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IAM Talking Tough at USAirway

700UW said:
Under the law the most you can do is try them, fine them and impose sanctions.

Dont let the facts get in your way.
Link please.

You want to find out more, look it up yourself.

Under US law you can't fire a scab from their job because the crossed a picket line.
Real tired said:
Ouch.  That's what we were afraid of.  You guys already working on our junk.
Some here have just started the CBT training for AA Contract Work, but I don't think anyone is online yet.  That I know of.
Are you doing just on-call?  Or Overnight's and Weekly Checks?
Just on-call.
737823 said:
Yea but financial services folks don't cover themselves up as populists like labor officials. Not a glass house, if people want to scab that is there choice and pay a fine? Are you serious? You condone that? Business unionist.Josh
no they just get bad publicity in the world of news media bec they cant stop commiting fraud yet not one darn executive has gone to prison for the 08 financial collapse.
I hope that we have the balls to strike , enough is enough !Parker and his boys make millions and we can't even get pay parity ? Start printing the picket signs !
700UW said:
Under the law the most you can do is try them, fine them and impose sanctions. Dont let the facts get in your way.
I feel sooo sorry for you... I hope you work as hard as you talk.... 
bunt3dunk said:
I hope that we have the balls to strike , enough is enough !Parker and his boys make millions and we can't even get pay parity ? Start printing the picket signs !
Ask your self this, since the IAM filed to the NMB to be released and start your 30 day count down early last yr just how much info or tough talk has there really been?
What info do you get on a daily basis from the IAM?
You guys at US had a vote to remove them and since the IAM won don't you think they have relaxed and that they are just putting on a show?
Going on strike is a thing of the past, sorry to say, the airlines now have the upper hand, and they know it. Most of todays union workers are set in their way reluctant to change and have become very complacent. It's really a shame.
The IAM/TWU are forming this alliance to keep the dues coming in with the help of the AFL-CIO. Its all a business, its about money.
Your Pension over there is the IAM's they along with other from the company manage it. You from what I hear cant draw on it if you retire from US and get another job in the industry. They expect you to live on what they give you, with out thought of your family.
As we here have asked our mechanics just how much more of the TWU are you willing to put up with before enough is enough.
ASK your IAM guys if they are interested in getting rid of the IAM? Have you had enough over there? WE have.
Even If the iam were granted released for both groups and the strike were to occur what are the odds of the pres stepping in and stopping it similar to how clinton stopped the aa pilot strike?
Parker will probably let the strike go on without White House intervention. He figures that the USAir guys have been struggling financially so long like the rest of us at AA that many will cross the line and the rest will be forced through contract maintenance at American to fill in the gaps. Union members these days have no union morals anymore. We have been financially beaten to death that many will just say screw it the IAM is not going to pay my bills and they let it get to this point. No more trust in the IAM and USAir so why bother to walk off with no pay for a useless union and a greedy company. The only difference these days between the IAM and the TWU is the name on the door.
If there were a strike di you think the twu would actually support it and would that make a difference?
robbedagain said:
If there were a strike di you think the twu would actually support it and would that make a difference?
The TWU would be the first one to step up and support the strike. On the company's side that is. So you know what that means if it should happen.
Wow, does anyone really think that IAM letter is serious? I sure the company doesn't. This is from the same group that had the M&R group revote on a concessions package because the membership was "confused".
Is it true that Bob is being loaned to the IAM to organize the strike?
N628AU said:
Wow, does anyone really think that IAM letter is serious? I sure the company doesn't. This is from the same group that had the M&R group revote on a concessions package because the membership was "confused".
12 years ago and that was Roach, he isnt gvp of transportation anymore.

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