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the flight did not divert.

it is there to take over AA/US' CLT hub.

I'm sure your cellphone is in a tither in the hope that US' rampers will get their hands on a DL aircraft.

You keep me posted but I have a feeling they will turn their P&Ws in your direction and give you all 68K out of both sides.

did I tell you the story about watching the AA D10 divert (planned fuel stop due to trying to carry cargo instead of fuel in the winter) into CVG enroute from FRA to DFW? couldn't get #2 to start after the refueling. TWA played with the aircraft for a while then AA decided to tow it over to the DL terminal and unload. Customs said that they could wait until DL's scheduled flights were done. AA agents were in the jetway trying to rebook passengers by radio after keeping them onboard for hours. Meanwhile, DL's bank of flights to the west all left, most of the people overnighted in CVG, and AA spent hours trying to clear bags which they couldn't get into the customs facility before the passengers left and immigration told AA that the bags would have to be cleared by AA if they couldn't get them on the belt for passenger clearance.

Let me know how this flight turns out.

Methinks DL has its ducks in a row.

DL has plenty of experience in diverting widebody aircraft to airports in the SE without US' help.
700UW said:
You dont get it, figures.
FAs assigned to the NYC base are required to fly out of JFK, LGA and EWR, DL will only pay for two of the three airports.
And it is standard in the airline industry, union or non-union that if you are based at the airport the company will provide and pay for parking.
I'm sure DL is the only company, in these areas, that make their employees pay for their own parking!
700UW said:
Another FA from DL:
I've been trying for over a month to log into Deers. The computers at JFK were reset then Jimmy put in a call to tech. No answers to why nobody could log in. Now since I have tried so many times I have exceeded my limit and I am locked out. My next step is to call the help desk and begin the reset process and then log in to Deers, if it is running and process the refund. I would rather stick a million hot needles in my eyes than deal with this. I will pay the $36.00 and pray for union representation at the next election. We should not have to deal with this.
HURR DURR, I've forgotten my DEERS password, I need a UNION!!!
WorldTraveler said:
You can't tell me that DL has no supervisors or resources to figure out how to deal with a non-working computer?
Wasn't me that made that statement.

What I can- and have- stated is that the system in question isn't always reliable, and that even when it is, the response time from one's "approver" might not be so fast, either.

That's not an attitude, that's experience.

I have access to IT help from DL and I'm not even an active employee using a DL computer.
So a retiree can tie up DL's IT resources?

Sounds like a "liability" to me. Maybe you can clear that up by explaining exactly what is available to you.

Speaking of IT, that;s up & down in my experience as well. I've had things cleared up literally in real time, and other calls wind up in purgatory...

robbedagain said:
funny you  need IT help desk from DL when as a retiree youre not on airport property working.  but youre using a dl computer   somethin' wrong there.

I'm sure he'll clear it up ASAP, though...
WorldTraveler said:
DL employees have repeatedly voted against unions.

Doesn't matter how many times it has been... unions haven't one a single election at ACS.
There you go lookin' backward again...

further, you and Kev continue to bring up every frickin little wart that could possibly be found on anyone's backside as proof that DL is screwing its employees...
Wasn't me that brought up parking at all.


Question for Baba only:

Any idea how either SFO or LAX handle the same issue? I'm assuming somebody at some point works trips out of SJC/OAK and SNA/ONT?
what do you mean I can't look back but it is ok for your Rent a Ruckus to tell us what all took place in 7.5 and everything post 9/11.

get a leash on the beast that you've brought to the party and then we'll talk about whether track records should be fair game for conversation or not.

I'm so glad I mentioned IT so you could find something else to complain about.

I'd ask you how the toilet paper is at your station but I'm not sure we really want to hear how scratchy it is.
Kev3188 said:
Question for Baba only:

Any idea how either SFO or LAX handle the same issue? I'm assuming somebody at some point works trips out of SJC/OAK and SNA/ONT?
As I am only familiar with the NYC parking, I looked it up and here is what I found:
Parking is provided for flight attendants working rotations out of the co-domiciles in Ontario (ONT) at the XXXX hotel and in Orange County (SNA) at the XXXX Hotel  These hotels are the only authorized parking areas for flight attendants working a rotation originating from ONT or SNA. Parking at other locations for rotations at these terminals is not eligible for reimbursement.    ----crossed out name of hotel for security reasons.
For commuters:  Commuters must submit a Commuter Request authorization form each year, and may only receive paid parking for one base. The base authorization form is available in each base and must be signed by a local base Field Service Manager.
Cash out option:
Active LAX-based flight attendants may choose to participate in the California Parking Cash-Out program in lieu of paid parking at LAX or another base. A taxable cash allowance of $45.00 per month is available by completing an application every 6 months and meeting the program requirements. Flight attendants participating in a leave of any kind will not receive a parking allowance for inactive months.
SFO is just SFO not SJU/OAK
WorldTraveler said:
I'm sure your cellphone is in a tither in the hope that US' rampers will get their hands on a DL aircraft.
Well, they have their own, but why not? The A330 is a great 'plane to work.

You keep me posted but I have a feeling they will turn their P&Ws in your direction and give you all 68K out of both sides.
What an awful thing to say.

