You have to have Union resources in order to spend them. AMFA has so very little if any at all.
You are an ignoramous, the Mechanic and Related Dues Base at AA is $500,000.00+ per month. Tulsa alone is $225,000.00+
That is using the TWU 2 hours pay per month, not the Teamsters 2.5 or 3 Hours pay per month figure.
If we are not having Big Splash Parties, Labor Fest Parties, Free Sporting Event Tickets, Lost time abuse, and AFL-CIO and Labor Council per capita dues, and campaign financing and yard sign factory expenses, there should plenty of resources.
That is my point to begin with.
If you cannot function and represent the membership on 2 hours pay per month then you need to get the hell out as the representation service provider. Only reason it should cost more than 2 hours pay per month, is because you have bunch of appointed lost time idiots running amuck doing nothing. (Sound Familiar)?
You are one of the brain washed cultist who think you have to have millions to succeed yet the ibt fails worse than anyone else, and all that money does is apparently attract the feces flies known as organized crime bosses and get your union under Government over sight!
In other words trying earning those dues instead of waste and ignorance and there will be plenty.