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Iam Proposals?

cavalier said:
Just call him Dr. Knowledge, the proper title being Dr. IAM of course which has all the cures for whatever ails the working man. You usfilboi are a vile entity, like a forty foot long anaconda with black wetly scales being you don't worship the mighty IAM Gods that he lives for.

Hmm to be free and an "at will" employee is soooooo refreshing.
Cav, I'll tell you again. Must say i'm impressed. You give me inspiration to forge ahead with my plans. looking forward to my day of FREEDOM!!!! GOOD DAY!!!!
NFS, I am not a communist, but your Rush Limbaugh Ditto Head thinking makes you blind to reality.

I am a pro-union and pro-worker supporter. I am not rich enough to be a republican like you.

If you study history you will see that Democrats are friends of labor and Republicans are friends of big business. Maybe you are too blind to see that your hero W has lost three million jobs since he assumed the throne that he was appointed too, the most job loss since Herbert Hoover, and we all know what Hoover was famous for creating.

In regard to your buddy, he when he posts incorrect facts, I will dispute him every single time, go look up the the NLRB is and their function. Anyone with the desire to be educated (which I have done) can learn the process.

Fact Sheet on the National Labor Relations Board
What Is the NLRB?

The National Labor Relations Board is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1935 to administer the National Labor Relations Act, the primary law governing relations between unions and employers in the private sector. The statute guarantees the right of employees to organize and to bargain collectively with their employers or to refrain from all such activity. Generally applying to all employers involved in interstate commerce--other than airlines, railroads, agriculture, and government--the Act implements the national labor policy of assuring free choice and encouraging collective bargaining as a means of maintaining industrial peace. Through the years, Congress has amended the Act and the Board and courts have developed a body of law drawn from the statute.

What Does the NLRB Do?

In its statutory assignment, the NLRB has two principal functions: (1) to determine, through [secret-ballot elections,] the free democratic choice by employees whether they wish to be represented by a union in dealing with their employers and if so, by which union; and (2) to prevent and remedy unlawful acts, called [unfair labor practices,] by either employers or unions. The agency does not act on its own motion in either function. It processes only those charges of unfair labor practices and petitions for employee elections that are filed with the NLRB in one of its 51 Regional, Subregional, or Resident Offices.

The National Mediation Board (NMB), established by the 1934 amendments to the Railway Labor Act of 1926, is an independent agency that performs a central role in facilitating harmonious labor-management relations within two of the nation's key transportation modes--the railroads and airlines.

Pursuant to the Railway Labor Act, NMB programs provide an integrated dispute resolution process to effectively meet the statutory objective of minimizing work stoppages in the airline and railroad industries. The NMB's integrated processes specifically are designed to promote three statutory goals:

The prompt and orderly resolution of disputes arising out of the negotiation of new or revised collective bargaining agreements;

The effectuation of employee rights of self-organization where a representation dispute exists; and

The prompt and orderly resolution of disputes over the interpretation or application of existing agreements.

The purpose of mediation under the Railway Labor Act is to foster the prompt and orderly resolution of collective bargaining disputes in the railroad and airline industries. These disputes, referred to as "major" disputes, involve the establishment or revision of rates of pay, rules, or working conditions. The parties should attempt to resolve collective bargaining disputes through direct negotiations. Failing that, either party may request the Board's services or the Board may involve itself on its own initiative. In its mediatory role, the Board may employ a variety of methods, including traditional mediation, interest-based problem solving, or facilitation. The Board views the objective of mediation as assistance to the parties in achieving agreement and sees the role of the mediator as an active participant in the process as a key to that assistance.

NMB expertise in mediation and its discretion to determine when mediation has been exhausted, however, ensures that bargaining disputes rarely escalate into disruptions of passenger service and the transportation of commerce. Historically, some 97 percent of all NMB mediation cases have been successfully resolved without interruptions to public service. Since 1980, only slightly more than 1 percent of cases have involved a disruption of service.

Presidential Emergency Boards

In rare situations, when a disruption of essential transportation services, which meets the standards specified by the RLA, the NMB may recommend that the President create a Presidential Emergency Board. A Presidential Emergency Board temporarily prevents a work stoppage or a lock out for up to sixty days and provides recommendations for resolving the dispute.


