You remind me very much of the preachers that take one Biblical verse and make an entire sermon of it - even though in the process the meaning of that verse is twisted beyond recognition.
Adding in the first paragraph of my post - "The bottom line is that we need representation accountable to its membership top to bottom - not what we presently have nor representation presently in a fight with its own membership re: attempting to remove said accountability. That eliminates two "contenders" (this thread, post #270) - considerably alters your attempt to imply I'm agreeing with you. What is really being said the twu already enjoys the non-accountability the ibt is trying to acheive and by doing so neither are on my short list of "favorites" to represent my interests.
I'm not fond of those who attempt to twist words to their benefit nor is anyone else who posts on this site regularly. You're really doing your darlings more damage by attempting to sell their damaged goods especially since it's a sham - I doubt if you could even sell a whore to the Navy.
Go away.
Does this lack of fondness for those who attempt to twist words go both ways?
Below is a copy and paste from TWU Informer. It is on the Support At The Line Stations thread and is post #321. Prior to that, on post #317, I responded to my own previous rant (post #267) and stated I mentioned AMFA only one time and was clearly referring to post #267.
TWU Informer cleverly took my much earlier post #24 which mentions AMFA a number of times and placed it on top of the statement I made regarding post #267 to make it look like what you see below. (notice the dates)
This is much more than twisting words. What TWU Informer does is nothing less than deception.

Anomaly, on 10 June 2012 - 04:25 PM, said: post #24
I am not with the TWU, or
AMFA, but it interesting how readily the association supporters are willing to throw up the "lets compare" argument. How can you compare philosophies and wishes with reality and fact? Fact: TWU has kept work in house at AA while every other airline has outsourced. Fact;
AMFA has consistently lost work to MRO vendors at each and every one of their current and former properties. Fact; other Unions fight to bring back work and improve language to create more in house jobs creating recalls and hiring new mechanics. Fact;
AMFA cuts it's losses promising more to those few mechanics who remain. Fact; In a merger situation other Unions such as the Teamsters will continue to fight for the rights of their former employees (Air Trans/ Southwest, Teamsters continue to fight for seniority rights for Air Tran former IBT members). Fact;
AMFA says "see ya" to former members even before the ink is dry (Mesaba Airlines former and longest running
AMFA mechanics were systematically dumped by
AMFA Local 11 on Jan 4, 2012 after merging with Pinnacle. A few conference calls and a couple of meetings were initiated but Mesaba mechanics were mostly left out to dry). In the end,
AMFA simply has nothing but pie in the sky promises that simply can never expect to become reality. Just ask the former UAL
AMFA members. They were promised plenty, then left after a few short years for a reason (the vote to leave
AMFA was around 70% I think?). There is no comparison,
AMFA will leave you with dreams.

Anomaly, on 16 June 2012 - 02:34 PM, said: post #317
I mentioned AMFA only one time during my above soap box speech. Yet still it was enough to set all of you organizers off like an angry hornets nest. Why can't a person support any organization of their own choosing? Why do you all have to be so angry about any one persons beliefs? Is it simply because I disagree?
TWU informer Posted 16 June 2012 - 02:45 PM
You really just cannot stop telling lies can you?
Above is your first soap box speech, and marked in red text is far more than AMFA mentioned one time.
Try posting something truthful, or an opinion that you can back up with enough facts that you would put your name on it instead of hiding behind an alias and telling lies over and over and over.