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Iam Proposals?

USA320Pilot said:
Diogenes said, "For most employees, what U will offer is comparable or less than jobs in the 'civilian' world. Those jobs are a lot less of a hassle."

USA320Pilot comments: If true then why don't you leave the company and let help those who want to work here under the new business plan guidelines do so? Why try to hurt others? If there are jobs with "a lot less of a hassle" then go take one.



That's not the only option. Standing on principle I (I understand, a foreign concept for some) is an option.

If someone comes to work every day, and does their job well, how is that hurting anyone?

And since you're so good about passing out advice, try listening to some.

Don't you ever dare presume to advise me - I have more respect for a snake in the grass than you.
USA320Pilot wrote:"That depends on ALPA's directive. Any job action takes membership ratification by ALPA's by-laws, however, there is more reason to believe Judge Mitchell will not permit such action."

But since you disagree with the union, or the 4 who controls the majority now, would you abide by a resolution to honor a picketline if it was called by U ALPA?
And a bankruptcy judge does not have the power to prevent a strike.
700, how would someone working in utility, know soooo much? I mean i know it takes alot to clean, but why do you think your the only one who has facts. I proved you wronf three times in 2 days, yet you still slam people and use "your" facts to dispute.
usfliboi said:
700, how would someone working in utility, know soooo much? I mean i know it takes alot to clean, but why do you think your the only one who has facts. I proved you wronf three times in 2 days, yet you still slam people and use "your" facts to dispute.

Just call him Dr. Knowledge, the proper title being Dr. IAM of course which has all the cures for whatever ails the working man. You usfilboi are a vile entity, like a forty foot long anaconda with black wetly scales being you don't worship the mighty IAM Gods that he lives for.

Hmm to be free and an "at will" employee is soooooo refreshing.
cavalier said:
Just call him Dr. Knowledge, the proper title being Dr. IAM of course which has all the cures for whatever ails the working man. You usfilboi are a vile entity, like a forty foot long anaconda with black wetly scales being you don't worship the mighty IAM Gods that he lives for.

Hmm to be free and an "at will" employee is soooooo refreshing.

Cav, Just curious which side of the fence are you on ?
You seem to change daily!
coachrowsey said:
Cav, Just curious which side of the fence are you on ?
You seem to change daily!

Where ever it's dry is the side I am on, water scares me.

Does my preference and whether they change every minute make it hard for you to eat, give you a stomach ache, what's the problem anyway, in other words why would you give one whit what I do, think, say, believe, if I nauseate you, hit the ignore button, and remember, stay dry.

Actually I am tired of 700UW’s constant drum beat when it does nothing, will do nothing, he is overly ate up to the point it’s funny :lol:
FA Mikey said:
Who in there right mind would want to fill a scab position at a bankrupt carrier, intent on having its workers be the lowest paid in the industry.
You'd think that, but for some reason when it comes to the airline industry, people are more willing to apply to work, even if the wages are insanely low. Something about the "glamour" of the industry. 🙄
Bring back the day's of "HOFFA"(Jack Nicholson), "ON the WATERFRONT"(Marlon Brando) !!!!

HEY, "Wait a minute". "On the waterfront" STILL EXISTS today(2004). They are alive and well, the west coast Longshoremen.

To all you perspective SCABS, a question . When the west coast dockworkers went on strike last(about 2 years ago) "Why was it that NOT ONE PERSON, EVEN "THOUGHT" about crossing the picket line. A picket line that ran from SAN to SEA !!!!! "WHY" ??????????????

700UW said:
It is called solidarity. Look at Europe for examples.

France unemployment 9.9%
Germany unemployment over 10%

Three cheers for European solidarity.
N628AU said:
France unemployment 9.9%
Germany unemployment over 10%

Three cheers for European solidarity.
Their unemployed will live far better than our 25% underemployed....
PineyBob said:
See to me at least, standing on principle is just silly, since in modern business you'll be the only one with principles.

Does that mean you advocate not having principles? Thats right you've repeated your code so many times before.
FA Mikey said:
The good ones who understand? What does that mean? The people who need a job, interesting thought. You should be worried. Mechanics can find a job, quite easily. They are trained and certified. It is an easily transferred much sought after. They may have a hard time replacing so many people. I don't think U has the same number of people lining up to fill out job applications right now. Who in there right mind would want to fill a scab position at a bankrupt carrier, intent on having its workers be the lowest paid in the industry.
Your kidding, right??? LMFAO!! There are people out there who would work for peanuts!!! Do you know anyone in the "younger" generation?? (early 20's). They could care less about unionism, scabs, working for a BK'd carrier, blah, blah, blah!! All they know is they are working for 12-15 bucks an hour!!! To them, thats a good buck for a 22y/o!!
700UW said:
It is called solidarity. Look at Europe for examples.
EUROPE???? You mean SOCIALIST mentality 700??? OH!!, I know what you mean, "lets all be in "solidarity" and shut down the country"!! That will show em!! Like the french farmers block traffic with their tractors, or how they shut down the transportation system so the whole country comes to a screatching halt!!! Yea!!! Thats the ticket!!! 700, your a blind stooge to "steel mill" mentality unionism!! You say you know everything?? Let me tell YOU something!! Here in the good 'ole US of A, our economy is based on DEMAND!! Ever hear of a "DEMAND ECONOMY"??? That means we have those "mean, nasty" corporations need to exist, that means those "poor, downtrodden" workers are employed by said corporations. Said workers are forced into "sweatshop" conditions to produce like "slaves" to their "master". Thats how YOU sound!!, though my analogy with the adjectives removed is correct!! Sorry to burst your bubble,700, but the way CAPATALISM works, we have rich people, poor people, and yes, the middle class!!! I can hear you now, the middle class is being crushed!!! Save your breath. You tell me any time in our past history up to present times where ANYONE was EVER employed by a poor man!!! NEVER happened NEVER will !!! YOU want a European style system here?? Take the next flight out of CLT, last I heard U still has some flights going over the pond!! One more thing, I find it quite amusing how you lambast ANYONE who disagrees with you, especially 320. I can just picture you; sitting at your computer with books, charts, articles,all about unionism!!! oh, forgot ,your trusty copy of the communist manifesto!!!You accuse others of not having "facts". YOU, my friend,are very knowlegable, i'll give you that!! But, your constant diatribes are becoming quite boorish!!! WOW!!! I feel better!! GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!

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