Under the Railway Labor Act, the NMB is responsible for effectuating employee rights of self-organization where a representation dispute exists. The NMB representation process ensures that potentially disruptive disputes over who represents employees for collective bargaining purposes are resolved peacefully. Peaceful resolution of representation disputes is crucial to the airline and railroad industries because of the central role they play in the U.S. transportation system. The NMB's effective determination of collective bargaining representation enhances the stability of collective bargaining in the railroad and airline industries

The primary representation dispute responsibilities of the NMB are as follows:

Conduct initial investigation of representation applications

Determine and certify collective bargaining representatives of employees

Ensure that the process occurs without interference, influence or coercion

Under the Railway Labor Act, employee grievances arising under the terms of collective bargaining agreements (minor disputes) are subject to compulsory arbitration. Effective arbitration processes are therefore necessary to resolve such disputes.

So please show me where the NLRB has jurisdiction in a bankruptcy case, under a law that does even apply to airline workers.

And to mr deciever, it is called education, it involves taking classes, studying and learning. Try it sometime, you might learn something. Education is Knowledge and Knowledge is Power.

And to Cav, if you are tired of my pro-worker stance then use the great ignore feature. At least I know what side of the fence I am on, as coachrowsey said, you change daily. And just remember I know.
700UW said:
And to Cav, if you are tired of my pro-worker stance then use the great ignore feature. At least I know what side of the fence I am on, as coachrowsey said, you change daily. And just remember I know.

That’s what I like about this country and it's freedom. One can chose do be or do anything they desire including being a loser for a losing cause, for example, you. The sad pathetic tired worn out union cry of corporate America is killing us, because they ARE and it’s because of people like you who do exactly the opposite what the unions want, to gain membership when all you do with your constant rants is turn people away. You are in effect helping to accelerate a dying entity called the unions with your holier-than-thou union babble. Car salesmen you are not. Unions are indeed good, but they need good people, something they sorely lack and why they are losing the war. Some of those so called IAM leadership are actually embarrassing when you see them in the media, no wonder people shun unions these days! Like I said before, losing teams I avoid. Knock yourself out 700UW and see how many come to your cause with your delivery system of calling everyone stupid who doesn’t aspire to your belief, you and other unions talking heads do more damage than good, diplomats you people are not.
Please show me where I called anyone a stupid?

You are the one who attacks in your above post and insults.

cavalier Posted Today, 08:14 AM
That’s what I like about this country and it's freedom. One can chose do be or do anything they desire including being a loser for a losing cause, for example, you.

You change your stance depending on which way the wind blows, so I guess you dont have moral charecter and principles, because if you did, you would take a stand on one side and stop flipping back and forth, see I am not the only one on the board who noticed.

When you can really debate and prove me wrong when I post facts, then reply, if not stop wasting your time, I know all about you and your bruised psyche.

Shall I ask ITRADE?

And remember I know.
700UW said:
Please show me where I called anyone a stupid?

You are the one who attacks in your above post and insults.
You change your stance depending on which way the wind blows, so I guess you dont have moral charecter and principles, because if you did, you would take a stand on one side and stop flipping back and forth, see I am not the only one on the board who noticed.

When you can really debate and prove me wrong when I post facts, then reply, if not stop wasting your time, I know all about you and your bruised psyche.

Shall I ask ITRADE?

And remember I know.
You have more said screen names than carter has pills because of calling people everything but human. You personally tried attacking me when you THOUGHT you had the correct dope on me when you are clueless. You are trying to reform yourself taking the FACTS route but your old colors still brightly shine thru, even Itrade pointed this out and was blasted by the moods because of it, and he shouldn’t have been because it’s the truth!

I am finished with this pissing contest. Good luck 700UW because you and the other IAM membership will unfortunately need it shortly. I have many friends in the IAM and they “knowâ€￾ the IAM will not save them, only they themselves will accomplish that task.
I know you were banned just like I was, and then others went to bat for you to let you back on.

And remember I know.
700UW said:
NFS, I am not a communist, but your Rush Limbaugh Ditto Head thinking makes you blind to reality.

I am a pro-union and pro-worker supporter. I am not rich enough to be a republican like you.

If you study history you will see that Democrats are friends of labor and Republicans are friends of big business. Maybe you are too blind to see that your hero W has lost three million jobs since he assumed the throne that he was appointed too, the most job loss since Herbert Hoover, and we all know what Hoover was famous for creating.

