Yes I know the Teamster Union is an Industrial Union, don't know anything about the Negotiators, If we get the Teamsters there would have to be an Election for Local officers, as for why I'm pushing them it's because I don't like the TWU & I want someone who can beat them, If you want AMFA to win then you need to find some "VERY" motivated Organizers in Tulsa because in my opinion they are the underdog in this race behind both Teamsters & the TWU, I'm not seeing any "VERY"
motivated Organizers so far, In 2003 we barely got enough cards because we had a lot of very motivated Organizers who busted their ass for 10 months getting cards & AMFA was at the top of their game with several Airlines, things are very different today with AMFA & Organizer numbers & motivation, if I were to see some very motivated Organizers in Tulsa I might change my mind as to whether I thought AMFA had a chance of getting enough cards, I'm being told that will change, I will be keeping a lookout to see if in fact that is the case, you can't get to an Election by being a passive lazy a$$ organizer .... It won't work, Bottom line it doesn't matter who the best Union for Mechanics is unless you can get to an Election.
I would have no problem with supporting AMFA if I were to see signs that they even have a chance of getting to an Election ..... SHOW ME IT CAN BE DONE & I'M WITH YOU
Whoop I want to see AMFA organizers wearing their shirts, out hustling up cards everywhere I go at the base like I see with the Teamsters, that's my definition of a motivated Organizer, instead of trying to motivate me you need to start motivating your Organizers Man cause their just not cutting it.