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I'm ready to go AMFA

What backdoor deals? Do you mean getting the company to off set your Local expenses by up to 1 million dollars? (That way you can have more money to pay off the National Director). Yup, amfa did that.

The membership is part of the process and votes on the finished product. Here at UAL the Teamsters brought back a contract that they new (or at least should have known) would be turned down. We had some very decent negotiators in the rank and file team that new the right thing to do. When the company gave an offer that was supposedly the best they could do, the negotiation team brought it o the membership for a vote even though many of them turned it down themselves.

It is my personal belief that having observers and open negotiations tells the company that there is simply no faith in the union. Not necessarily a proper show of power.

What back door deals? The ones the teamsters did at SWA in a hotel room of a teamster with the company about retro pay and paid lunch. There was also some done at CAL prior to combination. See Anomaly, you don't know or have all your info. I would highly recomend you do some easily done research before you spout off. BTW both of these behind closed door deals have been proven, these are not rumors. Keep posting brother, your continiously helping the teamsters...
What back door deals? The ones the teamsters did at SWA in a hotel room of a teamster with the company about retro pay and paid lunch. There was also some done at CAL prior to combination. See Anomaly, you don't know or have all your info. I would highly recomend you do some easily done research before you spout off. BTW both of these behind closed door deals have been proven, these are not rumors. Keep posting brother, your continiously helping the teamsters...
AMFA was so good at NW that the DL AMTs jumped at the chance to get represented by AMFA...NOT! They looked at AMFA and their record and said thanks, but no thanks. No union is better than AMFA.

"The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) has agreed to a Transition Commitment with Delta Airlines that will bring the Mechanic and Related Employees that we represent at the former Northwest Airlines to pay, seniority, and benefit parity with their Delta counterparts. AMFA believes that this commitment from Delta will bring this work group to a single carrier determination.
"AMFA would like to thank all those that submitted authorization cards during our card drive to represent the combined work group. However, the showing of interest has come short of the required number needed to file for representation. To prolong the single transportation system determination any longer would be a disservice to those that we currently represent at the former Northwest Airlines.

I have no love for TWU, but just like with the AMP drive, no one ever gave me a satisfactory answer to, "What would they have been able to do differently?"
I have no love for TWU, but just like with the AMP drive, no one ever gave me a satisfactory answer to, "What would they have been able to do differently?"
If your question is in reference to your job that is all relative to whether you are in the elite group of technicians that stays working for AA after the outsourcing carnage. Yes we are losing jobs at AA due to the new CBA but nowhere near what it would have been had we voted the deal down and took our chances in court. The amount of outsourcing AA was seeking in the 3/22 term sheet was on par with what all others airlines in BK have done and better than airlines represented by AMFA - AS and WN. Now I fully understand that WN has never in-sourced that work however, AS did and AMFA did not prevent AS management from outsourcing it. No strike, no job action, not even a whimper of discontent as the OAK AS Base was closed.

Now what about AMFA helping us get more. Nope. One of their top advocates this month (Ken is chronic flip flopper, first he was AMFA, then onboard with separate locals, then was a TWU officer, then resigned, then backed AMP, and now backs AMFA again) stated very recently and several times in the past. AMFA/AMP will do nothing to help our paychecks (but it will help Seham's and Louie Key's). Ken states it will do nothing for your paycheck but you will get democracy...okay. Does that keep your job or put food on your table?

From Ken MacTiernan September 8th.


No one ever claimed that AMFA would magically get us a "top contract" at AA after we remove the twu and elect AMFA. The whole reason behind removing the twu is to bring democracy and accountability back to unionism and make that union a craft union. anamoly, cio/hss and the other twu supporting alias using posters here can not defend the twu because the twu does not have true democracy or accountability.

AMFA never claimed to give us more power over the company. AMFA provides us with power over the union. THIS is why we are removing the twu and the teamster attempt to water down the AMFA drive is so transparent it is laughable.

If your question is in reference to your job that is all relative to whether you are in the elite group of technicians that stays working for AA after the outsourcing carnage. Yes we are losing jobs at AA due to the new CBA but nowhere near what it would have been had we voted the deal down and took our chances in court. The amount of outsourcing AA was seeking in the 3/22 term sheet was on par with what all others airlines in BK have done and better than airlines represented by AMFA - AS and WN. Now I fully understand that WN has never in-sourced that work however, AS did and AMFA did not prevent AS management from outsourcing it. No strike, no job action, not even a whimper of discontent as the OAK AS Base was closed.

