Well, from what I have been hearing, the Teamsters (and the members) are anxious to begin negotiations for our contract expiring in about 12 months (CO's expires in December). We can not move forward without resolution to our seniority issues.
Now before we get excited, there is one other very important issue I failed to mention before. Because of a law suite by several groups of employees years ago, the seniority structure of many work groups at UAL including the mechanics has been under court order called a consent decree.
This decree was entered on April 30. 1976 and has guided UAL's seniority ever since. Some years ago the IAM looked at getting out of it, and AMFA lawyers did the same. When Teamsters first came on property I heard they too were looking at getting us out of the decree, but I do not know how far that went. From what I understand, the seniority meeting for UA and CO contained a couple of independent lawyers who apparently doubt the ability to get out of the decree, even with this merger.
In the end, I think we will be stuck with the consent decree no matter what. My point, even if all CO and all UA mechanics voted to choose a different measure of seniority, I do not believe the courts would let us.
Yes. We all found out the decision was made for us. Unfortunately, the decision was made way back in 1976.
Yeah yeah, I know. You think I am lying and need proof.
Here ya go....
http://www.airlineme...sent Decree.pdf