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IBEW update for the week of October 21

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[quote name='PO'ed PHX Ramper' post='537033' date='Oct 23 2007, 05:17 PM']I agree with Tim. That's the fundamental flaw of the IAM. They have no BALLS. They are willing to concede way too early. Whether it was the transition agreement, or the obstructionist techniques the company used for the last two years! At least, I'm told, the IBEW could have some persuasive ways of getting the company to comply![/quote]

Their tactics that they used in the PHL Convention Center will never fly in the airline industry.
I fear some guys at PHL have nothing to lose by going ballistic on a rampage, it could become reality. Some guys are Ill. They are saying I have nothing to live for w/ this Co. Its a scary thought.
I fear some guys at PHL have nothing to lose by going ballistic on a rampage, it could become reality. Some guys are Ill. They are saying I have nothing to live for w/ this Co. Its a scary thought.

You obviously were not around the night the Teamster vote was made official????

That was a fun night!
You are 100% off the mark, Tim!
I'm not sure what you are referring to. Can you explain? If it's regarding Roth, I have both of his letters. In his first letter he lied 3 times. In this letter he shouts from atop the hill how he is running for office, and 'oh by the way' the IBEW pulled out. Puh leeessseee.

Also, both Gushi and Rusk 'were advised' about the 2,800 west members being included in the dues paying process and that having 2,800 more members would mean more AGC's. Canale made sure that the west had nobody representing the west other than EAST Siders. Canale came through for them. Now Canale has the EAST siders representing the west siders. Just not right. West should represent the west but the decision was made by the east side AGC's to make sure the 'east side' interest was secure. THerefore the decision was made to exclude west siders from being brought on the AGC board. I mean, they have no problem with Roth being a local chairman, there's no 'juice' in that IAM position.



Can you guys be more "Proactive" than "Reactive". That probably is the baseline for all politics. A "Knee Jerk" reaction is why we have riots. Let's wait until the ARBITRATOR (Government/Democracy), then gives the go ahead. Remember, we're not Burma or the Middle East!
We are probably in for a long fight! Not! sure any other players could make a difference. Signing Cards can be helpful! It might force IAM to fight harder! Been in touch with Tom Brickner, (Canale' Boss. Coordinator over the locals of airlines contracts for IAM/AFLCIO. Brickner has been a member of IAM over 30 years. HE! responds when written too. Website:/ tbrickner@iamaw.org. Let's hear a real voice of experience.
[quote name='PO'ed PHX Ramper' post='537033' date='Oct 23 2007, 11:17 PM']I agree with Tim. That's the fundamental flaw of the IAM. They have no BALLS. They are willing to concede way too early. Whether it was the transition agreement, or the obstructionist techniques the company used for the last two years! At least, I'm told, the IBEW could have some persuasive ways of getting the company to comply![/quote]
You have a very good point. The problem is that Parker isn't going to give the IAM ANYTHING if there is no fight. And even though Parker is morally wrong to stand by sound business principles, he's just doing what business's do. He's not the person with horns on like the IAM wants to paint him, he's just another business guy and he's doing exactly what management does.

I know the IAM is going around saying that this management isn't going to give anybody anything no matter what union you have. That is a true statement if a union doesn't fight. By fighting, I mean 6 guys going up against Hemmingway and Parker will lose every time because Hemmingway and Parker have the 'juice' and billions of dollars behind them. Management always has the upper hand going into negotiations. But justice in this industry is only won when a union gains solidarity with its members. In this case, 8,000 workers, not 6. That is how I know 100% that there was never any genuine negotiations going on. That is how I know 100% that the T/A that got voted down was crafted by Parker and manufactured by the IAM. 6 guys can't bring you back anything without the 8,000 engaged. A compounded problem in this industry is that the 'airline unions' have become so well entrenched in this industry that they have become management's darlings.

With solidarity, workers are going to take care of what they have to do. The IAM has not only failed in gaining solidarity, they have had no actions, nor have they even attempted to gain the engagement of the masses in this 'negotiation process'. Over 13 years I have seen enough to be able to do the math on them.

