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IAM Stepping Up campaign

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Yep, and either way you'll find a way to rationalize your bulldozing on in.

Nevertheless, how does that counter what I said? You think the person that made that song cares what a retiree, someone from JP Morgan, or a semi-literate AMT thinks, or is he more interested in reaching those around him?
I've pulled back several times only to have to reenter when 700 and others have rejoined the conversation

You really don't want them to go away, though, now do you go because you won't have any company if the rest of us "gatecrashers" leave too?

the quality of the message is absolutely of interest.

the check is in the mail. We're just not sure what country the mailbox it was dropped in is located - and apparently the proper postage might have been "miscalculated."
robbedagain said:
kev  is there any updates on any of the IAM card drives
The F/A's are still at what I would consider close to critical mass. They are well on their way to getting enough cards to call for an election, and have a lot of momentum as we head into the summer season. IMO, some of the company's actions continue to do more to drive signings than any activist could ever hope for.
Ramp side is not quite there yet, but progress is made daily, and I think it's safe to say we're on the right track. As noted before, lots of cards continue to come in from places that haven't previously been too interested, and at the system level, are coming in in large numbers. People are also taking ownership of this campaign, and really getting involved at a level not seen previously. It's exciting to see/be a part of.
WorldTraveler said:
I've pulled back several times only to have to reenter when 700 and others have rejoined the conversation

You really don't want them to go away, though, now do you go because you won't have any company if the rest of us "gatecrashers" leave too?
I really don't care who posts/doesn't. It's not me that's been desperate to convince everyone they're still relevant. You'll recall it was me who proposed self-exile for anyone that brought it up. There's still a shot at you leading by example. Wanna take it?
the quality of the message is absolutely of interest.
So is knowing your target audience.

the check is in the mail. We're just not sure what country the mailbox it was dropped in is located - and apparently the proper postage might have been "miscalculated."
Who's "we?"
IOW, same song song, one hundred and second verse. The check is lost in someone's postal system.

We've heard the same spiel for about 5 years now, Kev. It's stale.

six week old bread stale.

I'm sorry that you are so insecure that you have to try to reduce someone else to being irrelevant in order to push your campaign. The rest of DL employees feel the same thing about you and your isolationist tactics of hiding out on the internet instead of engaging employees.

You really don't want to have to defend your ideas since they really hold no water anyway so your best bet is to try to exclude people from the conversation.

If your ideas were as sound as you think they were, you'd have followers.

Even ObamaCare attracted supporters. At first.

You can take your proposal for self-exile and hang it on the bathroom stall for ready use when more comfortable supplies run low, esp. since you now somehow think it is ok for to define someone else's relevance but it's not ok for someone else to question who you bother to bring along to the conversation here.

You should be more worried about any decision of yours regarding your rules of self-exile that you want to implement turning into mutually assured destruction.
That's not a threat, BTW. It's a promise, Kevin.

If you're stupid enough to doubt what I'll do, I'm bold enough to leave a scorched earth for you to try to grow tofu off of.

IF the target audience is so important, keep the crap off of a public message board.

Can't 700 count on you to deliver the message via DL's email system? If you had half the backbone that you acted like you have, there'd be unions running all over DL property. You're nothing but a bunch of hot air or in this case an overheated keyboard.

But, alas, nothing has changed or will WRT unionization at DL.

No union votes will be won at DL.

Take up basket weaving or better yet volunteer in a soup kitchen if you want to make a difference.
Good goes around.
WorldTraveler said:
I'm sorry that you are so insecure that you have to try to reduce someone else to being irrelevant in order to push your campaign. The rest of DL employees feel the same thing about you and your isolationist tactics of hiding out on the internet instead of engaging employees.
Project much?

See that's just it. I get to engage actual DL employees every day. So do all the other ones still on the property. I come here for fun. Don't you? If not, you might want to think your priorities. Just sayin'...
You really don't want to have to defend your ideas since they really hold no water anyway so your best bet is to try to exclude people from the conversation.
Didja miss the part where I noted that I don't care who posts?

