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Industrial vs. Craft

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Big differance between me and a common liar like yourself. I sit back and read post you write half of them I call that a huge differance in credability

Big difference is you sit back and read posts but say nothing.

There was no lie in my explanation of how I believe a Craft Union could benefit all mechanics. There was no lie in my explanation of how the IBT came on UAL property and how I believe they will soon make a move for AA. There was no lie in my explanation of the lack of representation for line mechanics who do not have access to a Local at both the IBT and at AMFA.
Mechanics for Change is a group of former AMFA leaders in SFO, who after years of fighting to get out of the IAM and join AMFA, suddenly went back to the IAM in exchange for promises of their own. This group now wants the IAM back at UAL. They put up this site during our contract ratification process in hopes of gaining support. I have a hard time believing anything put out by these guys. I am not taking a stab at the IAM, but these guys have some serious credibility issues in my book.

You stated AMFA "LEADERS" not just AMFA members.
None of your posts quoted AMFA leaders.
But of course, you know that.
Obscurification is your mantra. You made one feeble attempt to answer "one" of many questions.

xUT said:
Now you are just being silly and deceitful (no shock here). The core EX-IAM officers are now IBT 'officials'.
I didn’t know Roach was an AMFA officer, how did he slip in… :lol:
B) xUT

Credibility issues... :lol:

Sad but true.

xUT? No answer? Gotcha.

As silly as it is, the IAM and AMFA have in fact joined forces here in SFO. Sad, but true.

Not yet, keep trying.

Was there a picket line for NWA at SFO? I do not know the answer to that. Like I said, a group of us AMFA members wanted to help but could not find an active line.

Picket line in SFO for NWA, absolutely! We even had AA guys, butchers Union support and Longshoremen. Just no IBT or IAM folks.
Sad but True!

In the pictures I am the eighth one over, third one down. Just to the right of the one where Rich seems to be pointing to himself. :groovy:

I thought that was you but didn't want to out you... :lol:

Share my views or not, it is quite evident that the IAM and AMFA have at least in some point joined forces. This is the statement to which you again suggested I was lying. Even with proof, do you still make that statement?

Maybe some members tried a coalition to oust the IBT after their election, but I am not aware of any active AMFA officers being involved.

Please keep posting, if anyone believes the IBT BS, they deserve you!
B) xUT
Was there a picket line for NWA at SFO? I do not know the answer to that. Like I said, a group of us AMFA members wanted to help but could not find an active line.

In the pictures I am the eighth one over, third one down. Just to the right of the one where Rich seems to be pointing to himself. :groovy:

Actually there were TWO. One at the terminal, and the other at the NWA cargo facility.

As both strike lines were coordinated out of the Local, a place most every REAL concerned AMFA member would go to seek info on such an event, one could be forgiven for simply doubting your entire story.
Big difference is you sit back and read posts but say nothing.

There was no lie in my explanation of how I believe a Craft Union could benefit all mechanics. There was no lie in my explanation of how the IBT came on UAL property and how I believe they will soon make a move for AA. There was no lie in my explanation of the lack of representation for line mechanics who do not have access to a Local at both the IBT and at AMFA.
Im not trying to sell anything. Are you?
I think you get a little flustered when someone calls you out on your "real" employer but thats ok you can continue your lie 99% on here know your a liar
[sup]Now 132 post on the same topic since june 2nd lol[/sup]
Big difference is you sit back and read posts but say nothing.

There was no lie in my explanation of how I believe a Craft Union could benefit all mechanics.

That was the intention of AMFA, but the industrial unions fought it and are still fighting it.
If "ALL" AMT's were all under AMFA, pay and seniority "could" be portable.
The IBT can not and will not help in that philosophy.

There was no lie in my explanation of how the IBT came on UAL property and how I believe they will soon make a move for AA. There was no lie in my explanation of the lack of representation for line mechanics who do not have access to a Local at both the IBT and at AMFA.

IBT lied to get on UAL property, no one said you lied as you are just an IBT tool.
I am just amazed if you believe your own propaganda and still work on aircraft.
AMFA had one SFO local, now IBT splits it to SFO and LAX. (OH! but they promised one local in the demo...:LOL)
B) xUT

---- philosophy --- edited by me --- :lol:
That was the intention of AMFA, but the industrial unions fought it and are still fighting it.
If "ALL" AMT's were all under AMFA, pay and seniority "could" be portable.
The IBT can not and will not help in that phylosiphy.

IBT lied to get on UAL property, no one said you lied as you are just an IBT tool.
I am just amazed if you believe your own propaganda and still work on aircraft.
AMFA had one SFO local, now IBT splits it to SFO and LAX. (OH! but they promised one local in the demo...:LOL)
B) xUT

I'll bet he doesn't work on aircraft.

He just clocks UB all day every day.
That was the intention of AMFA, but the industrial unions fought it and are still fighting it.
If "ALL" AMT's were all under AMFA, pay and seniority "could" be portable.
The IBT can not and will not help in that phylosiphy.

IBT lied to get on UAL property, no one said you lied as you are just an IBT tool.
I am just amazed if you believe your own propaganda and still work on aircraft.
AMFA had one SFO local, now IBT splits it to SFO and LAX. (OH! but they promised one local in the demo...:LOL)
B) xUT
I said he is a liar because he claims to be an average everyday mechanic and he is a paid union officer
I think I'll call anomaly "Snap-On" from now on cause he's such a good tool
"Above most others who have posted on this site, you seem to be one of intelligence. Can't you at least understand the true power we could all have as A&P mechanics if that power was put under one single contract?"

I believe MY craft would be better off when we elect AMFA. As for "true power" I would very much prefer to have a craft, democratic union that focused every dime of every dollar and every minute of every hour of every day fighting/protecting/promoting MY craft & profession where I am not a minority like I am with the twu and would be under the teamsters.

By the way I use "MY" because I do not believe you are simply an AMT trying NOT to influence me with your opinion. Your amount of posts go way beyond simple opinion. As long as you stand behind an alias and claim the teamsters are better than AMFA you are nothing more than a fearfull industrial official.
You stated AMFA "LEADERS" not just AMFA members.
None of your posts quoted AMFA leaders.
But of course, you know that.
Obscurification is your mantra. You made one feeble attempt to answer "one" of many questions.

Sad but true.

Not yet, keep trying.

Picket line in SFO for NWA, absolutely! We even had AA guys, butchers Union support and Longshoremen. Just no IBT or IAM folks.
Sad but True!

I thought that was you but didn't want to out you... :lol:

Maybe some members tried a coalition to oust the IBT after their election, but I am not aware of any active AMFA officers being involved.

Please keep posting, if anyone believes the IBT BS, they deserve you!
B) xUT

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