I mean if the IAM is that pitcher that you open up the game with, and he gets drilled for 8 runs, what do you do? Do you keep the starting pitcher in or change pitchers? The new pitcher gives you the hope of better pitching. The IBEW is that pitcher who wants to get that call to enter the game. The difference between the two is that you can't vote out the officers of the IAM but if the IBEW officers start sucking it up, you would have the power to vote them out.

Can you guys be more "Proactive" than "Reactive". That probably is the baseline for all politics. A "Knee Jerk" reaction is why we have riots. Let's wait until the ARBITRATOR (Government/Democracy), then gives the go ahead. Remember, we're not Burma or the Middle East!

Zone 1 is a 3rd world country!

The Big House in PHL was an island nation without a leader.

Lot's of example throughout the airport where democracy was abandoned and the art of the 'roll' was perfected.
We are probably in for a long fight! Not! sure any other players could make a difference. Signing Cards can be helpful! It might force IAM to fight harder! Been in touch with Tom Brickner, (Canale' Boss. Coordinator over the locals of airlines contracts for IAM/AFLCIO. Brickner has been a member of IAM over 30 years. HE! responds when written too. Website:/ tbrickner@iamaw.org. Let's hear a real voice of experience.
Brickner is another United boy. Him and Canale are tighter than two coats of paint. He's the one that pushed hard for this last contract and approved it.

Brickner has single handedly destroyed the fighting machinist union and prostituted it into the company ######.

How so? This makes no sense Tim. Him not signing will not mean anything.

Stick to the facts and stop with the hyperbole that will only cloud the issue.

You are also not in a position to say that nothing will be lost. You do not know this. Any thing (granted it isn't a lot) that has been negotiated by the IAM will probably be off the table. Again, stop the hyperbole and stick to the facts!
Start naming what will be lost.

Brickner is another United boy. Him and Canale are tighter than two coats of paint. He's the one that pushed hard for this last contract and approved it.

Brickner has single handedly destroyed the fighting machinist union and prostituted it into the company ######.

Given the fact that the IAM just negotiated a transition agreement that the overwhelming majority of West members voted in favor of in the ratification process, it would seen disingenuous for them to even think about replacing the IAM at this point. All known information points to the IAM doing a good job for the West members, so I'm not sure what any movement to replace the IAM would gain other than to erode solidarity, divide, weaken and send the wrong signal to management. Any other union would face the very same bargaining circumstances and challenge, and none that I'm familiar with has our resources, pension, airline industry experience, proven record and ongoing bargaining relationship with US Airways. You are in good hands, and your patience and support will be rewarded. Your problem is not the IAM or IAM leadership. Your problem is those who would weaken the union from within by circulating authorization cards for another union. If we all stick together, we will accomplish our goals and get past this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ted [mailto:ctcattoo@cox.net]
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 8:25 PM
To: Brickner Thomas
Subject: Re: Al Hemenway

Thank you! We are at the edge of replacing IAM! Please get us past this.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brickner Thomas" <tbrickner@iamaw.org>
To: <ctcattoo@cox.net>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: Al Hemenway

