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Industrial vs. Craft

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Not my point. Why does he only ask the name of those who post opinions opposite of him? he will not answer this question. What are you all afraid of?

Who are you Buck? I have not seen Ken whine that you are not in the open. How about TWU Informer? Who is he? aapitbull? Kev? Third Seat Hero? xUT?

You hate my position because it frightens you that I am correct. You want to know who I am because you are afraid that every UAL mechanic has figured out what I have. AMFA lied about their representation.

News for you, most of us have, and we kicked them out.

Some things never change. My question was to YOU. You will not answer because the truth is you are a teamster/twu paid organizer. Trying to deflect the question shows your fear.

Thanks for posting my bio. What have done to help the AMTSociety or AMTA? Care to make a donation for the Wall of Honor? I don't think you will because to make a donation to help promote Charles E. Taylor would require you to identify yourself.
At some point DonnaU will be released from "her" handlers. Maybe before then "she" answer my question concerning her tenure as within the mechanic and related?

And Anomaly, I am Buck a mechanic at Hgr 1D in TUL at AA. If necessary I will give my last name, however I have the knowledge of who Ken and some of the posters are. There is no need for them to crawl out of a proverbial shell similar to the one you are hiding in. Why are you ashamed of who you are?
Does it really matter how much is being paid to walk the picket line ?

Are you kidding me?

The NWA AMFA picket line never failed because AMFA members ran out of money, that strike failed becuase the TWU, IBT, and the IAM provided scab labor to management.

I have been very "liberal" about some of the stories you tell, but this one is .... WOW.

This is just not true. Many Industrial Unions helped according to an article from the lWW.


There were many of us who wanted to help out with the picket lines after the strike had been going on for a few weeks. But we honestly did not find any active picket lines. Many of you said there were in fact active lines, so I decided to do the research for myself. I discovered there were picket lines. There was also a reason the strike failed. It had nothing to do with the TWU, IAM, or the IBT. According to a USA Today article,


On Wednesday, Northwest spokesman Bill Mellon said Northwest has finished hiring permanent replacements in Minneapolis. "Overall, the airline has hired nearly all the 880 technicians it requires," he said. Northwest has said previously it would need mechanics only in Minneapolis and Detroit.
The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association made a huge bet that Northwest would struggle without them and travelers would flee, forcing the airline to offer a better deal. On Day 10, AMFA National Director O.V. Delle-Femine predicted: "In a couple weeks, people are going to see the failure of this airline."
But Northwest followed through on months of public statements that it had lined up enough replacement workers to fly without union mechanics. Every other Northwest union kept working. Although it struggled with late flights in the days before and after the strike, it kept flying.

I love this. (It makes you sound a lot like Delle actually)

"This strike's over," said aviation consultant Michael Boyd of Evergreen, Colo. "Northwest was ready for a strike. They were not playing games. They had a plan which they worked on for 18 months, and they were ready to do it."
AMFA National Director O.V. Delle-Femine said he doesn't believe that Northwest has really filled nearly all the positions once held by members of his union. He said some members are still getting phone calls from the airline asking them to come back.
"Our pickets are still out there, and it's really doing harm to this carrier, he said. "They're still struggling to hire people."
Delle-Femine visited strikers in Minneapolis on Saturday, and said their morale is high and that they're prepared for a long strike.

Preparing for a long strike is against AMFA's philosophies. There are no funds to help members get through a strike. AMFA relied on donations of the INDUSTRIAL UNIONS to help members financially including a generous donation from the UAW of $880,000.00. But after the first 30 days, the money quit coming in, and members began to loose confidence. This update from AMFA Local 9.


There are many reasons for the failure. You do not have to start making up more.
You're gonna have to show me where you go that idea. I've never stated that I was an AMT.

Maybe, maybe not. In my experience the AMT's were so committed to what they were doing, that they didn't need to be paid to show up.

My apologies sir. Someone on this site said they had been a NWA mechanic during the strike and moved on to SWA. I mistakenly thought it was you.

Committed or not, you still have to provide for your family, right? The idea of a strike fund is so that you do not have to run out and find a job. Commitment alone does not pay the bills or get you fed.
i just completed a phone survey by the Peters Hart Research Co. They were asking all kinds of questions about my feelings toward the TWU, AMFA and Teamsters and how I would feel about being represented by them through our current bankruptcy and/or future merger with US Air.

You are an excellent example of why we need to get rid of the industrial unions. Even if you change to a different industrial union, the same people float to the top and become officers in the new union.( like you!) I was disgusted by people like you when I was a mechanic. They would not do much (if any) work, and were proud of the fact. They could talk to others , talk on the phone, and finger dance on the computer.

