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IAM update on NMB decision

Your contract will be going away and there wont be any negotiations on it, everyone will fall under the IAM/US CBA.

except you will be going away... from us that is, butt out of our bargaining unit and worry about your new unit....
again you never answered.. why does the pilots and fa's get a new contract and we are supposed to live with the IAM contract???

we never said ours is the greatest cba, but it was our first and we have been dealing with it an working on improvements were we can.. did the origianl cba from the IAm pay 48 bucks an hour then... no it was built up over time ( excuse me, i believe that is what the east were topping out at before any of the bk's, please correct me if i am wrong) ad naseum
Sorry not going anywhere, still on the same CBA, so too bad so sad.

Because both pilots and fa/s are the same union, that is not the case with mechanic and related, ever your own local 104's web page has information on the matter. Don't you even read what your own union puts out?

East topped out at at $30.08 before concessions.
Sorry not going anywhere, still on the same CBA, so too bad so sad.

Because both pilots and fa/s are the same union, that is not the case with mechanic and related, ever your own local 104's web page has information on the matter. Don't you even read what your own union puts out?

East topped out at at $30.08 before concessions.

you may not be going anywhere, but you won't be going to the mech's meetings....
even the pilots and fa's are the same, then why do they get a new contract and we dont?????? it seems that they would be the ones that didnt need a new contract.
so how is the current iam cba going to cover you when you are in with the westies as a seperate unit, won't there be a need for a new contract there?? or since you would be the ones without a contract in place, would the ibt cba be the surviving cba???

and i have read what is on our website, i understand it differently than you
but no mis understanding here is that the stock clerks are now not part of the m and r class and craft so you need to focus on that and not worry about us mechs
Ah once again you have no concept. All business meetings are open for every member of the lodge, it is not just for mechanics.

And stock clerks are still on the CBA, that has not changed.

Go read the the US/IAM CBA, that will answer it, and at EAL all the groups were on the same CBA had their own sections.

And as long as it is the same union and same district we will always be involved.

You really need to take the time and educate yourself, you make this way too easy for me.

The NMB does not wipe out a contract, the IAM/US CBA is stil in effect and stock clerks are still on it. The NMB does not change contracts.
Ah once again you have no concept. All business meetings are open for every member of the lodge, it is not just for mechanics.

And stock clerks are still on the CBA, that has not changed.

Go read the the US/IAM CBA, that will answer it, and at EAL all the groups were on the same CBA had their own sections.

And as long as it is the same union and same district we will always be involved.

You really need to take the time and educate yourself, you make this way too easy for me.

The NMB does not wipe out a contract, the IAM/US CBA is stil in effect and stock clerks are still on it. The NMB does not change contracts.

Well none of what you have said changes that fact that the stock clerks will be gone from the mechanics group.. It may take until the IAM is gone and there CBA is transitioned, but they will be removed..

This should not be to hard to understand, just think about it while the mechanics are enjoying a vote on representation and you twiddle your thumbs..

You are correct that the NMB does not change contracts, members/unions/companys do... Well once the IAM is gone none of these three groups want stock clerks in with the mechanics..
Ah once again you have no concept. All business meetings are open for every member of the lodge, it is not just for mechanics.

And stock clerks are still on the CBA, that has not changed.

Go read the the US/IAM CBA, that will answer it, and at EAL all the groups were on the same CBA had their own sections.

And as long as it is the same union and same district we will always be involved.

You really need to take the time and educate yourself, you make this way too easy for me.

The NMB does not wipe out a contract, the IAM/US CBA is stil in effect and stock clerks are still on it. The NMB does not change contracts.

think what you want. it is not so in the real world. you will not have our coattails to ride on anymore. How will a craft and class seperate from the m&r stay on the same contract as m&r??? as the teamsters have said all along that each group will keep working under their respective contracts until an new one is negotiatied and ratified, what is so hard to comprehend??????

all that comes to mind is the old song," nah nah nah... hey hey hey... GOODBYE!!" i suggest you start learning it

I am glad to hear that all of the local meetings are open to any member, you will get to hear what the mechs are doing, but that is all you will have to do with us
I really never liked the stock clerks AND utility voting on MY salary. I would like to see both employee groups get CBA's of their own.
Yes outsourced after two bankruptcies in less then two years and three rounds of concessions, yet the IAM/CBA still contains more work done in-house by IAM members then your so-called superior HP/ibt CBA contains.

For now! Whats the iam going to do when they start hiring the replacment scabs when the cba runs out?? Oh wait! The iam will organize them! Dues are dues. Who cares where where they come from. Right 700? The End
There is no official IAM organzing drive at NW. The CBA is not amendable for three more years.

And you forget the ibt tried to organize scabs at boeing against the IAM back in the mid 1900's, the organized scab mechanics at CO and scab flight attendants in Canada.
Yes outsourced after two bankruptcies in less then two years and three rounds of concessions, yet the IAM/CBA still contains more work done in-house by IAM members then your so-called superior HP/ibt CBA contains.

How can that be?

What insult will you cast at me next?
Same old thing ha? Do you know why a lot of the work was brought back in house genius??? Because the mechanic wages at USairways are so low that they can now compete with the third party maintenance shops.....That is not something to be proud of tiny 😛
There is no misinformation 7.....there is only your denial to accept the truth. You sound like a "broken record". This has been talked about many times and you still accuse people of "misinformation". I know ...I know...if it's not what you want people to believe then it is not true. Yes....the facts speak for themselves.

Does the IAM CBA allow outsourcing 7? You cant't answer that can you with out a long drawn out explaination or just avoiding the question all together.

Here are the choices: NO or YES. You can't do it can you LOL...... 🙂
I knew he couldn't :up: :up: :up:
Sorry not going anywhere, still on the same CBA, so too bad so sad.

Because both pilots and fa/s are the same union, that is not the case with mechanic and related, ever your own local 104's web page has information on the matter. Don't you even read what your own union puts out?

East topped out at at $30.08 before concessions.
You are wrong AGAIN :shock: Surprised anyone!!! Flight attendents and Pilots are not in the same union 😛h34r:
There is no official IAM organzing drive at NW. The CBA is not amendable for three more years.

And you forget the ibt tried to organize scabs at boeing against the IAM back in the mid 1900's, the organized scab mechanics at CO and scab flight attendants in Canada.
Tiny, please bring some new material. Yes there is IAM attempting to get scabs at NWA airline. Can we talk about items going on now in this century?????? 😱
You are wrong AGAIN :shock: Surprised anyone!!! Flight attendents and Pilots are not in the same union 😛h34r:
Can you not understand?

Pilots at HP and US are both in ALPA, FAs at HP and US are both in AFA.

Use the thought process to interpert what I posted.

Tiny, please bring some new material. Yes there is IAM attempting to get scabs at NWA airline. Can we talk about items going on now in this century?????? 😱
Name calling again? Was your trip to the cornfield not enlightening?

There is no Official IAM Drive at NWA.

From someone at Northwest who is an IAM member and knows what is going on:

Nothing is actually happening on an official level. Some scab mechanics may be passing out cards, or talking about organizing, but that's it....

And what is wrong, don't like the fact that your ibt organized scabs to break the IAM at Boeing and failed?

Don't like that fact the ibt organized scabs at CO?

Don't like the fact the ibt organized scab FAs at the airline in Canada?

Brown, when are you gonna learn not to make everyone of your posts about me instead of sticking to the topic at hand?
It may not be active now but the IAM was collecting cards! Whats that say when you can't even get scabs interested in what you have? There is a reason the IAM only represents mechanics at one major airline and soon those mechanics will show the IAM the door just like the rest did!

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