> At this level of the organization we don't often deal with the CEO's
> spokesperson, we do business with the CEO, the President, CFO and the
> labor relations VP. Thanks for the info, but she answers to the real
> Company authority. Just maybe your union is more than capable of
> addressing the issues at hand. I can assure you that with solidarity we
> can.
> Tom
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ted <ctcattoo@cox.net>
> To: Brickner Thomas
> Sent: Mon Oct 22 18:51:19 2007
> Subject: Re: Al Hemenway
> Mr. Brickner!
> At the level of your experience and the results of our contract talks,
> it would greatly benefit the AFL_CIO to be aware of the management. Ms
> Eberwein is Doug Parker' direct representative to the company. Just,
> maybe, our union is not prepared for the issues at hand.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Brickner Thomas <mailto:tbrickner@iamaw.org>
> To: Ted <mailto:ctcattoo@cox.net>
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 6:37 AM
> Subject: RE: Al Hemenway
> I have no idea who Elise Eberwein might be, but I concur with her
> that the IAM is doing all within its power to accomplish a transition
> agreement that will be ratified by a majority of our USA fleet members,
> east and west. As you know, we did negotiate a tentative agreement that
> satisfied the overwhelming majority of the west members, but failed to
> ratify on the system. We are working on proposals now, and we intend to
> resume bargaining as soon as practically possible.
> Tom
> ________________________________
> From: Ted [mailto:ctcattoo@cox.net]
> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 10:37 AM
> To: Tom Bodwin; Strom, Harold; Steve Bowers; ronda bolze; richard
> Baum; pat sands; michelle Marban; gaylen&Lucs Schmidt;
> dawn.gilbertson@arizonarepublic.com; cmschuyler@earthlink.net; butch
> harkin; Brickner Thomas; Bill Chandlee; Bill Buerger; abrar alsafi
> Subject: Fw: Al Hemenway
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Eberwein, Elise <mailto:elise.eberwein@usairways.com>
> To: Ted <mailto:ctcattoo@cox.net>
> Cc: Hemenway, Al <mailto:al.hemenway@usairways.com> ; Paladini,
> Donna <mailto:donna.paladini@usairways.com>
> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 5:24 AM
> Subject: RE: Al Hemenway
> Analee, thank you for your e mail. I know you have corresponded
> with Donna so copying her here. We are all anxious to get to single
> agreements and your union is working hard as is mgmt to get this done.
> While I don't have a timeline for completion I know the last TA presented
> good progress and we'll keep at it until we do get it done. Thanks for
> your note and I'm sure Al and/or Donna can add anything they feel
> appropriate. Elise
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ted [mailto:ctcattoo@cox.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 6:42 PM
> To: Eberwein, Elise
> Subject: Al Hemenway
> Ms Eberwein,
> Hello, this is Analee Potrament from Fleet, Phoenix.
> Can you tell me why the AWA fellas have to take the
> short end of the stick while the fellas in court play it out.
> We might have voted down the IAM even if West needed help,
> but, how long are you fellas going to keep the old AWA down!
> Elise, and I'm sure you have only emailed me, but, is
> there really any reason to play this out so long. Is it really necessary
> to hold AWA WEST FLEET and MECHANICS down at the cost of forwarding the
> progress of the company.
> How much would it result in loss vs productivity and
> profile to make this right.
> AWA fellas doing EAST work deserve equal (and more, I
> must add). That aside, they deserve the same. Come see how hard the
> really work. You would want the same. Thanks for letting me banter.
> Analee Potrament, s14424, 12 long yrs, AWA/USAirways.
> \/
> _____________________________________________________________
> Notice: This message is intended for the addressee only and may
> contain priviledged and/or confidential information. Use or dissemination
> by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited.
> ____________________________________________________________
> _____________________________________________________________
> Notice: This message is intended for the addressee only and may contain
> priviledged and/or confidential information. Use or dissemination by
> anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited.
> ____________________________________________________________

Notice: This message is intended for the addressee only and may contain priviledged and/or confidential information. Use or dissemination by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited.
Remember to write your representative! Don't second guess! The US of A needs people to be attached. Don't think you live alone. When you grow up you will think for others and not for yourselves.
Lith Hey boss I was there when MR Brinkner was at LOCAL 1776! He was right there with Randy supporting the TA. If you think the IAM is going to all of a sudden start telling the truth you have another thing coming. It is amazing how some people can get beat down so many times and come back for more. These guys are the equivalent to the husband who bashes his wife and tells her how much he loves her[even as she is bleeding from the mouth]! Get real this is not a knee jerk response. They have had 13 years to secure our respect but have done little to do so! I still remember the very first [****] contract they brought back with Al Zekas their anointed one. They did little for the group and that contract and Al were sent packing! Don't tell the ones that have seen the real face of the IAM that we are doing a knee-jerk reaction, because that is a ball face lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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