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Iam Proposals?

700UW said:

Do you know typing in all Capitals is yelling?
Your so perceptive, 700, THATS BECAUSE ZOMBIES LIKE YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, what you like to call, F A C T S!!!!!!! Give it up!!! YOU are losing your credibility on this board, seems when it cuts to the chase, people really say what they think! Damn!! imagine that, Some people actually think without blinders on!!

Justamech, YOU, my good friend, are 100% correct. Must say, you put it much better than I did!!! Good job!! :up: GOOD DAY!!!!
700UW said:
Maybe you are too blind to see that your hero W has lost three million jobs since he assumed the throne that he was appointed too, the most job loss since Herbert Hoover, and we all know what Hoover was famous for creating.


If the above is true, please answer the following questions:

(1) Who was the the last President who created a job for you and how did he do it?

(2) Who was the last President that cost you a job and how did he do it?

(3) When you lost that job, what did you do?
N628AU said:
If the above is true, please answer the following questions:

(1) Who was the the last President who created a job for you and how did he do it?

(2) Who was the last President that cost you a job and how did he do it?

(3) When you lost that job, what did you do?

Leave 700UW alone, he can’t help himself. Proof in point: When thrown off these boards he is like a caged animal trying desperately to get back on, like a drug addict he can’t stop and the way you treat addictions is with sympathy and compassion.

About a year ago 700UW was totally fed up with the IAM this I KNOW thru a mutual person that 700UW and I both know, but yet he has no problem coming on here and calling me to task because I don't swing strictly left or right but instead use my own God Given mind and decide for myself what's right/wrong with the way things are. Call me to task look in the mirror to see the same reflection. He is no saint either and this union banner he is waving is getting shredded to tatters in the wind the more he posts his union dribble.

I agree with the above post saying both parties are screwed up. This thing about dems for unions is a joke when they pushed NAFTA/GATT Thru, c-a-n you say….Outsource. At least one knows where Bush stands because he has the balls to tell you and lets the chips fall where on the other hand the Dems change their stance depending on who they are addressing at that particular time. People are NOT stupid and people are surviving while the unions are dying, and there is a reason. All these union hard liners waving and posturing will not save one airline job, no amount of fighting for so-called principle will convince the merchant to hand you free food. The ride is over and was fun while it lasted now it’s time to move on and get over it.
700UW said:
Once again you ignore the issues at hand.

I am not a socialist, never said I was and never have been.

I am a trade unionist, something maybe you need to learn about.

And go back to our founding fathers, they were members of Guilds, do you know what a Guild is?

A Guilds was the forefront of unions. Basically a Guild was a union.

So maybe, you forgot about that part of history.

And the deciever remark was not aimed at you.

And the likes of Ford and the Carnagies exploited labor, why do you think unions were born?

Go look up Haymarket Square, GM Sit-in, Triangel Shirt Factory, Pinkertons, Company towns, Child Labor, HealthCare, OSHA and Hamlet, NC Chicken Plant.

Do you think your employer gives you the kind of wages and benefits that you earn because they are kind?

You have a lot to learn.

We are a republic and that is the type of system I believe in, but I guess it is ok in your eyes to send $97 Billion to Iraq and Afghanastan and make our Senior Citizens choose between eating and buying a prescription drug or send kids to bed hungry and sick because the good paying jobs are disapearing and going south.

And your beloved NAFTA was proposed by Bush-one, not Clinton, yes he signed it but NAFTA is not being enforced.

But no matter what I post, you are an extreme Right-Wing Conservative so I am wasting my breath to someone with a closed mind.

And you still ignore the fact the your idol posted wrong information and I proved him wrong, so instead of accepting the facts you try to attack and insult, instead of learning. Knowledge is a powerful tool.
Once again, I ignored NOTHING!! I provided FACTS that YOU happen to disagree with

You ARE a Socialist

I am NOT a Trade Unionist, never claimed to be. I was REQUIRED to join the union as a condition of employment(socialism) I am an INDIVIDUAL who can think and provide for my family all on my own. Imagine that!!!

As far as a guild, yes 700, I know what that is, I dont think you do. To try and equate our Founding Fathers with unionism is not only an insult, it is downright laughable!!!! Your ignorance is showing!!

Ford exploited labor???? Again, your showing your ignorance. May I suggest you educate yourself about Henry Ford!! Your slipping 700!!!! LOL

I'm from Pittsburgh, as a matter of fact, where the Homestead works once stood is right over the hill from me. Unonism was BORN here, all my uncles, cousins, many friends sweated in those mills. I vowed to never work there!!! Don't you preach to me about unions(you mentioned the Pinkertons)

Next point, where are we going to be after we become an LCC airline??? Union or not, you like it or not, they are going to pay what the market demands, and with our industry right now, guess what that means??? Lower costs, mean lower wages. Hell, where else could YOU clean airplanes, and make up to 20 something an hour!!! Oh, I forgot, we have to FORCE companys to pay that perverbial...."living wage".

