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IAM Talking Tough at USAirway

So what 700.  Don't care how long ago it happened.  IT DID HAPPEN,  did it not?  Answer the question...
N628AU said:
Wow, does anyone really think that IAM letter is serious? I sure the company doesn't. This is from the same group that had the M&R group revote on a concessions package because the membership was "confused".
Ah, the memories.
The confused re-vote.
It lovingly reminds me of the "retroactive pay cut."
Overspeed said:
Is it true that Bob is being loaned to the IAM to organize the strike?
Are you actually putting down one of the TWU members? How can that be you have done nothing but sing and dance the praises of the TWU for how long now?
Remember if you and all the others who still support the TWU, and think that the TWU is the best union for the future of our class and craft. Then lets put it to a VOTE. 
Support the signing of cards, both by the iAM/TWU mechanics and let the VOTE end this bs now and forever.
Casting stones back and forth gets us no where, if the TWU is so secure then lets have a vote. No more scare tactics, or scams, just put the reputation of the TWU and the IAM on the line.
This new TWU Local isn't working for the membership as it was intended. Lack of info and untruths, just as many scams as before. 
Haven't you Had enough YET? Or are you apart of the scam thus you benefit from all of this?
The success of the new local 591 can be measured by the number of members that turn out to the local quarterly meetings throughout the system. I will go out on a limb and say the turn out is very very poor. When you have more guys signing AMFA cards than attending meetings that tells you something.
Are you actually putting down one of the TWU members? How can that be you have done nothing but sing and dance the praises of the TWU for how long now?
Remember if you and all the others who still support the TWU, and think that the TWU is the best union for the future of our class and craft. Then lets put it to a VOTE. 
Support the signing of cards, both by the iAM/TWU mechanics and let the VOTE end this bs now and forever.
Casting stones back and forth gets us no where, if the TWU is so secure then lets have a vote. No more scare tactics, or scams, just put the reputation of the TWU and the IAM on the line.
This new TWU Local isn't working for the membership as it was intended. Lack of info and untruths, just as many scams as before. 
Haven't you Had enough YET? Or are you apart of the scam thus you benefit from all of this?
Just sarcasm. Bob wanted a strike so here is his chance to lead the charge.
Voting for new representation is part of a process. So what now? The new regime at 514, 567, and 591 will have to explain the virtues of staying with the TWU to all if us. In the aggregate, the TWU has done better than all other unions in the industry. 
Overspeed said:
Just sarcasm. Bob wanted a strike so here is his chance to lead the charge.
Voting for new representation is part of a process. So what now? The new regime at 514, 567, and 591 will have to explain the virtues of staying with the TWU to all if us. In the aggregate, the TWU has done better than all other unions in the industry.
do you actually believe this crap?
Overspeed said:
Just sarcasm. Bob wanted a strike so here is his chance to lead the charge.
Voting for new representation is part of a process. So what now? The new regime at 514, 567, and 591 will have to explain the virtues of staying with the TWU to all if us. In the aggregate, the TWU has done better than all other unions in the industry. 
O/Speed its not just the mechanics here at AA, the guys at US will need to think about joining this alliance and what being part of that will mean for them.
There is NOTHING that the new local leaders can say, they are just as bad as the old, and the new Intl. what have we heard from them. Zero....
What does that tell you? The IAM guys are reading whats going on here at AA and take what they know about the IAM and US and maybe they will see that
this alliance is not for them either. The IAM is talking tough but then again they have a deal with the TWU and that in itself is sleeping with the devil.
AA has made deals with them already as to what stations will stay and which will go. Now how they tell the union members and which way the restructure of
man power at each station effected is going to be the trick.
AA is moving forward and the alliance has some if not all info aready I would bet. How to keep the dues coming in and keep themselves in power as long as
they can is what I believe they are doing.
The TWU has done what better? Since 2003 we have lost how much in pay & benefits? rough estimate $200k +
Just how does that equate to being the best? Better than what union? We will make less at the end of 2017 than we would
have if Don V. & B Gless didn't give it all up, in 2003. The small amount of money is just parts of the concessions we gave up.
NO PAY RAISES since 2003, so how many yrs is that. Now any further negotiations we will be bargaining from behind.
All the past gains were washed away, by the TWU. Holidays/pay/sicktime/vacation/pension. O/S think about what you say
the TWU is one rung above the IBT, on the ladder. The TWU has never talked tough they just roll over and take it.
Yrs ago the IAM was strong but now they are just like the other industrial unions weak. All talk NO BITE.
700UW said:
You are not the same company, still two separate airlines both owned by AAG.
And you cant touch a US plane unless you have gone through training by US and approved by the FAA.
Don't worry.
I doubt ANYONE is getting released for a strike given the current unemployment and economic status of this country. Yea, yea, I know it should have nothing to do with the economy, but there are always pressures placed on government entities.
By the way, how long did it take TIMCO to get approved to work on US jets?
Lots of talk here about scabs and, as I've read here, there is nothing in the TWU contract to allow us to refuse to work on US' airplanes. At my station we do contract maint. for US and United and have been since before bankrupcy. So when I'm assigned to go and work a US plane or punch out and go home what protection do I have to refuse? So far it's been mostly just small items, but we've been told that they will no longer be asking US mechanics for field trips and that we will be doing whatever needs to be done. They'll send in a tech guy and we will work under him for larger jobs. No checks or routine stuff, just contract maintenance so far, but if there is a US strike, I'm sure they'll be trying to get checks done as well. TWU needs to make statement in writing declaring what work should and should not be done. I'm sure the TWU monitors this forum, so how about it.
ZundappBella said:
Lots of talk here about scabs and, as I've read here, there is nothing in the TWU contract to allow us to refuse to work on US' airplanes. At my station we do contract maint. for US and United and have been since before bankrupcy. So when I'm assigned to go and work a US plane or punch out and go home what protection do I have to refuse? So far it's been mostly just small items, but we've been told that they will no longer be asking US mechanics for field trips and that we will be doing whatever needs to be done. They'll send in a tech guy and we will work under him for larger jobs. No checks or routine stuff, just contract maintenance so far, but if there is a US strike, I'm sure they'll be trying to get checks done as well. TWU needs to make statement in writing declaring what work should and should not be done. I'm sure the TWU monitors this forum, so how about it.
If you want an answer to what the TWU will actually do for you if you refuse to work on struck work if US went on strike. The You should ask this question to the Local 591 VP. since if anything were to happen it is his job to defend you and what you should know should come from him. That's his job. Go to the locals web site get GS email and ask him. That way you will have the correct answer NOT a guess or interpretation of things from someone here.
Now how you perform your tasks while there is up to you. Go strictly by the MM and GPM, IPC, all of us now should have been to the class. Got your coin.... Our job is to insure the safe operation of the aircraft we work, it's your signature. 
Have You and the mechanics at your station signed your AMFA Card?
The US IAM CBA has it where they dont have to work on struck work, and if a part is shipped to fix a plane, hate to tell you this, a US Mechanic has to go with it to install it.

