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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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From a DL FA:
you mean someone that posts on some facebook chat forum who hasn't even been confirmed as an actual DL FA?

and even if she/he is, that there is any indication this is a systematic problem.

yes, this is the campaign of the IAM and a ramper from someplace other than NYC who have no knowledge of what really goes on in NYC Other than what they read on the internet by people who may or may not be DL employees.

the few names I have verified shows they are not... and if they are real employees, they don't use their own names which questions the validity of their statements.

but, hey, if they are having REAL problems they can use their REAL names and contact the FA payroll help desk.
so youre questioning the validity of an actual DL FA who posted on FB  so why don't we question whether you were truly a DL employee
Why should that FA have to pay to go to work when the company should cover the cost of parking    after all they are the largest airline in NY
again it all goes back to DL can do as they please to their own employees 
Indeed. And the nice thing about being able to actually negotiate is that if this is something that's important to F/A's then it can be addressed. If not, then that's okay, too. Either way, it'll be up to the workers themselves to decide.
WorldTraveler said:
you mean someone that posts on some facebook chat forum who hasn't even been confirmed as an actual DL FA?

and even if she/he is, that there is any indication this is a systematic problem.

yes, this is the campaign of the IAM and a ramper from someplace other than NYC who have no knowledge of what really goes on in NYC Other than what they read on the internet by people who may or may not be DL employees.

the few names I have verified shows they are not... and if they are real employees, they don't use their own names which questions the validity of their statements.

but, hey, if they are having REAL problems they can use their REAL names and contact the FA payroll help desk.
Hasnt been confirmed?

I guess the pictures of her in uniform and on the plane performing her flight attendant duties isnt proof.
Just because you are scared to join the group and out yourself, doesnt mean they arent DL FAs, I have seen it with my own eyes as has Kevin.
You choose to not join and question everything, yet when proven you wrong you cant admit it.
So if a tree falls in the forest and you werent there to see it, does it still make a noise even though you werent there?
Sounds like "A" days without being assigned a trip. Therefore NO requirement to BE at ewr . If assigned to airport standby then I m sure the reimbursement would be forthcoming from deers. Just my guess.....there is a difference between the two.
Another FA from DL:
I've been trying for over a month to log into Deers. The computers at JFK were reset then Jimmy put in a call to tech. No answers to why nobody could log in. Now since I have tried so many times I have exceeded my limit and I am locked out. My next step is to call the help desk and begin the reset process and then log in to Deers, if it is running and process the refund. I would rather stick a million hot needles in my eyes than deal with this. I will pay the $36.00 and pray for union representation at the next election. We should not have to deal with this.
This is how WT, Josh, booboo, yoyo and other anti-union people think:

How did that work out for the world at the time?
Indeed. And the nice thing about being able to actually negotiate is that if this is something that's important to F/A's then it can be addressed. If not, then that's okay, too. Either way, it'll be up to the workers themselves to decide.
except that you repeatedly  parade this attitude that DL just runs roughshod over its employees who have no recourse to solve problems.

You can't tell me that DL has no supervisors or resources to figure out how to deal with a non-working computer?

I have access to IT help from DL and I'm not even an active employee using a DL computer.

The logic behind these repeated attempts to frame DL as incompetent and uncaring are breathtaking - in showing how little the labor movement really has to work with in terms of real issues.

the hypocrisy of telling others that they shouldn't contribute to discussions only to insert oneself into a discussion regarding parking by NYC based FAs is really quite revealing

Quite simply DL FAs have had more chances to vote in unions than perhaps any other airline employee group in the US and yet have repeatedly voted against it.
Funny you been asked several times from me and you refuse to answer.
So let me ask again.
How many times has ACS voted in a union election at DL?
When was the last time ACS voted for a union at DL?
We all know the FAs have voted several times with the last one being very close.
When did you retire from DL?
Why are you so hellbent on an anti-union message when you are just collecting a frozen pension check?
And as you stated there are only like five active DL employees who post on here and two of them arent ACS nor FAs, so why such a concern?
the only answer you need to know:

DL ACS has NEVER voted FOR a union.

you can help us by answering when you EVER obtained a DL paycheck and explain why you are so hellbent on trying to organize DL employees.

They might very well be better off with a union but that is their decision to make and I can absolutely assure you they would be worse off by being attached to the IAM or TWU.
Cop out.
100% scared to answer.
And US Fleet service voted four times until they unionized, and if you havent looked around, the recent campaigns have won, JetBlue, now Spirit and others are in the works.
And you are in no position to tell me and anyone else what we need to know, you are trying to censor the information, so let me ask again, since you are scared to answer:
How many times has ACS voted in a union election at DL?
When was the last time ACS voted for a union at DL?
We all know the FAs have voted several times with the last one being very close.
When did you retire from DL?
Why are you so hellbent on an anti-union message when you are just collecting a frozen pension check?
And as you stated there are only like five active DL employees who post on here and two of them arent ACS nor FAs, so why such a concern?
funny you  need IT help desk from DL when as a retiree youre not on airport property working.  but youre using a dl computer   somethin' wrong there.  
which clearly shows what you DON'T KNOW about DL, robbed. and yet you keep sticking your nose into DL business asserting that you know what is going on.

any DL employee or retiree knows they have access to DL IT. They know what you are authorized to use but ALL DL employees and retirees DO have access.

DL employees have repeatedly voted against unions.

Doesn't matter how many times it has been... unions haven't one a single election at ACS.

further, you and Kev continue to bring up every frickin little wart that could possibly be found on anyone's backside as proof that DL is screwing its employees - when in fact, DL provides IT and payroll support which could have easily been used to resolve this issue - and yet you somehow think the world is gullible enough to believe that DL doesn't offer its employees the appropriate support they need to do their jobs.

Again, it is NO surprise that DL employees don't and won't believe the IAM.

let them spend their efforts helping out robbed who US apparently thinks they can get by with screwing.

and it is also noteworthy how desperate, you, 700, are to try to exclude anyone from the conversation who might actually have some knowledge of the situation that would counter the IAM's propaganda.

It will be a cold day in you know where before I, as a DL retiree, allow you as someone who has never received a DL paycheck to talk about what DL does or doesn't do for its employees.

GO fix your own broken union - they are still looking for the service after the sale.

DL employees say NO SALE.
Are you bipolar?
You are retired from DL, years ago, you collect a frozen pension check.
What current ACS and FAs do doesnt effect you, its their choice, yet you act like the end of the world is happening to the five DL employees you reach out to on here.
You are scared, so there is more of a reason then you are sharing with any of us on here.
You arent a FA nor in ACS, so your sticking your nose in it, just like you accuse robbed of doing, hypocrite much?
Repeatedly voted against, yet when you get asked to provide specifics you fail to produce the facts.

And you are in no position to tell me and anyone else what we need to know, you are trying to censor the information, so let me ask again, since you are scared to answer:
How many times has ACS voted in a union election at DL?
When was the last time ACS voted for a union at DL?
We all know the FAs have voted several times with the last one being very close.
When did you retire from DL?
Why are you so hellbent on an anti-union message when you are just collecting a frozen pension check?
And as you stated there are only like five active DL employees who post on here and two of them arent ACS nor FAs, so why such a concern?
Why are you scared to answer?
I mean there are only five active DL employees who post here, Kevin, Meto, Yoyo, Booboo, and Southwind.
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