Now what about AMFA helping us get more. Nope. One of their top advocates this month (Ken is chronic flip flopper, first he was AMFA, then onboard with separate locals, then was a TWU officer, then resigned, then backed AMP, and now backs AMFA again) stated very recently and several times in the past. AMFA/AMP will do nothing to help our paychecks (but it will help Seham's and Louie Key's). Ken states it will do nothing for your paycheck but you will get democracy...okay. Does that keep your job or put food on your table?

From Ken MacTiernan September 8th.


No one ever claimed that AMFA would magically get us a "top contract" at AA after we remove the twu and elect AMFA. The whole reason behind removing the twu is to bring democracy and accountability back to unionism and make that union a craft union. anamoly, cio/hss and the other twu supporting alias using posters here can not defend the twu because the twu does not have true democracy or accountability.

AMFA never claimed to give us more power over the company. AMFA provides us with power over the union. THIS is why we are removing the twu and the teamster attempt to water down the AMFA drive is so transparent it is laughable.


Hey Don,

You seem to get dumber by the post. Are you implying with your bold print of my post that the twu does give us more power over AA?

I have been an advocate for a craft, democratic union for my craft & class longer than a month. But your cowardly ignorance blinds you from facts.

All you are able to do is attack people who strive to strengthen our craft by removing the concessionary disease called the twu. You are afraid and unable to answer why AMTs should not have the right to elect ALL union officals instead of having officials appointed.

Remain behind your alias and feel warm in your attempts to attack people who do not buy into your warped sense of democracy.

I have no love for TWU, but just like with the AMP drive, no one ever gave me a satisfactory answer to, "What would they have been able to do differently?"
That one can't be answered, because no one knows. They still would have to follow the same rules as the TWU does. If I'm correct, the only difference would have been is that the top elected officials would have to live under the same conditions we have to.
Hey Don,

You seem to get dumber by the post. Are you implying with your bold print of my post that the twu does give us more power over AA?

I have been an advocate for a craft, democratic union for my craft & class longer than a month. But your cowardly ignorance blinds you from facts.

All you are able to do is attack people who strive to strengthen our craft by removing the concessionary disease called the twu. You are afraid and unable to answer why AMTs should not have the right to elect ALL union officals instead of having officials appointed.

Remain behind your alias and feel warm in your attempts to attack people who do not buy into your warped sense of democracy.


I have to say it felt a lot more smarter in here when you were just trolling through not gracing the threads with Your input.
Hey Don,

You seem to get dumber by the post. Are you implying with your bold print of my post that the twu does give us more power over AA?

I have been an advocate for a craft, democratic union for my craft & class longer than a month. But your cowardly ignorance blinds you from facts.

All you are able to do is attack people who strive to strengthen our craft by removing the concessionary disease called the twu. You are afraid and unable to answer why AMTs should not have the right to elect ALL union officals instead of having officials appointed.

Remain behind your alias and feel warm in your attempts to attack people who do not buy into your warped sense of democracy.

Climbing in bed with AA Corporate and the ARSA is defending our craft? No that's collaborating with the enemy bud.

Aren't you supposed to be in bed already? You most likely knocked out your heavy 0909 already and must be tired.

Right out of your mouth Ken, AMFA/AMP won't get everyone top pay but we will be able to wear cool AMFA satin jackets right? Seriously Ken, no one gives a damn about democracy if we get good wages and jobs. Your AMFA democracy has done NOTHING but "fight" and lose jobs by the tens of thousands. AS - lost overhaul with no fight, WN - got one line and only extended the same IBT contract three more years, UA - did not enforce the IAM scope language and let the rest of airframe overhaul go to Korea and China then got tossed by UA AMTs, NW - lost everything but two line stations and then walked away when DL gave them better pay and benefits than AMFA would have been able to and DL AMTs were saying, "AMFA? With their record? No way, we are fine getting screwed by management without AMFA helping."

Ken you really back winners don't you. Started a fight and ran away to DFW with the help of Don V and then ran back to SAN when you couldn't hack it in a real maintenance station. Go back to talking tough while you work on that tough tray table item then hang out and complain about how hard you work. "I'm Ken and I am the best mechanic ever...zzzzzzzzzz...what? Huh? Oh, I'm sorry. Did I fall asleep again? As I was saying, I work hard leveling tray tables and re-racking coffee makers and I should get paid more!"
What back door deals? The ones the teamsters did at SWA in a hotel room of a teamster with the company about retro pay and paid lunch. There was also some done at CAL prior to combination. See Anomaly, you don't know or have all your info. I would highly recomend you do some easily done research before you spout off. BTW both of these behind closed door deals have been proven, these are not rumors. Keep posting brother, your continiously helping the teamsters...