Your next point is typical dumborat!!!... Poor starving children....Seniors can't get by(my mother is 78, we came from a meager background, and she is fine, thanks to a Dad, NON-UNION, who provided, and planned for his family) Thanks DAD :up: We are at WAR with Fanatical Islam, SEAR that into your head!!! WAR 700, understand???? WAR!!!! 9/11?? remember???

My beloved NAFTA???? Nice how you sidestepped that one!! OK, so Bush 1 proposed it.....Billy BOY signed it.... So its STILL the REPUCLICANS" fault???? This is a walk in the park, 700!!!!

I'm a "mean- right-wing Conservative"!! LMFAO......You are so shallow!! people like you prove my point every day!!! I have a closed mind, i'm a company man, i'm rich, blah, blah, blah!!! No, 700, I think for MYSELF!!!! My next endeavor will take me far away from this unionized hole we fondly call, "the Burgh" And.....I CAN'T WAIT!!!

And finally, you cant write a post unless you bring up 320. Unbelievable!!! That guy really gets to you!!! I must say... You can think what you want, but I have gotten some pretty good info from 320, not always, but alot of the time. In closing, I did not post attacks, and/or insults. Appearently, YOU resort to the name calling when REAL facts are presented in a calm, and decisive manner.

Knowlege, is indeed a powerful tool. I suggest you gain more knowlege other than your blindness towards unionism!! There is a whole world out there, 700. Your wallowing in your anger is only going to defeat you!! GOOD DAY!!!!!

A union is a group of free thinkers who share their knowledge to better themselves, it is a DEMOCRATIC Process, maybe you should look into sometime instead of letting others make decisions for you, see since you are apathetic, you make no decisions in regard to the direction of the union.

First of all take of the conservative glasses it is clouding your thoughts. I responded to a post by your idol, no where did I mention politics or socialism. You are really going off on a tangent.:

USA320Pilot Yesterday, 11:52 AM Post #30
Rank: Veteran Member
Group: Founders Club
Posts: 2,825
Joined: 18-May 03
Member No.: 2,293

In regard to a picket line, it's highly unlikely one will occur for three reasons:
1. According to ALPA CLT F/O Rep Lance Swendson it may not be legal under NLRB bankruptcy guidelines.

Fanactial Islam?

Man you could not be more off topic, are you losing it?

Read this slowly I A M N O T A S O C I A L I S T.

Main Entry: so·cial·ist
Pronunciation: 'sO-sh(&-)list
Function: noun
Date: 1827
1 : one who advocates or practices socialism
2 : capitalized : a member of a party or political group advocating socialism

This is my form of government:
Main Entry: re·pub·lic
Pronunciation: ri-'p&-blik
Function: noun
Etymology: French république, from Middle French republique, from Latin respublica, from res thing, wealth + publica, feminine of publicus public —more at REAL, PUBLIC
Date: 1604
1 a (1) : a government having a chief of state who is not a monarch and who in modern times is usually a president (2) : a political unit (as a nation) having such a form of government b (1) : a government in which supreme power resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law.

My political affiliation is Democrat.
Main Entry: dem·o·crat
Pronunciation: 'de-m&-"krat
Function: noun
Date: 1740
1 a : an adherent of democracy
2 : capitalized : a member of the Democratic party of the U.S.

Maybe you need to learn history, from Mr Ford's Musuem web page:
Ford Anti-Union
Battle of the Overpass, May 26, 1937

The story of the labor struggle reached a turning point with the National Labor Relations Act in 1935. Informally known as the Wagner Act, after Senator Robert Wagner of New York, it established workers' rights to collective bargaining and sought to stop unfair practices by employers, employees, and unions. Finally, union organizers felt they had a mechanism to organize the mass production industries, including the reluctant automobile industry. By 1936 and 1937, the fledgling United Auto Workers (UAW) had coordinated successful sit-down strikes at both General Motors and Chrysler. However, Ford Motor Company proved slightly more resistant to unionization. The UAW felt it had a sufficient base for membership at Ford's Rouge plant, but the workers were apprehensive because of their unfamiliarity with unions and Ford Motor's anti-union stance.

James Charles Price became the first salaried black employee in the industry when Ford promoted him to purchaser of abrasives and industrial diamonds, a job at which he became regarded as one of the best in the industry.

Ford even put blacks into the hated and feared Service Department run by Harry Bennett. Goons from Bennett's department were used to keep order inside the plant gates and to strike fear into the hearts of union organizers. One famous photo shows a black Bennett enforcer pushing a leafleteer off the premises.

Ford felt the unions were communistic and wanted to take his factories away from him. He felt he had been good to his workers and could not understand why they would want to bite the hand that fed them.