Work however, frightened them.

And the @#$% twu protected them!

I don't hate unions, but I despise industrial unions.

the pilots and the fa's have craft unions, and they do quite well.

What are the industrial unions giving you to rattle on over here?

You must be in management now.
Some things never change. My question was to YOU. You will not answer because the truth is you are a teamster/twu paid organizer. Trying to deflect the question shows your fear.

Thanks for posting my bio. What have done to help the AMTSociety or AMTA? Care to make a donation for the Wall of Honor? I don't think you will because to make a donation to help promote Charles E. Taylor would require you to identify yourself.

Glad to help. Good luck with your important bust project. I am sure it will save a lot of jobs.
Got a call from a Hartford Survey firm that was pro-TWU and pro-IBT and anti-AMFA

Intersting that the both IBT and TWU were placed in positive view and only AMFA was attacked.
Just more verification of the alliance.

I answered every question and lied on every one of them.

Every answer I gave them was 180 from my true beliefs or just false.

Enjoy your time when they call you, make it a waste of their time and resource by answering but not honestly.

Let them pay big bucks to compile bullshit

There's a surprise!! (sarcasm)
Got a call from a Hartford Survey firm that was pro-TWU and pro-IBT and anti-AMFA

Intersting that the both IBT and TWU were placed in positive view and only AMFA was attacked.
Just more verification of the alliance.

I answered every question and lied on every one of them.

Every answer I gave them was 180 from my true beliefs or just false.

Enjoy your time when they call you, make it a waste of their time and resource by answering but not honestly.

Let them pay big bucks to compile bullshit
i just completed a phone survey by the Peters Hart Research Co. They were asking all kinds of questions about my feelings toward the TWU, AMFA and Teamsters and how I would feel about being represented by them through our current bankruptcy and/or future merger with US Air.
Must be those (unavailabel/private) numbers that keep showing up on my caller ID.
I'm sorry, and just what has the mighty teamsters with all their so called political power and resources be able to do? Have they been beating the bushes and organizing MROs?

You critique rings a bit hollow.

The Teamsters, nor the TWU, or IAM contend to be CRAFT Unions. I am saying if a group is making the boast that they are going to be a mechanics union, how can they ignore the largest group of mechanics out there. The MRO's are killing us as a dedicated airline mechanic craft. As a UAL guy, you should know this.

AMFA's Mechanic only idea will only work if they eliminate the competition. They do this by organizing.
I'm sorry, and just what has the mighty teamsters with all their so called political power and resources be able to do? Have they been beating the bushes and organizing MROs?

You critique rings a bit hollow.

When purchasing tickets, show me a single tab that organizes flights according to aircraft maintenance. We might, but the public does not care.
No need for a 24 hour picket as NWA didn't fly 24 hours out of SFO.
We had a morning shift and an afternoon shift. Van pickup and drop off from the MOC and the local 9 office. Morning shift was awesome!

The 'rallies' you might be referring to would be the SFO MOC 'Save our Pension' rally that had less than 300 people including about 3 IAM storekeepers. It was encouraging to have the van pools pull out of the parking lot laughing and waving at us.

Then the 'Labor Day' rally at the old international terminal where we had more people from other unions than United's. No IAM, no IBT. AMFA 9 bought everyone a cup of coffee from Starbucks by the NWA gate. :lol: When we were passing out flyers for the 'Labor Day' rally, I had an IAM shop rep tell me we shouldn't have a rally on a holiday... :lol:

B) xUT

Apparently you are incorrect. (I won't say you lied)


NWA-AMFA striking mechanics were joined by hundreds of other other airline workers and other trade unionists at San Francisco International Airport on Labor Day 2005.

Most significantly, IAM strikers and union officials joined the rally in support. Janice Sisco, who is with IAM NWA COFPS Grievance Committee Chairperson spoke in solidarity and said that all units were threatened by the attack on the mechanics. She also said that she supported the action of the Healthrow workers in shutting down the airport in support of the Gourmet food supply workers who were out on strike.
Also joining the rally was striking IAM 1546 shop steward and mechanic Nat Courtney. Courtney reported that he and 13 other auto technicians had been on strike since June 13 when they were replaced by a new owner at Berkeley Honda. He said that after 31 years he thought he would be able to retire in a few years but the new owner had refused to rehire any of the union mechanics in an open violation of the law.
He joined in supporting the AMFA-IAM mechanics and said their struggle was the same.

Was this the same shop steward you supposedly spoke with?

Is your first name Brian?

BTW, YOU LIED. I guess I will say it after all.
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