Industrial vs. Craft

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The funny thing is if the Line was willing to support Teamsters we would have Teamsters or if the Tulsa base were willing to support AMFA we would have AMFA but as usual it's the line Stations vs Tulsa, it's always been that way & looks like it's always going to be that way, time will tell whether either organization can overcome this divide.

One bit of good news for the Line is that after the Layoff's the Line & Tulsa will be much closer in headcount, glad i'm probably going to retire after this contract because I can only Imagine what kind of raises the Line would negotiate for Tulsa compared to what they negotiate for themselves.
I believe Aviation is going to continue to degrade regardless of what Union we have, I'm so glad I'm almost out of this dieing field of work forever.

That is exactly why the Teamsters showed up Dan. I spent years in the cult of the TWU and know them in a way many do not know. Not a good thing, but as you say "it is what it is"

You are such a good person, you cannot even think like these evil idiots. That is a compliment by the way

But that is OK, dont quit....just keep posting your opinion.
We are not enemies. We want the same thing, just have different views and ideas.

No biggee with me. I still respect you and know you are a good man!!

by the way Dan, work 5 years over at Spirit next door and get $818 per month in pension.
Damn, leave it to Don to shut down our best organizer for AMFA.

Why don't you just keep pretending and posting that great stuff that helps the AMFA drive?

You know the good cop, bad cop routine?

I mean you were really helping by spewing that Teamster rhetoric.

Please re-consider for the good of everyone involved.

Nothing related to our profession and future is a waste of time!!!

Often bad is good in this game against evil people and dirty politics.

Dammit Don!!!

Come on McCoy, we could use your help if it is within you.

Dave I really don't have it within me anymore I gave all I had in the 2003 AMFA drive & it really kicked my ass, The company was after me for about 4 years after that, I'm finally back under the radar & I like it, now I'm going into retirement mode slowly but surely ..... LOL
Dave I really don't have it within me anymore I gave all I had in the 2003 AMFA drive & it really kicked my ass, The company was after me for about 4 years after that, I'm finally back under the radar & I like it, now I'm going into retirement mode slowly but surely ..... LOL

You still care Dan, and I know you will never stop working towards a better day for us all. I don't take this crap personal at all, I know a good man when I meet one. I spent 5 years on that last drive. I was in a Federal Lawsuit against AA with 6 other plantiffs. Seham and AMFA were the best at fighting for our rights.

I am going to get my hands on the transcript from the PEB between AMFA/NWA. You will be the first I deliver it to for reading.

You will understand the global aspect of the fight for the profession unpon reading this info.

You will never understand the evil politics of the industrial unions because you must first enter the cult. I was lucky, I moved to AFW and got away from that crap before I was too far gone into their fear, manipulation, and lies.

They created me, and that is why they hate me so much.
I dont care what they think, I know the truth.
Wow that sounds good, 5 years over there though might not be so easy to do, I hear those boys work hard for their money B)

They will start you at about $25-26 and they are working 66 hours per week.

go there work your ass off for 5 years and retire ealry and comfortable.

I know three already gone with 20+ years of AA

Rumor has it they will be hiring 500 soon and the bus plant is leaving.
I will say one thing if the TWU comes back with another crap contract I would love to have a lot more Company standing on the corner with a VOTE NO sign, Me & Tom Aurillio didn't mind being there by ourselves but anyone who is willing to show up next time & stand with us will definitely have my respect, it's not an easy thing to stand out there while thousands of people drive by not knowing how hostile the reaction to your sign will be, I can tell you that I was pleased when to our surprise we got waaaay more positive comments than negative ones, started to feel pretty good about the whole thing after a while.

Dave your company on the corner holding a sign would be very welcome, if they come back with crap & we know their going too.

By the way the TWU told us not to do it but we did it anyway
I was warned by several before going out there that the TWU told them they would be coming out there to mess with us but it didn't happen.
Was also told that me & Tom made their watch list & there were a some pictures taken of us by TWU represenatives from what Tom said, I didn't know the people we saw taking pictures.
I will say one thing if the TWU comes back with another crap contract I would love to have a lot more Company standing on the corner with a VOTE NO sign, Me & Tom Aurillio didn't mind being there by ourselves but anyone who is willing to show up next time & stand with us will definitely have my respect, it's not an easy thing to stand out there while thousands of people drive by not knowing how hostile the reaction to your sign will be, I can tell you that I was pleased when to our surprise we got waaaay more positive comments than negative ones, started to feel pretty good about the whole thing after a while.

Dave your company on the corner holding a sign would be very welcome, if they come back with crap & we know their going too.

By the way the TWU told us not to do it but we did it anyway
I was warned by several before going out there that the TWU told them they would be coming out there to mess with us but it didn't happen.

The pilots (craft union) have improved the TWU's position. We will see where we end up now.

I still maintain that for me this a more global issue and the TWU and AA are just little pieces in the pond.

