Tim addressed this before.700UW said:The salaries are voted on once every four years by the membership at the Grand Lodge Convention.
I see you are lying again.
Tim addressed this before.700UW said:The salaries are voted on once every four years by the membership at the Grand Lodge Convention.
I see you are lying again.
southwind said:IAM Personel
Make sure and check out the bartender/maid salaries at the end!
Between the 1st 4 salaries, your looking at over one milion a year!
Name Title Gross Salary Benefits & Other Compensation Total Compensation
Anderson works for a company that "Makes" money........wait..........I guess the union makes money too, just not as much.700UW said:And most of those salaries you have posted are because they are union members and have a collective bargaining agreement they negotiated and voted on.
Did you vote on your salary or Anderson's?
He made over $12 million in 2012, just him alone, seems that is way more than any union leader.
You ever bother to wonder who runs unionfacts.com? Who are the shadow men like Peter List? How 'bout how many millions they make annually? Here's a hint: Lots of your PS $$$ is going there.southwind said:
Lol.AdAstraPerAspera said:TL;DR
Right, the members finance the union.700UW said:Unions dont finance its members.
Dues are used at the local, district and international level so to support the membership.
Dont lie and use misinformation.
JoshThe five methods for calculat-ing dues contained in the IAMConstitution have served the unionwell for years. But the same eco-nomic forces impacting theemployers we bargain with areaffecting the Machinists Union,and the old methods are no longerworking.One thing that must be clear toevery member is that maintainingthe status quo is not an option.For the past few years theMachinists Union has been spend-ing more to represent membersthan it receives in dues. In 2007the Grand Lodge spent$10,000,000 more than the rev-enue it received in dues, and that number may be even greater this year.If this unwelcome trend continues, the organization as we know itcannot survive. This includes paying 50 percent of the salaries for allDistrict Lodge general chairpersons, District and Local Lodge servic-ing donations and special dispensations to qualifying Local Lodges,including 64 Air Transport Locals.Without a new dues structure that increases revenue, the IAM maybe forced to merge Locals and Districts, reduce or eliminate programsthat enhance representation of our members, close and sell the WilliamW. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center and face the realpossibility of bankruptcy for our union.
At the time of 9/11, the IAM had 525,000 dues-paying members.We have only 407,000 today. The Transportation Department had125,000 active dues-paying members in 2001, compared to 73,500today. An affiliation with the Transportation Communications Union(TCU) increased our membership by 47,000 members, but TCU members will not be paying full dues to the IAM until 2012, per the affiliation agreement