Overspeed said:
Just sarcasm. Bob wanted a strike so here is his chance to lead the charge.
Voting for new representation is part of a process. So what now? The new regime at 514, 567, and 591 will have to explain the virtues of staying with the TWU to all if us. In the aggregate, the TWU has done better than all other unions in the industry.
O/Speed its not just the mechanics here at AA, the guys at US will need to think about joining this alliance and what being part of that will mean for them.
There is NOTHING that the new local leaders can say, they are just as bad as the old, and the new Intl. what have we heard from them. Zero....
What does that tell you? The IAM guys are reading whats going on here at AA and take what they know about the IAM and US and maybe they will see that
this alliance is not for them either. The IAM is talking tough but then again they have a deal with the TWU and that in itself is sleeping with the devil.
AA has made deals with them already as to what stations will stay and which will go. Now how they tell the union members and which way the restructure of
man power at each station effected is going to be the trick.
AA is moving forward and the alliance has some if not all info aready I would bet. How to keep the dues coming in and keep themselves in power as long as
they can is what I believe they are doing.
The TWU has done what better? Since 2003 we have lost how much in pay & benefits? rough estimate $200k +
Just how does that equate to being the best? Better than what union? We will make less at the end of 2017 than we would
have if Don V. & B Gless didn't give it all up, in 2003. The small amount of money is just parts of the concessions we gave up.
NO PAY RAISES since 2003, so how many yrs is that. Now any further negotiations we will be bargaining from behind.
All the past gains were washed away, by the TWU. Holidays/pay/sicktime/vacation/pension. O/S think about what you say
the TWU is one rung above the IBT, on the ladder. The TWU has never talked tough they just roll over and take it.
Yrs ago the IAM was strong but now they are just like the other industrial unions weak. All talk NO BITE.