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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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700UW said:
He doesnt work ALL DAY EVERY DAY.
More lies from you.
He spends considerable time at DL, his place of employment that is the point.  You said DL has no rules, and I refuted that.  No they are not bound by a CBA but that doesn't mean there aren't polices and procedures in place.
737823 said:
He is the one who brought up OALs and other unions:
737823 said:
Glad you like them! Your dues paid for them rather than providing quality representation and getting you a CBA at US the IAM is courting new dues payers with your dues to the GL!

Crickets, you brought it up at 8:22am, I replied almost four hours later.
You are a liar.
737823 said:
Explain how DL has no work rules.  You work at DL all day every day, you know full well there are rules in place.  And yes they do change occasionally.  
I never said that policies & procedures didn't exist.

They just can be changed at any time for any reason, and in my experience mgmt. is consistently inconsistent in the application of said policies.

700UW said:
He doesnt work ALL DAY EVERY DAY.
More lies from you.
That's right, I don't. Time is the most important commodity of all, and I prefer to spend it with my real family.
700UW said:
You dont get it, there are no work rules, DL can change them at any time and has done that plenty.
The FAs didnt have a say in their 2% or 3% raise, nor their 33% reduction in profit sharing from 15% to 10%.
As a matter of fact a DL FA just got a letter in her file for posting something pro-union on IFS 360.
I was referring to the part highlighted in Red, the context of my reply should have made that obvious.  I apologize if it didn't.  As for the part highlighted in blue, is at best an anecdotal story, without factual context.  Perhaps a company in a Teahadist state might get away with that, Amy's baking company comes to mind, but I seriously doubt that a corporation with a dedicated HR department would risk doing something like that.  If the incident did occur, I would be willing to bet that it had more to do with violating social media policies, than posting union rhetoric.  Just ask that AA AMT that went on a rant on youtube, that was terminated, and the union wasn't able to do anything about it.
Kev3188 said:
I'm not sure what's so funny about one of our coworkers being disciplined for daring to speak up. Maybe you can elaborate on that. Seems a bit Orwellian to me.
Ironic that I do allude to George Orwell in my signature...
It is a fact, I will omit the names:
My post tonight about xxx being removed from 360.
As a National organizer for our IAM campaign, I'm posting to let you all know that xxxxxx won't be posting or participating in the 360 discussion board for a period of time. This wasn't her choice. She has been removed because she commented on a post by sharing a photo of IAM activists.
XXXX is a 'questioner' but definitely a rule follower. However, we do understand that on this board, the rules change at times and we don't make them.

XXXXXX has stuck her neck out on this board on behalf of our employees. Most union supporters have left this page because of bullying. She has been a very committed soul who has been willing to endure much negativity in order to educate and make us 'think' about issues at work and the importance of representation and the middle class of our country.
The questions/comments and issues that XXXXXX has posted over the past few months have come from other employees who don't feel they have a voice for themselves. I have followed her posts and judged her words to be factual and based on integrity. Never has she misled anyone...never has she been anti-Delta. XXXXX wouldn't be bothering with any of this if her spirit didn't originate from her love of career and her airline. She simply informs and questions with the goal to lift us all up. Now, you won't be hearing from her here for a while because of her removal, but I want you to know that she is supported 100% and we applaud her for being true to her convictions (and the convictions of thousands of others).
Activism is not motivated by power, money or fame; but by the internal engine to ACT....to make it just, fair and better for us all.
In unity and support,

And IFS360 is a Company sponsored Facebook page.
She was removed and got a letter in her file.
700UW said:
Do you want her name?
It is a fact.
She explicitly got wrote up for posting union propaganda, that is what the write up says right?
Kev3188 said:
I never said that policies & procedures didn't exist.

They just can be changed at any time for any reason, and in my experience mgmt. is consistently inconsistent in the application of said policies.
700 seems convinced there are no work rules.  Why should the company not be able to change rules as they see fit?  As for rules being inconsistently applied, no disagreement there, that speaks to bad management and supervision, but again how would having a CBA change that?  Management would ultimately negotiate and agree to the terms in the CBA.
yoyodyne said:
I was referring to the part highlighted in Red, the context of my reply should have made that obvious.  I apologize if it didn't.  As for the part highlighted in blue, is at best an anecdotal story, without factual context.  Perhaps a company in a Teahadist state might get away with that, Amy's baking company comes to mind, but I seriously doubt that a corporation with a dedicated HR department would risk doing something like that.  If the incident did occur, I would be willing to bet that it had more to do with violating social media policies, than posting union rhetoric.
I wish you were right, but it's happening more than you think.
Ironic that I do allude to George Orwell in my signature...
...And your avatar too. Ironic indeed. I'm glad you picked up on it...
yoyodyne said:

I was referring to the part highlighted in Red, the context of my reply should have made that obvious.  I apologize if it didn't.  As for the part highlighted in blue, is at best an anecdotal story, without factual context.  Perhaps a company in a Teahadist state might get away with that, Amy's baking company comes to mind, but I seriously doubt that a corporation with a dedicated HR department would risk doing something like that.  If the incident did occur, I would be willing to bet that it had more to do with violating social media policies, than posting union rhetoric.  Just ask that AA AMT that went on a rant on youtube, that was terminated, and the union wasn't able to do anything about it.
Ironic that I do allude to George Orwell in my signature...
700UW said:
It is a fact, I will omit the names:
And IFS360 is a Company sponsored Facebook page.
She was removed and got a letter in her file.
737823 said:
700 seems convinced there are no work rules.  Why should the company not be able to change rules as they see fit?  As for rules being inconsistently applied, no disagreement there, that speaks to bad management and supervision, but again how would having a CBA change that?  Management would ultimately negotiate and agree to the terms in the CBA.
Its called when management violates the CBA the worker has a recourse with the grievance procedure, that is how a CBA changes that.
And still waiting for you to reply about how I brought up other unions when your post clearly shows you did four hours earlier than the post I used reply to you.
Whats a matter, cant admit you lied again?
yoyodyne said:
She explicitly got wrote up for posting union propaganda, that is what the write up says right?
She shared a photo of fellow DL FAs who were getting cards signed.  Something that is posted all over the internet.
700UW said:
Its called when management violates the CBA the worker has a recourse with the grievance procedure, that is how a CBA changes that.
And still waiting for you to reply about how I brought up other unions when your post clearly shows you did four hours earlier than the post I used reply to you.
Whats a matter, cant admit you lied again?
You mean like that AA AMT that management violated his CBA by terminating him for simply posting a youtube video?
A profanity laced tirade by an in-uniform AMT that happened to viral is several orders of magnitude "worse" that what people at our company are being disciplined for.
700UW said:
Its called when management violates the CBA the worker has a recourse with the grievance procedure, that is how a CBA changes that.
And still waiting for you to reply about how I brought up other unions when your post clearly shows you did four hours earlier than the post I used reply to you.
Whats a matter, cant admit you lied again?
Simply told Robbed thats great he likes the luggage tags because afterall, he paid for them.
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