And to mr deciever, it is called education, it involves taking classes, studying and learning. Try it sometime, you might learn something. Education is Knowledge and Knowledge is Power.

Typical liberal, Demorat mentality. You may not be a communist, but, you ARE a SOCIALIST!! I do not listen to Rush, he bores me. Yes, I am a REPUBLICAN, but NOT rich as you say. I have studied history, my friend, probably forgot more than you know!!! Our history does not revolve around Unionism!! Our Founding Fathers realized what REAL oppression was in your glorious Europe!! That is why they devised our bill of rights, and that silly little thing called the constitution. The Republican party is based on the INDIVIDUAL, NOT the COLLECTIVE: read SOCIALISM!!! You say they are for "big business". Yes, some were evil when it came to workers, Carnegie, Frick, comes to mind. But, what if they, and the likes of Ford, Westinghouse,etc, did not act on their fortitude and use their M O N E Y to build great BUSINESSES to EMPLOY people?????? It was because of the Great USA and our system of the INDIVIDUAL to aspire to whatever level you can achieve. OK, so W lost 3 million jobs??? Could that not be that NAFTA, GATT, and WHO, were all signed by Billy BOY, the great saviour of labor!!!!! All 3 treaties did more to harm the working man, than any other in our history, and they were signed by a DUMBORAT!!!! NOT a REPUBLICAN!!! Last point, INFORM yourself, W was not appointed President, everyone from the courts, to news organizations, to left wing groups that live to destroy the Republic, ALL concluded, that President Bush won by 540-some votes!! You see, Mr history Professor, in this country, we do not elect by popular vote, which you left wing zealots always like to bring up, we use an ELECTORAL college system!! Go educate yourself on that!! As to your last statement, there is more to education than knowing everything about unionism. You just keep trying to work your way up to the International, and get on their payroll. Then you can really be a productive member of society :down: In our history unions never achieved more than 36% membership!!!, and that was in there heyday. Today, a paltry 12-13%!!! Keep fighting for your cause, good luck!!! Now, THOSE are the FACTS!!!!! GOOD DAY!!!!! :up:
Once again you ignore the issues at hand.

I am not a socialist, never said I was and never have been.

I am a trade unionist, something maybe you need to learn about.

And go back to our founding fathers, they were members of Guilds, do you know what a Guild is?

A Guilds was the forefront of unions. Basically a Guild was a union.

So maybe, you forgot about that part of history.

And the deciever remark was not aimed at you.

And the likes of Ford and the Carnagies exploited labor, why do you think unions were born?

Go look up Haymarket Square, GM Sit-in, Triangel Shirt Factory, Pinkertons, Company towns, Child Labor, HealthCare, OSHA and Hamlet, NC Chicken Plant.

Do you think your employer gives you the kind of wages and benefits that you earn because they are kind?

You have a lot to learn.

We are a republic and that is the type of system I believe in, but I guess it is ok in your eyes to send $97 Billion to Iraq and Afghanastan and make our Senior Citizens choose between eating and buying a prescription drug or send kids to bed hungry and sick because the good paying jobs are disapearing and going south.

And your beloved NAFTA was proposed by Bush-one, not Clinton, yes he signed it but NAFTA is not being enforced.

But no matter what I post, you are an extreme Right-Wing Conservative so I am wasting my breath to someone with a closed mind.

And you still ignore the fact the your idol posted wrong information and I proved him wrong, so instead of accepting the facts you try to attack and insult, instead of learning. Knowledge is a powerful tool.
700UW said:
I know you were banned just like I was, and then others went to bat for you to let you back on.

And remember I know.

So now I must be a conformist forever indebted. I owe NO ONE and NO ONE owes me anything, FACTS, which you always use are dead wrong in this instance.

The moderators took a vote and said person going to bat didn't have the final say, FACT. Ask them yourself.

700UW it’s good that you go to bat for the IAM, but your approach is doing the opposite! If you have so much faith in the IAM's leadership then let them speak and you be quiet which would do more good for the IAM than what you are accomplishing blasting the captain and everyone else who doesn't agree with you.

Think for one little second. Whether you feel you changed a mind or not will not matter in the scheme of things and will only piss people off who will think to themselves, if this is what the IAM leadership calls brother, then brother I don’t want any part of it!
I do let them speak.

