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Iam Proposals?

So what you are saying that you painted everyone with a coat of red ( scab red) because of a handful of people who cleaned the airplanes.

Your picket line is for your group. Police your own.

Your line in the sand is yours and what everyone else does is none of your concern. IAM represents your group, AFA the F/A's, ALPA the Pilots and so on. When ALL the employees get to vote on your strike then WE will follow the IAM orders. Till then fight your own battles.

" Don't be a girly man" Governer Arnold
So I guess you have no idea of what being in a union means.

No wonder why the labor movement is in such trouble because of people like you.

You could take a lesson on unions and solidarity from how the Europeans do it.

But you are a just a member of a union, not a union member.
actually 700 i didnt support iam in that one!!!! Thank goodness the judge stepped in and said what i thought all along.... we couldnt obey or go along with the strike... Ill say it again, If my union had a legitimate argument, I would strike.... If another union has a problem let um do it... 700 keep on thinking what youre thinking, I see you in clt more than you know ! Say something constructive things.... like striking isnt the answer here... see thats constructive....

The AFA and the company agreed to take it to arbitration and low and behold the arbiter ruled in favor of the AFA they in fact they did have the right to honor the IAM Picket line.

And your union back in 1992 told you not to go to work, so I guess what you just said does not mean the words you typed.

And your contract (if you say who you are) supports the AFA position and you go to work, in my eyes and others you would be a picket line crosser.

In regard to the AFA case, I would like Pitbull to chime in and explain it to you since you cant seem to understand it.
Your idea is your idea and for you to force your definition on unionism sounds more like dictator and not unionism. If you feel you are right then fight. But please spare us the broad paint brush.

Maybe you need to move to France. Viva La Frog. :up:


Please don't quote the entire lengthy quote.
Did the IAM pay you strike benefits back in 92? I don't remember getting a check to my house from the IAM. So if the IAM does not represent me then why should I be loyal to them?

You want your cake and have all the rest of the employees ice it for you at their expense. Sounds like a guy who always shows up at the party with nothing to offer but his mooching. :down:

" Don't be a girly man" Governer Arnold

700UW said:
So I guess you have no idea of what being in a union means.

No wonder why the labor movement is in such trouble because of people like you.

You could take a lesson on unions and solidarity from how the Europeans do it.

But you are a just a member of a union, not a union member.
700, your incorrect. A judge intervened and the judge ordered us back to work UNTILL it was arbitrated... In fact it was a judge in pit if i recall. Please get your facts straight. Later there was arbitration however it was all void since the strike ended.....BTW the majority of afa did not honor the strike At least outside of a few in pit! What happened during the 1992 IAM strike? Heres Proof ! From afa website

In 1992, the US Airways AFA MEC voted to support the IAM strike. Our support included honoring the IAM's picket lines. When flight attendants struck in sympathy, the company went to court and argued that the AFA US Airways contract prohibited flight attendants from engaging in a sympathy strike. According to the company, the sympathy strike raised a contractual dispute that had to be decided in arbitration before the system board.
The court agreed, the parties were ordered to resolve the dispute in arbitration, and the flight attendants were ordered back to work pending arbitration. The IAM strike ended before the issue was arbitrated, but AFA decided to continue the arbitration, since the union would likely face a similar situation in the future.
The arbitrator ruled that the AFA US Airways contract does not prohibit the flight attendants from honoring the picket lines of other employee groups at US Airways. Therefore, flight attendants can legally honor the IAM picket lines without the threat of an injunction.
Again, the MEC will discuss the possibility of supporting the IAM's strike, and vote on that possibility once the strike's begun. If the MEC does vote to support the IAM's strike this time US Airways cannot stop us.
usfliboi said:
actually 700 i didnt support iam in that one!!!! Thank goodness the judge stepped in and said what i thought all along.... we couldnt obey or go along with the strike... Ill say it again, If my union had a legitimate argument, I would strike.... If another union has a problem let um do it... 700 keep on thinking what youre thinking, I see you in clt more than you know ! Say something constructive things.... like striking isnt the answer here... see thats constructive....

