LOL..... psssst; when you cite and post a link, at least make sure it does not hurt your point or credibility.
Your link states in the opening; "When you write out a check for union dues, you might as well make the check payable to the Democratic National Committee, because that's where the money is eventually going."
Yet when you view the source for the quote, you find out the article "exaggerated the truth". In other words, according to the links on their own site, the authors of this site lied.
BTW, the site makes no difference towards craft or industrial unions. It attacks both equally.
Regardless, what does this do to counter my point or lesson the answer i gave you? You asked me about campaign finance, and I answered. Next question?
We are not speaking about the Rich getting their's in return for campaign finance. It is obvious they get their'
Please show me where the average union member has received a return on the investment of millions of dollars from his/her paycheck sent to finance any campaign?
Please show me the average union member who has million dollar paychecks ??
Uhhhhhh...Retiring AA pilots prior to 11/29/12???????????????????
Wouldn't that be a " Pay Out " not "Pay Checks" ?
From TWU informer;
Please show me where the average union member has received a return on the investment of millions of dollars from his/her paycheck sent to finance any campaign?
Maybe he was talking about the average players union member? Basketball, baseball...? Some of them have multi million dollar paychecks. I doubt that they give millions from that paycheck to campaigns, but maybe?
If you guys notice anomnuts didn't answer the question. The twu (and the teamsters) have invested heavily in the democratic party candidates. The rank and file (you and me) have received NOTHING from this misuse of our dues money. I would bet you that the union presidents and their vice presidents have received a big something from this money.
Look up anomnuts in the dictionary; it means pig!
If AA mechanics were to vote the teamsters in as our union, the only difference would be that our dues money would go to a different set of pigs.
The lower half of the your answer on the page above is filled with squeals and oinks. It's just doesn't make any sense.
Hmmm... That's just like all of your posts!
And yet you understood the part where I called you out for lying....?
Like claiming that while Organized Labor spends millions on Politics that none of that money comes from Union Dues to members paychecks?
Really? That would not be a LIE?
Please explain then why organized labor funded millions that were spent against the Paycheck Protection Act?
You keep coming up with these crap allegations without a shred of proof. Show me the "millions" spent on politics coming from union dues? Where do you come up with this stuff? Really man, take a look around before making this stuff up.
Show me where just 1 million came form a union dues? Where is your proof? Was it on the LM-'s as required by law? I have not seen it. Show me where any members had money taken from their paychecks without knowledge and then used in politics? Prove that the union leader who authorized this is not under investigation? It is illegal partially because of the Paycheck Protection Act.
While your at it, tell me about the Paycheck Protection Act? What do you know about it? What is AMFA's official position towards the law? Do you even know what side they are on?
Now you are making up words too ? You guys kill me.
Take some time to learn about the political actions of any Union before you make an accusation like this.
First off, Union Dues are not and legally can not be used for any part of a political process. All dues money must be tracked and this spending is readily available by looking up the annual LM-2's. You can start here
In the search bar type in TWU LM-2 (or Teamsters or AMFA or any other union you want to heck up on)
Who the Unions donate to and how much they give can be tracked through outside sources who compile all the required public information on easy to read web sites . The best one I have found is here;
I made it easy for you on this link and searched TWU, but you can again look up any Union in the search function. However, you have to spell out the name of the union rather than the initials. For IBT Teamsters works. AMFA is there too.
As for how the money used benefits you? That is up to each individual. Not everyone agrees in how the union spends their DONATED political funds. I have given to this fund voluntarily for years but I do not always agree with the spending. Overall, however, I would say it does benefit us because money is what the politicians listen to. I just do not go along with each and every cause, but the money does work.
Think about it. You send a letter of complaint to your local congress person you will get jack s*** back. You write a letter with a $10.00 donation to his next campaign and this same guy will start humping your leg. You will not be able to get him to leave you alone. Try it sometime if you don't believe me.
You say we (me YOU) received nothing from campaign contributions. I disagree for myself but you may still believe that. Cool with me. Your choice pal. But at least look up where the money is spent on your own. There is on right or wrong answer on this one. Our opinions will drive this in to a political debate which is why I have avoided the question until now.
Still, you, TWU informer, and aapit bull to name a few keep depending on me to do your research yet my rating is now -211. But you all still want me to explain this to you? I just don;t get it. LMAOAFTTF : )
Here are the web sites for you to check out. Look each up and then decide if this money spent is a waste or not. If you believe it is a waste, don't give them your money. That simple. In all cases (I am honestly not sure about AMFA as I do not see an internal political group) the contributions are NOT part of your dues.
No for a change you prove otherwise, I owe you nothing.
If not from dues and paychecks, where does the millions come from?
Way to go, aimless!!!