Actually I do have all the information. The back door deal in question was one done while SWA and the Teamsters were in mediated talks (the point where generally no deals take place without the third party also in the room). There was a "misunderstanding" (that is the word used to explain this to me) over the retro on the paid lunch. The rank and file thought they should have it, the company claims they never agreed to it. At the end of the day, the Teamsters managed somehow to get you a paid lunch. You call it a back door deal because they could not force the retro on this too. I have read all the propaganda from both sides in the aftermath. However, Nuff said. What you call a back door deal, I call an embarrassing demonstration of greed. Enjoy your lunch.
AMFA was so good at NW that the DL AMTs jumped at the chance to get represented by AMFA...NOT! They looked at AMFA and their record and said thanks, but no thanks. No union is better than AMFA.

"The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA) has agreed to a Transition Commitment with Delta Airlines that will bring the Mechanic and Related Employees that we represent at the former Northwest Airlines to pay, seniority, and benefit parity with their Delta counterparts. AMFA believes that this commitment from Delta will bring this work group to a single carrier determination.
"AMFA would like to thank all those that submitted authorization cards during our card drive to represent the combined work group. However, the showing of interest has come short of the required number needed to file for representation. To prolong the single transportation system determination any longer would be a disservice to those that we currently represent at the former Northwest Airlines.

Your statement above is a view shared by many.
Actually I do have all the information. The back door deal in question was one done while SWA and the Teamsters were in mediated talks (the point where generally no deals take place without the third party also in the room). There was a "misunderstanding" (that is the word used to explain this to me) over the retro on the paid lunch. The rank and file thought they should have it, the company claims they never agreed to it. At the end of the day, the Teamsters managed somehow to get you a paid lunch. You call it a back door deal because they could not force the retro on this too. I have read all the propaganda from both sides in the aftermath. However, Nuff said. What you call a back door deal, I call an embarrassing demonstration of greed. Enjoy your lunch.

So everytime a skilled craftsmam wants to get more or what they feel has been earned, the Teamsters call that an "embarasssing demonstration of greed"?

Like I said, you are the best AMFA organizers on these fourms, keep up the great work!

But a worthless unskilled appointed stooge trying to keep his no-working, over paid appointed salary, that is not greed, that is "great industrial unionism". Got it.
Actually I do have all the information. The back door deal in question was one done while SWA and the Teamsters were in mediated talks (the point where generally no deals take place without the third party also in the room). There was a "misunderstanding" (that is the word used to explain this to me) over the retro on the paid lunch. The rank and file thought they should have it, the company claims they never agreed to it. At the end of the day, the Teamsters managed somehow to get you a paid lunch. You call it a back door deal because they could not force the retro on this too. I have read all the propaganda from both sides in the aftermath. However, Nuff said. What you call a back door deal, I call an embarrassing demonstration of greed. Enjoy your lunch.

Anomaly you claim everything just because you read something. Your not even a mech for SWA yet you claim you know everything that happens here. Again you are completely wrong. We were not in mediated talks. There was no mediator present. It was in fact company and lead nego (at that time) Sam in a hotel room making behind closed doors deals. This is where the retro was givin away in "behind closed doors deals" I was here when it took place, I do believe I have more first hand information than you reading up on things.
Now since you claim to be so versed on other airliners issues-try indulging us with the few times it happend at CAL prior to the merger with UAL, where they too were represented--oh gee, by the very same local 19. You are wrong again Anomaly, to this day I have friends that are in the union now that was in these nego's we are talking about at SWA with the back door dealing teamsters. It was in fact done. The teamsters even admitted to this later (after contract was settled) This was one of the many items on the list that got the teamsters fired from SWA in a record 2 wk card drive. Again, this meeting had NOTHING to do with a mediator. And as you claim (once again wrong as usual) there was no 3rd party in the hotel room with Sam, it was Sam and company and that's it... You also claim that we are calling this a back door deal just because we didn't get a reto'd pd lunch. AGAIN you are wrong. This was a back door deal dumb a$$. And you want to call it a misunderstanding, funny, that's exactly what the teamsters were calling it until they finally admitted it after the fact.
Anomaly every post you post always gets proven wrong. There has only been one with a partial truth. Keep up the good work for your teamsters, your doing great...

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