The teamsters have succeeded in getting you to think there will not be enough cards for either AMFA or teamsters to file with the NMB. That is their sole purpose being at AA to begin with! Where were they when the AMP drive was going on? The twu did not fear a craft, democratic union created by their own membership but they are afraid of a craft, democratic union called AMFA that their membership want?
Ok ken I will try to address all your questions as I see it, the Teamsters had nothing to do with me thinking AMFA can't get enough cards to file, that thinking is prevailant at the Tulsa base & has been every since we didn't get to an Election back in 2003 & now AMFA as you know has had some setbacks, AMFA is popular in the Line stations but not so much in Tulsa, Teamsters are popular in Tulsa but not so much at the Line stations, that division makes it very difficult for either competing Union to get enough cards
AMTs are on the same page in wanting the twu removed finally! But the teamsters are here to try and muddy the water. My analogy of switching socks from one foot to the other is dead on in switching from the twu to the teamsters. Why is the teamsters slinging mud and half truths at AMFA but are quite about the twu?
Yes I think most AMTs are wanting to remove the TWU because of the Jobs for radical concessions program they have during this Bankruptcy, I do not believe that the TWU & Teamsters are exactly the same just because they are both Industrial Unions anymore than I believe that AMP & AMFA are exactly the same because they are both craft Unions, All Unions have some differences & those differences matter, my main concern isn't so much with the International level but making sure here in Tulsa we have all Mechanics in our Leadership here at the Local Level, I haven't heard much mud slinging from any of the three Unions "YET" everything so far has just been verbal not in Litature but from what i'm hearing that trend is getting ready to change. ( believe it or not the all three groups have slung some mud at each other even Teamsters against TWU & TWU against Teamsters )
You say that you are looking at possibly retiring soon. If that works for you I am truly happy for you. I have never slandered you. I consider you a friend. But if you are going to retire soon then don't you feel you, and I, and everyone here at AA owe it to those who come in behind us to have a craft, democratic union?
I consider you to be a friend too Ken & I appreciate you not slandering me, I don't slander anyone regardless of their Opinion because it is counter productive to anyone's cause to do so & really quite pointless, People see Organizers as Represenatives of their cause, When an Organizer slanders people others see that cause as "Bad" and want nothing to do with it, that is the danger of slandering people when you don't share their opinion, People who do that are damaging their own cause & sometimes that damage can be quite significant, as far as oweing anything to anyone .... sorry no I don't feel I owe anyone anything we are all trying to survive right now with Aviation going the direction it is going & were losing the battle, Unfortunately I believe that trend is going to continue regardless of what Union we have, The companies are getting more powerful everyday & the Government is against Labor too, Unions still only have one Weapon the strike & Companies have figured out how to beat that on the rare occasion that the Government allows a Airline to strike, I just want to try and get out in one piece (Meaning try to get a contract with decent enough money that I can retire & bail out before it all collapses) I'm not big on Unions in General because I believe they are ALL corrupt & I know that like many people I am going to have a problem with any Union we get, there is a reason why Members keep throwing their Unions out, their getting sick & tired of their "BS" I don't believe that AMFA is a Panecea like some people do, but it probably would be better for Mechanics "IF" they can get enough cards, that's the big question, I'm definitely not the only person in Tulsa that thinks that is going to be "extremely" tough
If you don't want to post on this board that is your choice. But think about the harm having the teamsters will do to our craft. they will continue the same harm as the twu. It's time to change our socks. LOL!
Ken I admire your fighting spirit but the A&P craft as a good job is going away regardless of what we do, Companies & the Government stacked against us are just to powerful, it's just a matter of time, I'm trying to change socks, I think the Teamsters is also a change as do many other Airline Mechanics, many Airline Mechanics are changing Unions, some are even changing from AMFA to something else as you know, as I said not everyone believes AMFA is a Panecea for Mechanics.
Sign an AMFA card and get the guys in your shop to sign an AMFA card. The teamsters went to JFK and got pointed to the door. And in other stations too. They haven't even shown their faces in SAN.
I signed both cards on the first day of their Drives, I haven't refused to sign a competing Union's card yet, A few guys in my shop have signed AMFA cards but not many, as I said AMFA is weak in Tulsa, I'm pretty busy these days just trying to convince Tulsa Mechanics not to accept a really bad contract because that is what is going to affect me the most, don't have time to try and talk someone into signing a card for a Union they don't want, wouldn't do any good anyway, Yes I know Teamsters are not popular on the Line Stations, basically Teamsters are focusing on Tulsa first where their strong & AMFA is focusing on the Line stations first where their strong, I'm just going to let these cards drives play out & hopefully one of the Competing Unions will get enough Cards,
AMFA is the best choice for our craft and class at AA.
I agree but getting cards in Tulsa is going to be very tough for AMFA & from what i'm seeing the AMFA organizers in Tulsa aren't nearly as motivated as the ones who were doing the drive back in 2003, you should come to the July 14th Meeting & help Don motivate them if you want AMFA to win .... they need lots of motivation, I would also suggest they look like Organizers by wearing AMFA shirts, buttons or something so Mechanics will know their an Organizer so they can ask for a card, I haven't seen anyone that I would instantly know he was an AMFA Organizer just by looking at him & that's not being a good Organizer in my Opinion, You can easily tell who the Teamster Organizers are.