difference in any of the drives is getting cards, posting on a bulletin board while i'll admit is fun for us over Zealous types with to much time on our hands it has nothing to do with winning a Card drive, if you don't know that then you have already lost your cause & helped me make my point that they won't get enough cards.
I've not commented on any of the pro whatever Union threads if you care to go through my post history. My only mission is to point out the obvious on proffesionalism or just being an adult really. If that's what blasting with both barrels and being a teamster plant means then yes you found me out.

It doesn't matter whether you pick a side or not you have to exactly agree with everything they say or your the bad guy, trust me I know I didn't agree with everything back in the 2003 AMFA drive when I was on the same team & it pissed some off & I was ok with that, like I said I'm not a very good team player I have my own mind, I refuse to conform & follow anyone..... It is what it is, you sound like the same type of Man .... that's a good thing, It is possible to support a cause without buying into it completely, for example I'm supporting the Teamsters even though I don't like Unions.

Guarantee you my signature of Can't we all just get along really pisses them off because they don't want to get along with anyone who doesn't think like they do.
It has nothing to do with opinions.

Fact: He said he doesnt like unions.
Fact: He admits he's in it for himself
Fact: He is a perfect mouthpiece for the teamsters, he does as they say even though it is against his beliefs.

Fact: There are no opinions discussed. So I'm confused why you two keep on bringing up opinions????

One last fact: Industrial unions have all SCABBED. They are worse than the companies we are dealing with.
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