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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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and you know that because your dad told you or because how?

you have never worked a day on DL property.
thank you for proving that you comment on many things about which you know nothing.

your compensation has gone up faster than any other group of airline employees in the industry.

you appear to be always looking for the greener pastures "on the other side of the fence" despite the fact that your peers at AA and at DL want what DL has.

from the profit sharing article posted on the AA site

"The pilots union points to Delta as the model. In a recent broadcast, Delta CEO Richard Anderson bragged about having the most generous profit-sharing plan in the Fortune 500."

Not just airlines.

Fortune 500.

DL pilots get the same percentage in profit sharing as other DL employee groups.

sounds like the UP ad campaign was very appropriate to describe DL employee salaries. And everyone else wants to go UP too.
It won't be the first time...

What I continue to find interesting-not just on here, but other sites as well- is that the labor activist message is generally a positive one, while the anti-worker crowd prefers to traffic in fear & negativity.
Judging from your responses, seems the resident deltoid has diarrhea of the mouth (or fingers) again. Maybe the CDC will help diagnose the problem - you know, because DL and the CDC are so close.
Wow, I just read the last one about turning in Kev. Not surprising, just ironic that someone who wants their privacy maintained would do something like this to someone else.
blue  it should be of no surprise given WT attitude and his flat out lies and his anti union bs he spews on here
privacy and respect is a two way street.

It has not been mutually observed.

the notion that the anti-mgmt. campaign is anything but negative is nothing short of laughable.

How you could say that with a straight face that you engage in a positive campaign is absolutely frightening.

This site has been used as a means for a personal vendetta campaign.

it's time for that to come to an end.
He had mine edited quickly.
What's the matter, you can dish it out but can't take it?
so true kev  so true   at US/AA  at least in our station we call it the Largest Flying Circus
blue  it is essentially that  WT can dish it all out but in the end  he just simply cant take it  nor admit he is ever wrong     Me thinks he cld possibly be doing this kinda work for richie a hole... oops   mean anderson!  
I don't work for DL, including Anderson and I'm not a moderator.

Why I or anyone else chooses to do off of this board is no one's business unless it has been revealed.

if there is moderating being done to people's posts, it is because they violate the terms of service.

Kevin is a good man. We have "spoken offline" and I apologize for threatening him. It was inappropriate and not reflective of who either of us are to mix board and off-board life.

I will not send anything to anyone.

I support the principles of this board.

I am highly against the personal attacks that have been the norm on this board.

In no way am I justifying my behavior because of what others have done and even started.

There are tough issues that have to be discussed including the financial situation of particular airlines as well as the lack of the IAM to advance its cause at DL.

I have repeatedly said that I will support what DL employees AS A MAJORITY decide to do and that continues to be my position.
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