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IAM Thread for the week of 2/19-2/26

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The floor is yours Shocker. Persuade us why we should keep Canale and his bunch of minions. Please do tell us how our lives are so much better under his misleardedship. Nothing about the New Direction Slate or Tim. Just try to give us something positive that Canale has done for the membership. One thing and we will start there.
Don't worry about debating me and taking notes, just do your freakn job and you will win and there won't be a debate come June.

Alas, the ole, small stations are smart and the big stations are dumb debate. Trouble is that you seem like you really believe this. This thinking is akin to the same type of bigotry that befalled that one guy who popped up here for a week and then flipped out when we found him out.

I can see you went to the Canale Board meeting the other day where everyone patted eachother on the back and 'kissed the pinky' and proclaimed "THE BIG STATIONS ARE STUPID". Geeezzzz, you guys are killing us. I'm not sure I wanna debate with you if you're post are going to deteriorate to the point of liberace and 141. Why do all the Canale lovers end up talking in bigotry or worse to justify why Canale is losing big?
I don't mean to be crude but it is getting late and your post have deteriorated so are you drinking the sauce tonight?

Tim Nelson
IAM Local Chairman, 1487, Chicago

No not on the sauce. But that was an intelligent come back. I have just been watching Rich Delaneys brand new 2/19 campaign video from Hotlanta. Check this out.

New Direction New Video 2/19/08. Great speech Rich.

Good luck. Tim see you soon. Maybe at work tomorrow. Tah Tah
" Live to fight another day"

" The concession stand is closed "

" The New Direction Team has no Experience "

You even have to put a false video link in ur post. Is that what you guys do at ur meetings. Look for false video?

You guys are full of yourselves and you will be rewarded in june.....better order rain gear.

Get RR back to work and you might have a little credibility. You know as well as I do that he was an "example"

View attachment 7209
we are waiting. Answer Hadenough's challenge. If you can. I suspect you can't.
Plesase do not forget INT. INT voted for the "NEW DIRECTION TEAM". Those of us who know canoli for what he is, ( an arrogant, egotistical, self absorbed prick), who looks out for the company, not the members. I will make sure my station votes for Delaney and Co. in June, not conoli and co. If Canoli would just say that he sides with the company I would have more respect for the guy. But no, he just says that, "this is the best we could do" . Please, the concession stand was closed years ago, why is it all of a sudden open again? Why did he agree to give the company backour progit sharing? You and all of canoli's cronies are worried that you are going to lose you $100k club membership and actually have to work for your $$$$$$. Pleade spread you BS somewhere that people who are uninformed will listen to you, because most of US/HP Fleet Service have heard enough of canoli's and your blather. Good Riddence. Oh by the way, I believe that you were called out as to where you work, how mush time you have and if you even work for US/HP. Well are you going to answer any of these qeustions posed to you? Or are you going to continue to dodge the question like liberace did and be expossed for who you really are? US/HP Fleet Service's eyes are open now, and I will do everything I can to keep canoli and co from screwing us over once again!
Why should we keep Canale. It seems all you can do is bad mouth the New Direction but can't give us anything positive about the one you support. We are waiting.
I think the Canoliites' must be in emergency session...

It's time to retire ZZZZZ

SOLIDARITY brothers and sisters.
How has he made our lives better? You have nothing at all.

Thats exactlt what I thought. Nothing is exactly what you have. Well I'm going to bed. Tired of waiting around for this arrogant loser.

Since your the in fight for cheap suites, tell us what he's done for the US fleet.
His track record speaks for it's self. This is a lap dog district, any one who doesn't drink
the kool-aid get's booted. Isn't that what happened to DL of pit. Next question, will
MF get the boot for going up against cheap suites and thanks MF for telling
the workers in clt what was going on.

Give us the chaep suites track record and so much for his experience, it aint squat.
Also get the message back to the belly warmer, I still want a date with her, but she will
have to brush her teeth first.

LDD ( lap dog district) at LCC (low cost carrier)
Ok Shocker,

I'll put on the line for you.
Fleet does have bargaining leverage;

1. The COC, to effectively aquire a merger partner, the coc has to go away. The only
way to avoid the kickin is for US to be the buying entity. They can't get the funding.

2. The transition agreement, needed to form two fleets groups into one. No other airline
wants to bargain with two groups of the same.

3. Contract extentsion, needed to secure fleet wages for the next several years to avoid
interuptions during the merger process.

Print this off and tape it to cheap suites forehead, that way when Al speaks cheap suites
doesn't have too.

Also, the company came knocking, they want it or they would have been silent until 12/31/09.
OTH, grumbling's from within the sand castle, Al has to get it done or lose his job.
Cheap suites can also refuse to negotiate and therefore work on sec 6 proceedings in the west,
he has until oct. then he will be unemployed.

Here's what it's going to take...... twenty an hour top out min., extra vac., 60 day rule gone,
holidays back, we do live in AMERICA, sick time reinstated, job saving scope for class 2,
A fair and dignified contract for the worker's, and don't forget about your boy RR IN phx.
Also no more cost neutral talk, it sickens me.

LDD(lap dog district) in LCC(low cost carrier)
"Oh and sorry I forgot ANC, TPA, and PVD went to TEAM 2008."

those citys numbers equate to 2 breakrooms in a hub.. sorry trumped again..

Delaney in 08
Ok Shocker,

I'll put on the line for you.
Fleet does have bargaining leverage;

1. The COC, to effectively aquire a merger partner, the coc has to go away. The only
way to avoid the kickin is for US to be the buying entity. They can't get the funding.

2. The transition agreement, needed to form two fleets groups into one. No other airline
wants to bargain with two groups of the same.

3. Contract extentsion, needed to secure fleet wages for the next several years to avoid
interuptions during the merger process.

Print this off and tape it to cheap suites forehead, that way when Al speaks cheap suites
doesn't have too.

Also, the company came knocking, they want it or they would have been silent until 12/31/09.
OTH, grumbling's from within the sand castle, Al has to get it done or lose his job.
Cheap suites can also refuse to negotiate and therefore work on sec 6 proceedings in the west,
he has until oct. then he will be unemployed.

Here's what it's going to take...... twenty an hour top out min., extra vac., 60 day rule gone,
holidays back, we do live in AMERICA, sick time reinstated, job saving scope for class 2,
A fair and dignified contract for the worker's, and don't forget about your boy RR IN phx.
Also no more cost neutral talk, it sickens me.

LDD(lap dog district) in LCC(low cost carrier)

Amen brother.....and when we do get $20, the company is still getting off easy. I mean, if we get everything that you stated, it's still a "give back", not a raise. Let's not forget that people. :angry:
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