When I post other things besides factual information it is my opinion and information passed down.

Like you said the one great thing about this country we are allowed to speak our minds.

And if my opinion and the truth hurts or pisses people off then so be it.

If people had an open mind they would read and comprehend what information people post then engage in a healthy debate, but it is so much easier for people to criticize, insult and attack people.

I will continue to refute when someone posts wrong information and try to provide the right information.

But too many people let fear run their lives, instead of trying to make their lives better and stand up for themselves.

If we all lived in fear, this country would have never been born.

Labor Union: an organization of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its members' interests in respect to wages, benefits, and working conditions
700UW said:
I do let them speak.

When I post other things besides factual information it is my opinion and information passed down.

Like you said the one great thing about this country we are allowed to speak our minds.

And if my opinion and the truth hurts or pisses people off then so be it.

If people had an open mind they would read and comprehend what information people post then engage in a healthy debate, but it is so much easier for people to criticize, insult and attack people.

I will continue to refute when someone posts wrong information and try to provide the right information.

But too many people let fear run their lives, instead of trying to make their lives better and stand up for themselves.

If we all lived in fear, this country would have never been born.

Labor Union: an organization of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its members' interests in respect to wages, benefits, and working conditions

OK lets cut to the chase: Jesus Christ couldn’t convince people so what makes you think you can.....

Good day 700UW. No hard feelings and best of luck because sadly I believe all concerned will need it...
Let us not forget that Senator Ted Kennedy and then Civil Aeronautics Board Charman Alfred Kahn were the authors of the Airline Dergulation Act of 1978. It was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter, a democrat.

Back with Donald Burr of People Express and Frank Lorenzo who were the first beneficiaries of deregulation, airline employees began their journey into lower wages, no retirement and high healthcare premiums.

We all know where our paychecks come from. We all know it is the passenger. No argument there.

But remember it is that same passenger who will only pay $89.. to fly from NY to LA.
It is the same passenger who dictates price.

But what do you think that same passenger pays his/her auto mechanic to fix the car?
What do you think that passenger is willing to pay the plumber to fix a water problem in the house? The electrician?
Does that same passenger refuse to buy a car from General Motors unless they can get a Cadillac for $19,995.00?

Do you think outsourcing began with Dubya's first term in office?

Guess what, boys?


How many illegal aliens do you think are picking the tomatoes for Senator Heinz, er, I mean Mrs. Heinz's food empire?










Republicans admit they are pro business. The Democrats say they are labor's friend.

But ALL politicians need big business dollars to fund their campaigns.

Did Clinton do such a good job for labor during his 8 year reign?

Kerry imself admitted to committing atrocities in Vietnam. Since we are so concerned with Dubya getting a pass on the draft, why are not concerned with how many civilians Kerry killed or tortured?

Maybe Jane Fonda has the answer!

So basically if you think ANY politician is a friend of Labor, think again!

Do you know typing in all Capitals is yelling?
Lets all agree on one thing here..

At no time will any Pilot at US Airways ever stand up for any other union other than their own.. Never, No way, No How.. The Motto of every pilot at US Airways represented by ALPA is "Me, its all about ME"..

The secret deal back in 1992 is completely and totally true and any pilot who comes onto this board and says otherwise is a liar.. Plain and simple.. We have pictures and video of pilots cleaning the aircraft.

If your a pilot and you dont like it, tough. Do I personally hold it against you, NO. But dont come on here and tell anyone that your a bunch of saints and you oh so wanted to support the IAM but your MEC said no, cross the line and you get paid, clean the airplanes and you get paid. If your MEC had said "Go down and dump the lavs" you would have done it..

What you should have done in 1992 is sit in your cockpit and do your job. Thats it. Not to the job of others. All of us understood that you had to come to work. Yeah maybe you could have not crossed the line, blah blah blah. But cleaning the aircraft, doing the work of others, no. None of you needed to do that. Sit in the cockpit, fly the plane, write up what was broken. Thats all you need to do. But no you couldn't do that. You had to clean, you had to kiss up to management so your precious pay check would come.

Now lets move on.. 12 years is plenty of time to get over it.

Is the IAM right? Nope. Should they be working with the management leadership that we currently have? Maybe. Everyone misses the point.. We are all in this boat together. Some of us are going to be fed to the sharks to save the rest. Let the captain of the ship make that choice.

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