Dell what's up with your low opinion of the GSE Mechanic? Have you tried some counseling for that or maybe you should go straight to the medication.
what kind of meds? I haven't been stoned in a long,long time.. 🙄
I'm sorry if I dissed you as I'd bet you came up through the ranks that wasn't my intent....
at U there was big issue between A/P mech's and GSE mech' personally,NOT...but GSE mech's had issue with A/P's being able to bump into GSE and they had no recourse but out the door.....sorry...just a contractual issue.So if you bumped into GSE you were most assuredly going to get screwed by the leads and mech's if you had tickets...
Our repairman here for the most part are A&P's in waiting here, and we were at the table trying to change thier fate too when Dougie pulled his boner.
I understand but believe you have a liability issue with "unlicensed mechanics in training".U did away with the "through the ranks avenue"..and I bet it was a issue of liability.
non ticketed dude gets in the woods,a licensed mech/inspector misses a glitch in a die...see you and your bank account in court.
besides....the A/P who is charged with supervising the non licensed is the one who will get fined and go to sing sing.
I speak from past experience a lead.And I believe the FAR's require repairmen to be under the direct supervision of a licensed mech...