A union is a group of free thinkers who share their knowledge to better themselves, it is a DEMOCRATIC Process, maybe you should look into sometime instead of letting others make decisions for you, see since you are apathetic, you make no decisions in regard to the direction of the union.
First of all take of the conservative glasses it is clouding your thoughts. I responded to a post by your idol, no where did I mention politics or socialism. You are really going off on a tangent.:
USA320Pilot Yesterday, 11:52 AM Post #30
Rank: Veteran Member
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In regard to a picket line, it's highly unlikely one will occur for three reasons:
1. According to ALPA CLT F/O Rep Lance Swendson it may not be legal under NLRB bankruptcy guidelines.
Fanactial Islam?
Man you could not be more off topic, are you losing it?
Read this slowly I A M N O T A S O C I A L I S T.
Main Entry: so·cial·ist
Pronunciation: 'sO-sh(&-)list
Function: noun
Date: 1827
1 : one who advocates or practices socialism
2 : capitalized : a member of a party or political group advocating socialism
This is my form of government:
Main Entry: re·pub·lic
Pronunciation: ri-'p&-blik
Function: noun
Etymology: French république, from Middle French republique, from Latin respublica, from res thing, wealth + publica, feminine of publicus public —more at REAL, PUBLIC
Date: 1604
1 a (1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2) : a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government b (1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.
My political affiliation is Democrat.
Main Entry: dem·o·crat
Pronunciation: 'de-m&-"krat
Function: noun
Date: 1740
1 a : an adherent of democracy
2 : capitalized : a member of the Democratic party of the U.S.
Maybe you need to learn history, from Mr Ford's Musuem web page:
Ford Anti-Union
Battle of the Overpass, May 26, 1937
The story of the labor struggle reached a turning point with the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. Informally known as the Wagner Act, after Senator Robert Wagner of New York, it established workers' rights to collective bargaining and sought to stop unfair practices by employers, employees, and unions. Finally, union organizers felt they had a mechanism to organize the mass production industries, including the reluctant automobile industry. By 1936 and 1937, the fledgling United Auto Workers (UAW) had coordinated successful sit-down strikes at both General Motors and Chrysler.
However, Ford Motor Company proved slightly more resistant to unionization. The UAW felt it had a sufficient base for membership at Ford's Rouge plant, but the workers were apprehensive because of their unfamiliarity with unions and Ford Motor's anti-union stance.
James Charles Price became the first salaried black employee in the industry when Ford promoted him to purchaser of abrasives and industrial diamonds, a job at which he became regarded as one of the best in the industry.
Ford even put blacks into the hated and feared Service Department run by Harry Bennett. Goons from Bennett's department were used to keep order inside the plant gates and to strike fear into the hearts of union organizers. One famous photo shows a black Bennett enforcer pushing a leafleteer off the premises.
Ford felt the unions were communistic and wanted to take his factories away from him. He felt he had been good to his workers and could not understand why they would want to bite the hand that fed them.
More reading, The Shootout at Ford:
Shootout at Ford Motor Company
You know this is too easy, do you think you can get back on topic, instead of ridding the world of terrorists for a few moments?