Since my trip to Philadelphia,while hearing and testifying at the AMFA/NWA PEB presentation, and now getting a little older and wiser, my destination for this movement is bigger than AA/TWU and for sure Tulsa. It is like a light bulb has clicked within my brain, and I understand what AMFA was created for and why corporations and industrial unions work together to destroy the idea.

It is much more than this contract.
It is much more than me and you.
It is much more than right versus wrong.

I want to leave my mark on this movement and do not care for any personal credit, do not care about my personal gains or losses from this, I just want to see that it happens.
Was also told that me & Tom made their watch list & there were a some pictures taken of us by TWU represenatives from what Tom said, I didn't know the people we saw taking pictures.

Fear and Intimidation are the staples of the cultist method of operation.

When you reject that and stand up to it, they don't know what to do.
The pilots (craft union) has improved the TWU's position. We will see where we end up now.

I still maintain that for me this a more global issue and the TWU and AA are just little pieces in the pond.

Since my trip to Philadelphia,while hearing and testifying at the AMFA/NWA PEB presentation, and now getting a little older and wiser, my destination for this movement is bigger than AA/TWU and for sure Tulsa. It is like a light bulb has clicked within my brain, and I understand what AMFA was created for and why corporations and industrial unions work together to destroy the idea.

It is much more than this contract.
It is much more than me and you.
It is much more than right versus wrong.

I want to leave my mark on this movement and do not care for any personal credit, do not care about my personal gains or losses from this, I just want to see that it happens.

Well good luck with that, that's quite a large agenda, I would be happy to get some decent money for a few years so I can rebuild my shreaded parachute (now that the pension is Frozen & we lost retiree medical) & parachute out of this tailspin plane before it hits the ground.... which I suspect is going to happen sooner than many people think.
That is exactly why the Teamsters showed up Dan. I spent years in the cult of the TWU and know them in a way many do not know. Not a good thing, but as you say "it is what it is"

I never had much interest in being involved with the Union, guess thats probably better because I suspect the less I know about them the better I will like it.
Hi Ken

after talking to Don a few minutes ago I am now of the opinion that Neither the Teamsters or AMFA are likely to get enough cards to get to an Election, AA Mechanics just can't get on the same page everybody seems to have some type of Issue with the Competing Unions so more than likely we are going to be stuck with the TWU like we have been for the last 25+ years that I have been with AA, I don't like it but I resolved back in 2003 that we were doomed to be stuck with them so I can live with it, I don't have many more years left with AA anyway & after the 6 year contract were getting ready to be stuck with I might just go ahead & retire at the end of it, I don't actually agree that the Teamsters & TWU are exactly the same, I think there are enough differences that I would be fine with a change to them, I also don't agree that the Teamster drive isn't real, I think it's as real as the AMFA drive, I do agree that AMFA would most likely be better for A&P Mechanics but it's not looking very good for either of the competing Unions to be able to get enough cards, My game plan is to sit back relax & see what happens, not going to get my hopes up again .... Been there & done that once already.
Probably won't post to much on this Board anymore cause it's a waste of time.
I wish you the best of luck in your Efforts, would love to see the TWU go away.


The teamsters have succeeded in getting you to think there will not be enough cards for either AMFA or teamsters to file with the NMB. That is their sole purpose being at AA to begin with! Where were they when the AMP drive was going on? The twu did not fear a craft, democratic union created by their own membership but they are afraid of a craft, democratic union called AMFA that their membership want?

AMTs are on the same page in wanting the twu removed finally! But the teamsters are here to try and muddy the water. My analogy of switching socks from one foot to the other is dead on in switching from the twu to the teamsters. Why is the teamsters slinging mud and half truths at AMFA but are quite about the twu?

You say that you are looking at possibly retiring soon. If that works for you I am truly happy for you. I have never slandered you. I consider you a friend. But if you are going to retire soon then don't you feel you, and I, and everyone here at AA owe it to those who come in behind us to have a craft, democratic union?

If you don't want to post on this board that is your choice. But think about the harm having the teamsters will do to our craft. they will continue the same harm as the twu. It's time to change our socks. LOL!

Sign an AMFA card and get the guys in your shop to sign an AMFA card. The teamsters went to JFK and got pointed to the door. And in other stations too. They haven't even shown their faces in SAN.

AMFA is the best choice for our craft and class at AA.
hey rat I would prefer no union if AMFA was to get enough cards.
Were you a TWU officer what happened you did not make the good all boy team so now you want another try with a different union.
hey rat I would prefer no union if AMFA was to get enough cards.
Were you a TWU officer what happened you did not make the good all boy team so now you want another try with a different union.
WOW look at that... another fear monger pops up on the boards.
AWU your in good company....
hey rat I would prefer no union if AMFA was to get enough cards.
Were you a TWU officer what happened you did not make the good all boy team so now you want another try with a different union.

So to be clear if the majority of people in M&R decided AMFA was the way to go you would not want to be union. wel I guess that would make you a Anti-Union Socialist by todays political standards.

By the way I really cannot stand the TWU but I certainly do not want to go non-union!
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