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IAM Talking Tough at USAirway

Back in the heyday of Unions, 50s-60s, when my dad was an IBEW electrician. (Which btw was when union's were at their peak.) He told me stories about what happened to scabs, one particular story always stood out it in my mind and that was when a piece of pipe accidentally fell on the guy from 10 stories up, supposedly, the man was pretty badly hurt and could not work again. Today when Unions are at their lowest, people welcome scabs back into the fold like nothing happened. We stand for nothing and are unprincipled and then we blame everyone else for our failings when the company gives us another fat one up our kiesters.
and anyone that thinks that celebrating an era when workers were harmed by their coworkers truly has no concept of how objectionable such behavior is to average Americans.

If the union movement can win in the marketplace and demonstrate its value, no one and certainly not me, will deny what has been accomplished.

Resorting to hurting people and messing in people's personal business as a means to accomplish one's end is beyond disgusting.

specific to the topic at hand, I truly do hope that AA/US employees will reap the benefits of a larger company with potentially stronger revenue generating capabilities.

celebrating, let alone returning to practices that are morally objectionable if not illegal won't help one iota in achieving those goals.
I get that scabs are a betrayal to the labor movement and it's values but seriously you aren't their Mom, people will do and need to do what is best for their household. Not everyone has the luxury of having savings built up and can risk their jobs (along with the jobs of others and the viability of their employer) but seriously people make their own choices. But then again, unions aren't necessarily democratically run (see Boeing IAM) so it's no wonder many see no problem harassing abd defaming coworkers who simply are looking out for themselves and their family.

WorldTraveler said:
and you wonder why the labor movement has been rendered as insignificant in the life of modern America?You can't win in the marketplace so you stick in your nose in people's personal business and expect to find support from everyday Americans?when you make it your business to be police, judge, and executioner it isn't surprising when you get bit in the butt.And to think there are people like you who tell stories like that as a badge of honor..
Be clear here. I did not engage in the following of the scab. Since you have absolutely no idea what it is like to work in a union environment, I will take your opinion for what it is. A badge of honor? Not quite. It is the unvarnished truth of what happens in a cohesive union shop.

Your use of "you" in your post is incorrect.

People get followed and videotaped by others for many reasons, by many people. When I was a safety rep investigating OJI's, I would frequently find insurance company investigators following people watching and taping their every move to try and screw them out of any workmanship compensation.
I didn't say I like the idea of insurance people following people - and I accept that, in the world we live in today, every action of every person in the modern world can be tracked and recorded.

But that is not the same thing as taking that evidence to someone's spouse or as was noted in a post after yours allowing if not orchestrating an injury to someone because they don't believe the same way you do about replacement workers.

No, I have not worked in a union environment... but keep in mind that about 10% of the American workforce today does work in union jobs and there are major attempts to weaken union power including among California teachers.

I'm not advocating being a scab - but I am saying that when you and others tell stories about people who were the victim of activities that at the minimum push the limits of what most Americans believe and at worst could be illegal, you seriously damage the ability of the labor movement to demonstrate what could be real values that it could bring to workers.

I am all for upward movement of workers and I am also all for unions succeeding. I am not for any system that takes out its failure to succeed on anyone that doesn't agree with them, esp. outside of the workplace.
The IAM at US Air has used the almost forgotten word of "STRIKE" out of frustration in Dealing with stalled negotiations and a large emphasis on concessions from the unions as the TWU contract with American Airlines is the leader in give backs with all airlines to use to their advantage in their negotiations.
US Air and Parker want the  TWU contract for the IAM employees. no wonder they are saying "STRIKE".
The question before us is what does the TWU international, the AFL/CIO and the Transport Trades Division do to help in the IAM/ Us Air conflict?  They are part of the problem, they have to be part of the solution
If we do not support the IAM in this conflict we are shooting ourselves in the foot and that's what the company would like us to do. The ideology that we don't have it so why should they is exactly the wrong thought process we should have. The IAM contract although not perfect has several articles that are much better than ours and if we let them go so goes our ability to get them. 
The leaders have to decide the course of action in this conflict.  If the IAM goes on strike to defend their livelihood what will the leadership do in support?  Writing letters has proven to be insignificant.  Do we work on US Air aircraft while they are on strike?  I should think not, but that position must come from the governning body of the TWU and associated leadership. Will they step up to the plate early and put their position out there before hand or wait till its too late.
This is an opportunity to strengthen the belief that unionism is on a come back.
Union members should not work on striking members work
contact your International union leadership and ask them what their position will be 
Chuck Schalk said:
Union members should not work on striking members work
contact your International union leadership and ask them what their position will be
thanks, Chuck.

And for the record, I agree that this is the only hope for Parker to be stifled in his attempts of playing one work group against another which is what he did at US for years.

Everyone loses if he takes that strategy to the new AA.

Stand firm
WorldTraveler said:
thanks, Chuck.

And for the record, I agree that this is the only hope for Parker to be stifled in his attempts of playing one work group against another which is what he did at US for years.

Everyone loses if he takes that strategy to the new AA.

Stand firm
Hell, the company, with the help of the TWU has us fighting between line maint and overhaul maint!
Divide & Conquer!
yes, I know. And that is part of why some of us can't help but be concerned when looking at the overall economic realities and then throw in unique elements like that.

Believe it or not, but I really do wish you well.
Rogallo said:
Hell, the company, with the help of the TWU has us fighting between line maint and overhaul maint!
Divide & Conquer
exactly the point,  the TWU and the company did a fine job dividing line and overhaul and see how that worked for us.  Lets try something different and support our careers
Rogallo said:
agreed but as union members we need to change the way we do business regardless of who represents us.  I speak of an internal cultural change of union members in this country.  The old way of looking the other way is over.
AMFA 2014
if you mechanics decide to go with amfa before say the nmb releases how does that affect  or can it happen?
robbedagain said:
if you mechanics decide to go with amfa before say the nmb releases how does that affect  or can it happen?
one of the favorite tools of a union being challenged for representation is they say "you dont want to change unions during negotiations"  
changing unions has no effect on negotiations other than negotiations continue with different union logo and different faces across the table from the company.
do not fall for the unfounded fear factors of changing unions during negotiations
one of the favorite tools of a union being challenged for representation is they say "you dont want to change unions during negotiations"  
changing unions has no effect on negotiations other than negotiations continue with different union logo and different faces across the table from the company.
do not fall for the unfounded fear factors of changing unions during negotiations
You are 100% correct Chuck...

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