Contract maintenance can cover on call maintenance, but once parts are shipped it has to be done by a US mechanic.
700UW said:
The US IAM CBA has it where they dont have to work on struck work, and if a part is shipped to fix a plane, hate to tell you this, a US Mechanic has to go with it to install it.
Contract maintenance can cover on call maintenance, but once parts are shipped it has to be done by a US mechanic.
If the US guys are on strike that means there won't be a US mechanic going with the part. Oh "YES" one of the scabs could do it. Since the IAM does not honor  picket lines.
We seen that as they crossed the NWA mechanics line since they kicked the IAM out.
That also means the IAM stores guys crossed the mechanics picket line, again to ship the parts.
If you think that FBO's, MRO's or any other airline which has mechanics at a airport are not going to work on USAirways aircraft you are mistaken. Just as NWA had mechanics ready, so will USAirways. The airline is not going to stop running its operation. The flying public just doesn't care either. Just as Eastern flew for several yrs after we struck there. The IAM did not have a plan then and has no plan NOW. Scabs will always be scabs and the IAM has lots of them.  I believe the TWU would do the same.  Unions in the airlines are a thing of the past. The government has set it up to be that way.
Just Look at how long the negotiations take, what is the punishment for dragging it on for yrs. If the carrier will effect the economy the PEB will step in and force the union back to the table and to work. NO UNION will stay out after that and be subject to the fines and be responsible to pay any losses the airline will incur.
The only hope we the mechanics have is to separate from the ramp/stores as the NWA guys did and take our chances. 
The Pilots are separate so are the Flight attendants, they don't have another class and craft within their union. The way any company looks at the $$$ distribution is different when it deals with each group. Most carrier have done away with cleaners and contracted out ramp and other jobs in the industry. The BIG industrial union did nothing to stop that. The TWU and the IAM and the IBT will not and can't stop that. FACT... It's been done and it is only going to get worse for those work groups as things get automated.
The only way that any mechanics won't be able to fix an aircraft is if the Stores guys at the airport the aircraft is out of service don't get the parts required to the airplane.
That means the stores drivers and the AOG desk fail at their jobs.
AMFA at the New AA, sing your AMFA card and lets rid AA of the IAM/TWU
The only way that any mechanics won't be able to fix an aircraft is if the Stores guys at the airport the aircraft is out of service don't get the parts required to the airplane.
That means the stores drivers and the AOG desk fail at their jobs.
If there are no mechanics at the airport where the aircraft is out of service, there will be no stores guys.
ZundappBella said:
If there are no mechanics at the airport where the aircraft is out of service, there will be no stores guys.
I knew that but the parts have to come from the city that does have it, so the AOG parts deks has to ship the part from the stock room to the ramp, to the station where the part is needed. I've been with the airlines for 30+ yrs so I know how the parts are moved.
Just letting 700UW know that it would get there either way, and the work will get done.
The airlines no matter which one will have a plan to return the aircraft to operating service. With or without the USAirways mechanics. CBA or NOT
We all are just a number, easily replaced, no matter how good you are or how good you think you are.
AMFA at the New AA, Sign your AMFA card Today

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