WorldTraveler said:
what do you mean I can't look back but it is ok for your Rent a Ruckus to tell us what all took place in 7.5 and everything post 9/11.
You can do what ever you want; just don't talk about "looking forward" in breath, while using the past in the next.

I'm so glad I mentioned IT so you could find something else to complain about.
Just lending some perspective. I've read that you appreciate that.

BTW, I'm still waiting to hear what all is available to you through DL's IT dept.
WorldTraveler said:
the flight did not divert.

it is there to take over AA/US' CLT hub.

I'm sure your cellphone is in a tither in the hope that US' rampers will get their hands on a DL aircraft.

You keep me posted but I have a feeling they will turn their P&Ws in your direction and give you all 68K out of both sides.

did I tell you the story about watching the AA D10 divert (planned fuel stop due to trying to carry cargo instead of fuel in the winter) into CVG enroute from FRA to DFW? couldn't get #2 to start after the refueling. TWA played with the aircraft for a while then AA decided to tow it over to the DL terminal and unload. Customs said that they could wait until DL's scheduled flights were done. AA agents were in the jetway trying to rebook passengers by radio after keeping them onboard for hours. Meanwhile, DL's bank of flights to the west all left, most of the people overnighted in CVG, and AA spent hours trying to clear bags which they couldn't get into the customs facility before the passengers left and immigration told AA that the bags would have to be cleared by AA if they couldn't get them on the belt for passenger clearance.

Let me know how this flight turns out.

Methinks DL has its ducks in a row.

DL has plenty of experience in diverting widebody aircraft to airports in the SE without US' help.
Guess there isnt much action going on for the mission.
You really need to get a life, nope, sorry my phone isnt in a tither and a friend in CLT Airport Operations posted it on his facebook.

Does DL offer the EAS for retirees collecting a frozen paycheck, as you certainly need it, I bet SHPC would love to see your posts and how well you represent them.
As I am only familiar with the NYC parking, I looked it up and here is what I found:
Parking is provided for flight attendants working rotations out of the co-domiciles in Ontario (ONT) at the XXXX hotel and in Orange County (SNA) at the XXXX Hotel...
Makes sense. Thank you.

SFO is just SFO not SJU/OAK
Interesting! Who knew? Thanks for that as well.
I continued to be amazed but also amused that those who are advocating others getting a life are the ones
who continue to troll on a FB site and hang on every word from mostly ex-employees and a few who are un happy
no matter what.  The site is vile with personal attacks, rivaling those here.  
Getting information third hand and passing it off....truly a sign of someone needing a life.. 
If you want an overall picture of the f/a group, join the IFS 360 where over 6500 have joined.  oh wait you can't
your NOT a Flight Attendant. 
WorldTraveler said:
You keep me posted but I have a feeling they will turn their P&Ws in your direction and give you all 68K out of both sides.

Oh look another threat, boy you must be so proud of yourself.
Yep looks like SYPC will get a copy of that post and maybe I should send it to DL too, since you are promoting injury and/or death using Delta's name and equipment
You are a deranged individual if you promote and approve of bodily harm, still waiting for you to show up at my doorstep.
Time for you to take a trip to the hospital and the cornfield.
If you want an overall picture of the f/a group, join the IFS 360 where over 6500 have joined.  oh wait you can't
your NOT a Flight Attendant.
I hear ya, but I take issue with a page being advertised as a "safe place" for discussions, only to have participants see their posts being reported to their respective FSM's.
Why dont you tell WT the same thing, he isnt a flight attendant yet he speaks to you and for you?
Southwind isnt a Flight Attendant either, and neither is 737823, so why dont you tell them also?
Oh wait, you wont cause they think like you, and myself and others dont.
So another attempt at someone wanting to silence and censor since they dont share the same viewpoints.
If you look at Hitler, Stalin, and every other dictator the first thing they did was silence the opposition, how well did that work out for them?
Kev3188 said:
I hear ya, but I take issue with a page being advertised as a "safe place" for discussions, only to have participants see their posts being reported to their respective FSM's.
I have heard the same thing however I can't verify if true.  A few have been suspended from the page for violation the community guidelines.  One big no no
is discussing personal administration action (must deal through a FSM) and the other is believe it or not posting of security/safety issues.  
I do know there has been Administrative action from post on the WCDFA page.  Drinking and Facebook do not mix.  
I'd like to add we also have management come on the page from time to time to answer questions.
no, 700, I DID not say I speak for Baba or anyone else.

You cannot accept that YOU are the one that is sticking your nose repeatedly in stuff about which you have no knowledge and about which you have no information.

and if your little friend Kevin can't figure out what IT support is provided to DL retirees, then he is a whole lot less observant of what is going on at DL than he wants to appear. He has access to every tool I have access to.

Of course it makes sense, Kevin, what DL does for parking in California. Just like it does in NYC and anywhere else.

DL DOES provide the support for its employees that you can't seem to admit they do.

And the 330 is in the air again on its way to ATL.... and I would strongly bet they didn't need US to do it.

and the 136K of thrust the 330's engines can produce still come nowhere near capable of rivaling the hot air that 700 and the IAM can put out.

good thing is that P&W has figured out how to harness its power and make it dependable.
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