More reading, The Shootout at Ford:

Shootout at Ford Motor Company

You know this is too easy, do you think you can get back on topic, instead of ridding the world of terrorists for a few moments?
PineyBob said:
See to me at least, standing on principle is just silly, since in modern business you'll be the only one with principles.

When it comes to the world of business I expect NOTHING when it comes to morals, ethics and values. That way when they happen I'm always pleasantly surprised.

Bob, it's the old "I'm not trying to change the world, but I'm not going to let the world change me" thing.

And I believe you know I am not naive enough to expect the Palace to get all ethical, either - you'd sooner see Satan awaiting baptism at the River Jordan :lol:

We just have a difference of opinion - c'est la vie.
I never cease to be amazed that questioning the 'free market', or wondering if there are better ways to organize capital, or looking askance at a Republican, can get you labelled a pinko-commie, French-speaking girly man.

FWIW, capitalism comes in more flavors than just vanilla. Laissez faire capitalism was rejected by this nation in the 1930's and 40's, in favor of regulation.

Now, if that was such a bad thing, kindly compare economic conditions of the 1920's to the 1950's and 60's. Did not the stock market increase by magnitudes? Did not companies wax stronger, and were not more companies formed?

If modern corporations were such free marketeers, why do the spend such $$ (without any by your leave from the owners, by the bye) on lobbying and political contributions? Let the market decide, damit!

Now I understand the foaming-at-the-mouth wing of the Republican party wants to revist the Roaring 20's, and it is very simple why - and US Airways is a case in point.

When $$$ is concentrated in the hands of a few, you can make mediocre, or even poor decisions, and still prevail - the peasants will subsidize the shortcomings.

An example of this would be for you and I to sit down for a friendly poker game. I have $10,000 in chips. You have $10. I can afford to make some mistakes. You can't. More often than not, I will walk away with $10,010 - not you.

Socialism concerns itself with equity of outcomes. I believe that is wrong-headed, not to mention poor science. Such a philosophy promotes jealousy.

I am more interested in equity of opportunity. Intellectual capital needs the same love and care $$ capital gets. Talent and skills are randomly distributed amongst the population. We are all poorer off if those skills are not utilized.

And while America does a better job than most, there is plenty of room for improvement.
"video of pilots cleaning the a/c." Give me a break. You have somebody hiding in the crapper?
A union is a group of free thinkers????? LMFAO!!! Yes... yes,,, I let Rush, et al do ALL my thinking for me.


Thanks for the dictonary

Once again, YOU are wrong Mr. Professor.... Henry Ford was the FIRST for his time "TO PAY A LIVABLE WAGE"!!! You DISTORT the truth, He paid a GOOD wage so the union would NOT come in!!!!! Got that, Einstien??? Because he knew that what it boils down to, is a good wage to provide for your family, not be bogged down by unions demanding everything under the sun!!! You see 700, He was a VISIONARY.. Looks like his thoughts 80 years ago are true today!!!

MOD NOTE: Please don't quote an entire posting.
You do not know me, and if you say I am a socialist, please prove it?

He would not have hired Bennet if he was pro-worker, the story I mentioned came from the Henry Ford Museums.

So please prove me and the museum wrong.

And keep up ignoring the facts of the original post!
700UW said:
You do not know me, and if you say I am a socialist, please prove it?

He would not have hired Bennet if he was pro-worker, the story I mentioned came from the Henry Ford Museusm.

So please prove me and the museum wrong.

And keep up ignoring the facts of the original post!
Likewise YOU do not know me
You ARE a socialist, Your posts' prove it!!

One aspect of Henry Ford??? You better go educate yourself!! Read his autobiography, know the man!!!

As to the original post??? Wait till Sunday evening, or sometime Monday, your cake and ice cream are done, dude!!!! wish you the best!!! Hail the IAM!!!!! :down: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD DAY!!!!!
Like I said, prove it with facts!

You can't so you keep avoiding the issue at hand.

Your idol trained you well.
USA320Pilot said:
It's my understanding the IAM-M and IAM-FSA will receive contract proposals on Monday, September 20. In my opinion, this proposal will be the basis for the S.1113(e) motion to be filed against the union.

It is expected the company will file a S.1113(e) motion on all other unions as early as Monday, September 20.

I doubt that, all the IAM leadership will be in CVG till next Friday as it is the IAM once every four years Grand Lodge Convention.
700UW said:
Like I said, prove it with facts!

You can't so you keep avoiding the issue at hand.

Your idol trained you well.
Go back a little 700, I provided facts, seems you are the one who is avoiding what I say

There you go again!!!! I bet you dream about 320!!! You can't post something without mentioning him!!! Your a riot!!! Or, just a plain , oh, never mind!! LMFAO!!

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