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iam twu alliance vote

737823 said:
Bob, if anything the CPI overestimates changes in the overall price level because it is structured as a Laspeyres Index, a fixed basket of good that does not adjust for the substitution effect that occurs at higher price levels. Sound academic research has long supported this principle. Say in 2003 a cheeseburger cost $2 and pizza was $3, fast forward to 2013 and that same cheeseburger costs $2.75 but the pizza is now $3.50, people substitute their preferences on the quantity of goods demanded at different price levels so your overall welfare has not been reduced by as much as the CPI would suggest. Another flaw with CPI is that the basket is fixed-consumers once purchased cassette tapes but didn't subscribe to smart phone service, point is it doesn't closely align with actual changes in purchasing power. Additionally different regions have experienced different changes in relative price levels especially for things like education, energy, healthcare, housing, etc. So the changes in your real earnings are very different than an overhaul mechanic working in TUL. Has your real purchasing power declined since 2003? Without a doubt but not nearly to the tune CPI modeling suggests.Josh

Thats the spin you spout out from behind an alias, probably so your aged parents don't whack you if they hear you telling such lies, seniors are the biggest victims of the flawed CPI because one of the reasons why they do it the way they do is to screw seniors out of much needed raises to Social Security. Your substitution "let them eat cake" theory about not being harmed is bull because the fact is those cheaper substitutes were available before the staples became too expensive. Thats like saying if you are forced to move out of your home in Hewlett Harbor over to Far Rockaway that you were not economically harmed because you still have a home, just substituted a less expensive one for the more costly one.

The basket of goods is periodically updated to account for changes in Technology, but as I said they added a value index that shows the price declining when thats the new baseline of whats available. Besides electronics tend to be things that will last for several years, not purchased over and over again like food, energy, insurance and taxes. I agree that the effects of CPI are hard to measure and vary because each persons costs are affected by what they spend their money on, my purchasing power of an hours worth of labor has declined by over 50%. Much more than the understated CPI. Some of the loss of disposable income from each hour of labor was eaten up by large property tax increases and nearly as large increases for medical coverage and other medical related costs, not due to illness but higher premiums, copays, deductibles etc. These things aren't even factored into the CPI but if its sold as a measure of the cost of living then they should be.
Any update on when the vote takes place? Hopefully the membership will vote this nonsense down.

And what does it matter to you?
You dont work for AA, US nor are you an IAM member nor a TWU member, so you say.
And they current IAM and TWU members will have a vote on it, not you.
So go back under your bridge.
700UW said:
And what does it matter to you?
You dont work for AA, US nor are you an IAM member nor a TWU member, so you say.
And they current IAM and TWU members will have a vote on it, not you.
So go back under your bridge.
Wow look who is calling the kettle black.
Lets see, you do NOT work for AA or USAir.
You are not a member of the TWU or IAM.
You will not vote for any alliance vote.
Which bridge would you like to hang out under? Brooklyn bridge or Golden gate?
I am a withdrawn member of the IAM and I will probably be helping with the Alliance vote.
So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, I did work on the raid also.
700UW said:
I am a withdrawn member of the IAM and I will probably be helping with the Alliance vote.
So stick that in your pipe and smoke it, I did work on the raid also.
Sorry I am under the DOT random drug testing program so smoke it for me.
Good luck with the alliance vote. Not much support for it a AA. I am sure USAir guys feel the same. If it comes to a vote it will not pass. But in the wisdom of the TWU and IAM they will probably force it on us without a vote.
1AA said:
Wow look who is calling the kettle black.
Lets see, you do NOT work for AA or USAir.
You are not a member of the TWU or IAM.
You will not vote for any alliance vote.
Which bridge would you like to hang out under? Brooklyn bridge or Golden gate?
700uw can stick his nose in where it doesn't belong even when he has been told to butt out.
JOSH and 700 are per their own admission not affiliated with the TWU/IAM but they know how it is and go out their way to tell the employees of both AA and Us what it is or what is going to happen.
He worked on the raid, the N/C, won a milti million $$$ law suit, made copies, was a stock clerk, helped the F/A's at Continental, worked the utility crew. Now he helping the IAM sell this T/A to the membership.
We all should be blessed that he has come here to this board to share his vast IAM knowledge. Tell us how well the N/C did and how hard they worked and this is the best deal they could get under the section 6 which he was so proud of.
Keep up the misinformation campaign and the TA is still better than YOUR contract.
700UW said:
Keep up the misinformation campaign and the TA is still better than YOUR contract.
Your IAM mechanics will still be making less than us so how can that be?
The final T/A isn't out yet so how would you know?
OH I forgot you don't work for the IAM but they share all with you just a withdrawn IAM stock Clerk.
700UW said:
Keep up the misinformation campaign and the TA is still better than YOUR contract.
Its **** for a company poised to make over a billion dollars this year. But they drink the same koolaide the twu forced on its members you cant fix stupid
Thats real smart, no union means overhaul will be gone and most other things.
You do realize non-union Delta outsources all their heavy checks, as does JetBlue?
700uw can stick his nose in where it doesn't belong even when he has been told to butt out.
JOSH and 700 are per their own admission not affiliated with the TWU/IAM but they know how it is and go out their way to tell the employees of both AA and Us what it is or what is going to happen.
He worked on the raid, the N/C, won a milti million $$$ law suit, made copies, was a stock clerk, helped the F/A's at Continental, worked the utility crew. Now he helping the IAM sell this T/A to the membership.
We all should be blessed that he has come here to this board to share his vast IAM knowledge. Tell us how well the N/C did and how hard they worked and this is the best deal they could get under the section 6 which he was so proud of.
Maybe we should sacrifice a virgin by throwing her in a volcano. To better honor Josh and 700.[SIZE=8pt][/SIZE]
I would place a higher value on the opinions expressed from individuals that work for AA/US.[SIZE=8pt][/SIZE]
Josh and 700 resemble the Greek god Pan. As far as I go, Josh, 700 mind you’re own and we will[SIZE=8pt][/SIZE]
tend to ours! 
700UW said:
Thats real smart, no union means overhaul will be gone and most other things.
You do realize non-union Delta outsources all their heavy checks, as does JetBlue?
yeah I'm smart enough that I don't care what your opinion is or did I ask. I'm free to express how I feel about that Alliance. And I don't want it end of story
This is a message board, do you not understand the concept?