She is on union leave of absence.
International President
Association of Flight Attendants-CWA, AFL-CIO
Veda Shook, International President of the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) since January 1, 2011, is proud to be a Flight Attendant. As the top AFA officer, she is responsible for the overall leadership and direction of the union. Veda is the chief spokesperson for the union, primary liaison with other unions and labor organizations, airlines, industry groups and governmental agencies. Veda is also a member of the AFL-CIO Executive Council, a Vice President on the CWA Executive Board, Vice Chair of the Cabin Crew Committee for the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF), and serves on the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Labor Advisory Board. Veda continues flying and sounding out members as president of the world’s largest union representing only Flight Attendants.
In 1991, after earning her bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of Colorado-Boulder, with fluency in French, Veda moved to Portland, Ore. She was hired with Alaska Airlines as a Flight Attendant on June 7, 1991.
Her Duties:
The International President
1. Jurisdiction and Duties
a. The President shall be the Chief Executive and Administrative Head of the Union.
The President shall supervise the affairs and functions of the Union, and shall
coordinate its activities. The President shall be responsible for and supervise the
managerial functions within the Union. The President shall consult with and be
assisted by the Vice President and the Secretary-Treasurer in furthering the objectives
and policies of the Board of Directors and the Executive Board. The President shall
have such other assistants as s/he may deem necessary.
b. The President shall determine and implement the organizational structure of the
International Office in accordance with the declared policies of the Board of
Directors and Executive Board. The President and Secretary-Treasurer shall jointly
appoint a properly qualified employee of the Union to see to the administration of the
fiscal affairs and records of the Union and perform such other duties as are assigned
by the President or the Secretary-Treasurer.
c. The President is charged with carrying out the policies of the Board of Directors and
the Executive Board. The President shall, unless otherwise provided in this
Constitution and Bylaws, serve as Chairperson of the Board of Directors and the
Executive Board.
d. The President shall call regular meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive
Board as required by this Constitution and may call special meetings at any time.
e. The President shall be the official spokesperson for the Union in all its external
relations and may authorize counsel or other agents of the Union to speak for the
Union in her/his place and stead. When such external communications have direct
bearing on a carrier the President will notify that carrier's Master Executive Council
President before speaking on its behalf.
f. The President may appoint Assistants to the President when necessary. Such
appointment shall be approved by the Executive Board in session or by electronic or
mail ballot. If a mail ballot is circulated, the ballot will be mailed within thirty (30)
days of said appointment.
g. The President may ballot the Board of Directors or the Executive Board for any cause
the President deems necessary. Should flight security problems of an international,
regional or operational character require, or for any other reason in which only a
portion of the membership is concerned, the President may ballot the Master
Executive Council involved. Should these flight security problems be of such a
serious nature that the President may desire to call a withdrawal of service of all
carriers, the President shall be so authorized after conducting a ballot of the
Executive Board.
h. The President shall be required to ballot the Board of Directors as provided in Part
I.A. of the Strike Benefit and Assessment Policy.
i. The President may establish, charge and appoint committees for services as needed in
the furtherance of Union projects. Such committees shall be known as Presidential
Committees and shall report directly to the President. Interim reports of committee
progress shall be periodically provided to the Executive Board. The President may
terminate Presidential Committees at any time.
j. Additionally, the President shall perform any duties mentioned elsewhere in the
Constitution and Bylaws.