What's old are all the demands to be considered relevant. Why you continue to conflate the two is beyond me.
If your ideas were as sounds as they were, you'd have followers.
I'm no messiah. I'm one man that's part of something bigger. Building coalition isn't about playing follow the leader; it's about a group of people coming together to achieve a common aim.

You can take your proposal for self-exile and hang it on the bathroom stall for ready use when more comfortable supplies run low, esp. since you now somehow think it is ok for to define someone else's relevance but it's not ok for someone else to question who you bother to bring along to the conversation here.
See above.

I'll just take that to mean you agree with me, and that I'm done having to wade through posts (at least from you) discussing who's more relevant than whom...

See, you're already leading the way. Fantastic!

You should be more worried about any decision of yours regarding your rules of self-exile that you want to implement turning into mutually assured destruction.
That's not a threat, BTW. It's a promise, Kevin.

If you're stupid enough to doubt what I'll do, I'm bold enough to leave a scorched earth for you to try to grow tofu off of.
Destruction? Scorched Earth? Really?

At any rate, your continued threats & bullying are duly noted. Honestly, do whatever you feel you need to do. I'm over it.


If you insist on posting it here at least tie it into the IAM campaigns on the DL property.

IF the target audience is so important, keep the crap off of a public message board.
But wait, isn't this an "open forum?"

Public discourse is often ugly. You can't have it both ways. You can do your part by trying to stay on topic. Hopefully everyone else can too.
Can't 700 count on you to deliver the message via DL's email system?

But, alas, nothing has changed or will WRT unionization at DL.

No union votes will be won at DL.
Maybe, maybe not. But it's nice to at least try to work for change.

Good goes around.
Thank u kev. I truly wish all the best to all of you in becomin union.

judging by what u posted. It sure sounds like the FAs may become the first to be union by summer. Is that correct?
if you did half the engaging you think you do, then you would have exceeded every goal for unions all over DL property by now - or else you really don't have the clout you think you do - or your engagement comes in the form of having the door slammed in your face.

It's not rocket science.
If even 1/10 of what you said was true, there would be people RUNNING to you.

But they aren't. This is merely a little internet campaign by a maladapted employee who was determined to force tens of thousands of other employees into HIS mold... they all figured out how to work within DL. You're the odd man out. Emphasis on ODD.

No, robbed, the FAs at DL have voted no more times than the vast majority of Americans will EVER get a chance to vote for a union.

They aren't interested.

Only the IAM and their teeny weeny fan club thinks there is hope.

BTW, how many people showed up for the IAM's sales pitch at the Mexican restaurant? Where is the receipt showing the event was paid for by DL employees?

Kev will probably send in a few bucks.. you can always count on him even if he won't come thru for you.
you are advocating for this campaign, right? or are you turning your coat?

this IS the topic.
The topic is the IAM campaigns on the DL property, yes.

When you're interested in a rational discussion, lemme know. I've no interest in engaging someone who insists on trying to be insulting.

Here's a jump off: the campaign isn't just me, nor is it about me. It's also not happening on here, and this site should not be seen as any sort of barometer.
Kevin he cant be rational.
He shows is desperation when he insults, attacks, and lies.
I wonder if he talks to people in Brazil like that and converts them.
Kev3188 said:
The topic is the IAM campaigns on the DL property, yes.

When you're interested in a rational discussion, lemme know. I've no interest in engaging someone who insists on trying to be insulting.

Here's a jump off: the campaign isn't just me, nor is it about me. It's also not happening on here, and this site should not be seen as any sort of barometer.
Really? Afterall the posts you have made that the campaign is about DL employees and what they want?

Or your cliched "YOU are the union"

Afterall wouldn't it be about you (delta employee-not Kev specifically)

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