All I can hope for, usfliboi, is you do not have the attitude you portray here against all IAM members just because of what 700 writes. I have said it before and will say it again. Tha majority of the people do not feel the way he does. He just repeats the same things on here hoping others would eventually agree with him. I work(not hang around and talk) with a lot of people and the reasoning on the floor is different. I speak with people from CLT as well and it is not the majority their either.
Funny, I work and not stand around, I communicate with hundreds of IAM members around the system and the majority is fed up with US Airways and their underhanded tactics.
PIT Thanks, I dont feel that way at all about IAM memebers. Most are honest hardworking people, that i admire , respect, and most importantly trust , simply when your 30,000, you hope they got it right. I can speak for most of my co workers and they all have respect for their fellow employees. No response 700? You talk of shot creditablity? Ill accept your apology and your agreement, that you were wrong 🙂
700UW said:
Funny, I work and not stand around, I communicate with hundreds of IAM members around the system and the majority is fed up with US Airways and their underhanded tactics.
Here is something we both agree on 100% and the IAM members not fed up must be wired incorrectly because anyone who has been treated like they have obviously would be upset, disgusted, disgruntled, annoyed, you get the picture. BUT the fact remaining is the IAM leadership, or IAM period will not and cannot rectify these wrong doings, getting some kind of restitution for the membership. I remember a thing called snap backs, I remember the 401 fiasco and I also remember the leaderships response to those complaints which was: Be glad you have a job and feel fortunate you work here, yes that is the kind of leadership demonstrated. This company is broke and will likely dissolve and no amount of brotherhood will change those facts, no amount of calling management stupid, which I agree with by the way, but it will not change anything. You can carry the IAM banner to your grave but you will still rot just like the next guy laying beside you.
PITMTC said:
All I can hope for, usfliboi, is you do not have the attitude you portray here against all IAM members just because of what 700 writes. I have said it before and will say it again. Tha majority of the people do not feel the way he does. He just repeats the same things on here hoping others would eventually agree with him. I work(not hang around and talk) with a lot of people and the reasoning on the floor is different. I speak with people from CLT as well and it is not the majority their either.

You are out of touch with reality in CLT, pitmtc. The majority are fed up and that percentage is in the high 80%. Most of us are just awaiting our walking papers to see what we can salvage from this dump before they release us. You'll be seeing it shortly yourself because I would bet Pit maintenance will be cut very severely and then its desicion time for a bunch of yous guys.
There is no doubt people are "fedup" I guarentee not to the extent of walking!!!
In regard to a picket line, it's highly unlikely one will occur for three reasons:

1. According to ALPA CLT F/O Rep Lance Swendson it may not b legal under NLRB bankruptcy guidelines.

2. Any strike vote would require membership ratification. I am firmly convinced no union would authorize such action after discussing the company's position with many emplyees from all work groups. I talked with seven mechanics today and none of them support the IAM's position and they want a deal.

PTCMTC said, "All I can hope for, usfliboi, is you do not have the attitude you portray here against all IAM members just because of what 700 writes. I have said it before and will say it again. Tha majority of the people do not feel the way he does. He just repeats the same things on here hoping others would eventually agree with him. I work(not hang around and talk) with a lot of people and the reasoning on the floor is different. I speak with people from CLT as well and it is not the majority their either."

PTCMTC, your comments are accurate and that's the sentiment I am hearing around the system too. As I have said before, I believe there is a way to keep the A320 overhaul and other maintenance in-house. Let's hope the IAM and the company find a way to do this.

3. There has never been a test of the S.1113 process and Judge Mitchell has a lot of latitude. Furthermore, according to labor legal advisors Mitchell could order labor to not strike, which some people believes is likely.

Diogenes said, "For most employees, what U will offer is comparable or less than jobs in the 'civilian' world. Those jobs are a lot less of a hassle."

USA320Pilot comments: If true then why don't you leave the company and let help those who want to work here under the new business plan guidelines do so? Why try to hurt others? If there are jobs with "a lot less of a hassle" then go take one.



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